Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: loopsrider on February 08, 2010, 02:25:31 AM

Title: Looking for a good cover for my bike...
Post by: loopsrider on February 08, 2010, 02:25:31 AM
Well.... Looks like the girlfriend wants her dining room back so I'm gonna be forced to put my new bike outside :-[

Good news is that I will have a new garage/workshop in the next few months. Bad news is the new 696 will be out in the spring time elements until then.

Anyway... I'm looking for a good quality cover in the meantime. And no....It doesn't have to say "DUCATI" on it or anything like that....I just need a very good quality cover that will protect my new investment.

What can you all recommend??

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