Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => OZ monsters => Topic started by: Mr.S2R on February 04, 2010, 02:07:02 PM

Title: Ducati Adelaide Closed??
Post by: Mr.S2R on February 04, 2010, 02:07:02 PM
Can anyone verify a rumour going around that Ducati Adelaide has closed it doors?  As in for good??

Title: Re: Ducati Adelaide Closed??
Post by: ozducati on February 04, 2010, 02:18:29 PM
Yes, has closed .. I understand that servicing can be done at either Italian Motorcycles, and there is a new dealer at Honda World (?) at Edwardstown i think...as well as servicing, from what i understand the staff went to those 2 places..

http://www.italian-motorcycles.com.au/index.php/vmchk/ducati/service-centre/ducati-servicing/flypage.tpl.html (http://www.italian-motorcycles.com.au/index.php/vmchk/ducati/service-centre/ducati-servicing/flypage.tpl.html)

Title: Re: Ducati Adelaide Closed??
Post by: Mr.S2R on February 04, 2010, 02:25:07 PM
Thanks for confirming that Oz - not surprised really was in a poor location.  Maybe I should have a career change and start an Adelaide dealership? [laugh] [laugh]

Title: Re: Ducati Adelaide Closed??
Post by: vossy on February 04, 2010, 02:46:58 PM
yes closed.

Put it this way, I'm not disappointed.
Some of the mechanics/staff have now gone to Italian motorcycles.

I did hear the rumor that Honda World on South Road is now the "Ducati Dealer" in Adelaide.
Good in a way because it's closer for me. [thumbsup]
not saying I'll ever get my bike serviced there of course. [roll]

I heard that Ducati Adelaide got robbed a short time ago (maybe a pissed off customer) and the dealer principle had to front up in court on some sort of charge.
not sure whether they were related but....... :-X

I can't really see how a motorcycle dealer can run as a "only 1 brand" shop in Adelaide anyway.

Title: Re: Ducati Adelaide Closed??
Post by: Mr.S2R on February 04, 2010, 02:50:55 PM
interesting to hear that - I was in there about 6 months ago to buy a mirror for my S2R.  As I said before they were in a dog of a location and you're right - can't survive in Adelaide as a single brand shop.

NOW I just got to work out where I can go to get my 12,000km service done and signed off in my service book - mind you it is 3500km away from reaching that mark!  ;D

Title: Re: Ducati Adelaide Closed??
Post by: vossy on February 04, 2010, 03:13:23 PM
try Race Bike Services at Lonsdale.83845220
he can sign off on your service book
The mechanic/owner is a Great bloke and a Ducati man as well.
need to book in advanced because he is usually very busy

Title: Re: Ducati Adelaide Closed??
Post by: Mr.S2R on February 04, 2010, 05:29:15 PM
try Race Bike Services at Lonsdale.83845220
he can sign off on your service book
The mechanic/owner is a Great bloke and a Ducati man as well.
need to book in advanced because he is usually very busy
cheers for that!  [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Ducati Adelaide Closed??
Post by: tonymtber on February 04, 2010, 05:50:15 PM
Yes, Mark their ex Sales Manager called me the other day to say the same thing.

He told me he is now on the corner of South & Grand Junction Roads which I gather is the Honda dealer?...he said that they were in the process of being the new Ducati dealer in Adelaide.

Hey Jason, I think there is plenty of opportunity for a decent bike shop in Mt Barker....just look how busy Garage Motorcycles in Strath is on the weekends!

Title: Re: Ducati Adelaide Closed??
Post by: Mr.S2R on February 04, 2010, 06:01:04 PM
Yes, Mark their ex Sales Manager called me the other day to say the same thing.

He told me he is now on the corner of South & Grand Junction Roads which I gather is the Honda dealer?...he said that they were in the process of being the new Ducati dealer in Adelaide.

Hey Jason, I think there is plenty of opportunity for a decent bike shop in Mt Barker....just look how busy Garage Motorcycles in Strath is on the weekends!
Yeah Mark was a nice bloke to chat to  - in to American cars too (like me  ;D).
On the corner of South Rd and Grand Junction is Italian Motorcycles - Honda World is down South Road Melrose Park way....

Yeah many a time I have looked around for a suitable site in Mt Barker - the idea just teases me - could be a 'sea change' to open a bike dealership in Mt Barker - but is it too close to Strath?  ???  ;)

Title: Re: Ducati Adelaide Closed??
Post by: tonymtber on February 04, 2010, 10:03:47 PM
Yeah Mark was a nice bloke to chat to  - in to American cars too (like me  ;D).
On the corner of South Rd and Grand Junction is Italian Motorcycles - Honda World is down South Road Melrose Park way....

Yeah many a time I have looked around for a suitable site in Mt Barker - the idea just teases me - could be a 'sea change' to open a bike dealership in Mt Barker - but is it too close to Strath?  ???  ;)

Yes that rings a bell....he was talking about Guzzi's & Aprillia's so I gather that is the place...will have to poke my head in & have a look....

You could always combine Classic cars with Italian Bikes into one unique store? [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Ducati Adelaide Closed??
Post by: BretMorris on February 07, 2010, 07:36:37 PM
I am surprised that Ducati Adelaide didnt survive.  I understand that a one brand shop would have some difficulty if that brand wasnt selling well but given the few years that Ducati has had I would have thought htat with good management it would turn a small profit.

I bought my S4R from them in early 2008 and have always had great service from them. I will now be taking my Monster to Italian Motorcycles for servicing as that is where Paul Martinello has gone to.  He is a great bloke and terrific mechanic.

Might have to look at an Aprilla now....


Title: Re: Ducati Adelaide Closed??
Post by: vossy on February 07, 2010, 10:50:03 PM
 your not thinking of jumping over the other side of the Italian fence are you?

or maybe one leg on each side.

Title: Re: Ducati Adelaide Closed??
Post by: Mr.S2R on February 07, 2010, 10:53:19 PM

Might have to look at an Aprilla now....

gee they must pay well in SS.... ;)

...I will look out for a S4R on intra.sa classifieds then...... ;D ;D

Title: Re: Ducati Adelaide Closed??
Post by: BretMorris on February 08, 2010, 11:44:58 AM
Hey Mr.S2R,

No longer at SS, left there in April. 

I would love another bike as well as the Monster.  Was thinking of a 1098 or a new Aprilla RSV4 but when I spoke to Paul Martinello about them he said the Aprilla was a very very different bike to the Ducati.  The engine developing a lot of its power high in the rev range etc.  I like the laziness of the torque Ducati motors....  So might have to keep a look out for a good 1098.

But maybe you should keep a look out on intra.sa.

So where do you work? PM me.


Title: Re: Ducati Adelaide Closed??
Post by: G on February 10, 2010, 11:17:46 AM
I remember the Adelaiide Ducati mechanic called Paul (diddn't catch his surname) riding a very blinged Hypermotard on the last few Turismos, but haven't seen him in Tassie.
Perhaps, this transition of dealerships has something to do with it...

Title: Re: Ducati Adelaide Closed??
Post by: Mr.S2R on February 16, 2010, 05:59:28 PM
Final Word - my brother in law took this pic...


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