Title: "Black Sunday" (I mean Valentines day) Ride to Ojai Post by: The Bacon Junkie on February 12, 2010, 12:33:34 PM When: 9am-ish
Where: Old Susana Cafe 1555 Kuehner Drive, Simi Valley, CA 93063-4484 Meet me for French Toast and [bacon] and after we fill our bellies, we'll fill our tanks and head out through Moorpark to Santa Paula and hit the 150 to Ojai. If ya want twisty directions to the Café instead of slabbin' it, I'll give 'em to ya... [thumbsup] it's gonna be in the 70's. It would be a shame not to enjoy it. ;) You can still be home in time to do the whole Hallmark Holiday thing... Better yet, bring your S.O. along... [bacon] Title: Re: "Black Sunday" (I mean Valentines day) Ride to Ojai Post by: The Bearded Duc on February 13, 2010, 12:52:33 AM I'm in on this! Neglected to do the maintenance so I could ride this weekend ;D
Also, I'm gonna try to bring a friend along. He rides an R6 so feel free to give him as much shit as you want! Title: Re: "Black Sunday" (I mean Valentines day) Ride to Ojai Post by: erkishhorde on February 13, 2010, 01:15:10 AM Are you planning on running the 33 as well or just going to Ojai?
Title: Re: "Black Sunday" (I mean Valentines day) Ride to Ojai Post by: The Bacon Junkie on February 13, 2010, 05:28:52 AM It will be great to have you along! [thumbsup]
Duc750, all are welcome, just make sure your friend has proper gear. I'm leading a small group from SoCal Sport-Twins, and there is a no jeans or sneakers rule. And yes, since we're all going to be on twins, we will give your R6 friend plenty of shit! ;) erkishhorde, I want to run the 33, but some might want to turn back. Also, we might run into some snow on the ground further up the 33. See you guys on Sunday! [bacon] Title: Re: "Black Sunday" (I mean Valentines day) Ride to Ojai Post by: Duck-Stew on February 13, 2010, 09:22:57 AM In and +2! ;D
Title: Re: "Black Sunday" (I mean Valentines day) Ride to Ojai Post by: The Bacon Junkie on February 13, 2010, 01:21:01 PM pregnant dogin'! Some guys from SoCal Sport Twins are coming in from the Pasadena area on Buells. [thumbsup] I hear there might be a coupla inline fours as well. [roll] [laugh]
That way we don't have to laugh at the Buells! ;) [evil] ( I kid, I kid...) Everyone is always welcome on any ride... Just don't be a Douche Canoe. (my new favorite phrase) ;D wear your gear peeps! [moto] [bacon] Title: Re: "Black Sunday" (I mean Valentines day) Ride to Ojai Post by: red baron on February 14, 2010, 06:13:51 AM pics please..... ;D
Title: Re: "Black Sunday" (I mean Valentines day) Ride to Ojai Post by: orangelion03 on February 15, 2010, 01:36:25 PM Huge thanks to Ryan for putting together a ride that I can only describe as EPIC! [moto]
Good riders, great roads, and effin fabulous weather. My own personal mileage was around 220 miles. We covered 5 counties (very quickly [thumbsup]). Title: Re: "Black Sunday" (I mean Valentines day) Ride to Ojai Post by: gm2 on February 15, 2010, 02:02:39 PM When: 9am-ish Where: Old Susana Cafe 1555 Kuehner Drive, Simi Valley, CA 93063-4484 Meet me for French Toast and [bacon] and after we fill our bellies, we'll fill our tanks and head out through Moorpark to Santa Paula and hit the 150 to Ojai. If ya want twisty directions to the Café instead of slabbin' it, I'll give 'em to ya... [thumbsup] it's gonna be in the 70's. It would be a shame not to enjoy it. ;) You can still be home in time to do the whole Hallmark Holiday thing... Better yet, bring your S.O. along... [bacon] this was a really good post.. after reading it i actually wanted to attend. ;) Title: Re: "Black Sunday" (I mean Valentines day) Ride to Ojai Post by: Rob Hilding on February 15, 2010, 02:17:50 PM Kinda makes you miss [roll] the old days with pics of
And speedo pics of 140+ And then all the pregnant dogin' about unsafe and blah blah blah ;) Ah, the good old days ;D And of course, this didn't happen wtihout pics - rules are rules [cheeky] Title: Re: "Black Sunday" (I mean Valentines day) Ride to Ojai Post by: gm2 on February 15, 2010, 02:23:23 PM i'd like to think that if i had another road bike i'd be much safer on it. who knows if that's actually true. =)
Title: Re: "Black Sunday" (I mean Valentines day) Ride to Ojai Post by: Rob Hilding on February 15, 2010, 02:28:19 PM i'd like to think that if i had another road bike i'd be much safer on it. who knows if that's actually true. =) You have things to be safer for now [thumbsup] - so it probably is true Title: Re: "Black Sunday" (I mean Valentines day) Ride to Ojai Post by: gm2 on February 15, 2010, 02:40:00 PM You have things to be safer for now [thumbsup] - so it probably is true "things"... usually what i call them. [laugh] Title: Re: "Black Sunday" (I mean Valentines day) Ride to Ojai Post by: erkishhorde on February 15, 2010, 03:10:06 PM "things"... usually what i call them. [laugh] Really? Dang... I'm so outa the loop. I call them speed bumps. Title: Re: "Black Sunday" (I mean Valentines day) Ride to Ojai Post by: Rob Hilding on February 15, 2010, 03:46:49 PM "things"... usually what i call them. [laugh] Tell the "things" I apologize for the poorly worded comment [laugh] [laugh] I might want to try the "Preview" button down there Title: Re: "Black Sunday" (I mean Valentines day) Ride to Ojai Post by: Duck-Stew on February 15, 2010, 04:04:51 PM Pics for those that don't have them burnt into their own heads (i.e. Peeps who didn't show up):
(http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4051/4361308122_dba11082e0_b.jpg) (http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2716/4361307270_80a7993502_b.jpg) (http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4051/4360564745_696bc4d6bf_b.jpg) (http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4013/4360564165_cd8667c279_b.jpg) (http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4019/4361306178_3c844b7a55_b.jpg) (http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4002/4360563665_541c380cca_b.jpg) (http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4065/4360563479_9b3bbf2673_b.jpg) Title: Re: "Black Sunday" (I mean Valentines day) Ride to Ojai Post by: lawbreaker on February 15, 2010, 04:09:57 PM Beautimus pix !!
And a [thumbsup] for the Firebolt (always liked those Buells) Title: Re: "Black Sunday" (I mean Valentines day) Ride to Ojai Post by: gm2 on February 15, 2010, 07:31:23 PM Really? Dang... I'm so outa the loop. I call them speed bumps. ...what are we.. er, what do you think.. we're talking about? and nice pics! Title: Re: "Black Sunday" (I mean Valentines day) Ride to Ojai Post by: arai_speed on February 15, 2010, 08:59:00 PM Looks like a whole lot of fun!
Thanks for posting up the pics. [thumbsup] Title: Re: "Black Sunday" (I mean Valentines day) Ride to Ojai Post by: erkishhorde on February 16, 2010, 04:54:36 AM Ah, you DID hit the 33.
Title: Re: "Black Sunday" (I mean Valentines day) Ride to Ojai Post by: orangelion03 on February 16, 2010, 05:12:10 AM Ah, you DID hit the 33. Oh yeah...we hit it HARD! [moto] Title: Re: "Black Sunday" (I mean Valentines day) Ride to Ojai Post by: The Bacon Junkie on February 16, 2010, 07:19:52 AM Yeah, between the 33 and Cerro Noroeste Rd, my kickstand and footpegs are kinda mad at me. [roll] Time to get rearsets and a new kickstand... [evil]
There were a lot of people who said they were comin' and either bailed at the last moment, or didn't even bother calling to say they weren't going to make it... :P You guys missed out on one HELLuva ride... Maybe next time... I know you guys with S. O.'s had a valid excuse, though... ;) [bacon] Title: Re: "Black Sunday" (I mean Valentines day) Ride to Ojai Post by: erkishhorde on February 16, 2010, 07:23:45 AM If ya had been sure you were gonna hit the 33 I woulda met you at the end to say hi. [cheeky]
Title: Re: "Black Sunday" (I mean Valentines day) Ride to Ojai Post by: The Bacon Junkie on February 16, 2010, 10:30:08 AM erkishhorde, I thought I had posted that we would hit the 33, with some turning around partway, but looking back on my post I see I was bit vague on that... Ooops! [roll]
;D [bacon] Title: Re: "Black Sunday" (I mean Valentines day) Ride to Ojai Post by: gm2 on February 16, 2010, 10:51:41 AM (http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4019/4361306178_3c844b7a55_b.jpg) is this place open/doing something again? last time i was up yonder there was some activity. Title: Re: "Black Sunday" (I mean Valentines day) Ride to Ojai Post by: The Bacon Junkie on February 16, 2010, 11:49:12 AM is this place open/doing something again? last time i was up yonder there was some activity. Yep. There were workers repairing a fence and doing other miscellaneous construction. Talked to one of them and I guess they want it open by the spring... |