Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: Mikkel67 on February 13, 2010, 03:52:58 AM

Title: DP ECU on S4r 2005 with full exhaus system.
Post by: Mikkel67 on February 13, 2010, 03:52:58 AM

I have a s4r 2005 with full Zard exhaust and plan for a DP open airbox/filter. In this case i believe that i need a DP ECU. I have been offered one from DesmoPorshe at the cost of 400 dollars.

does anyone have any experience with this set up? Is the installation easy? Is this a good price? Thanks for answers:)

Title: Re: DP ECU on S4r 2005 with full exhaus system.
Post by: ducducgooseme on February 13, 2010, 04:20:29 AM
I have a 2005 S4r with open air box, KN air filter and full Spark exhaust.  I used a PCIII mapped rather than a DP ECU.  I think for the money, its a much better way to go personally.  You can download your map and tweak as necessary.

Good luck and great choice of bikes!

Title: Re: DP ECU on S4r 2005 with full exhaus system.
Post by: Mikkel67 on February 13, 2010, 05:25:41 AM

thank you for your answer.

I heard that the PCIII will not help under 5000? Is this true? Whay did you go for this option? How much did it cost? Where did you buy the PC, Open air box and K&N

Title: Re: DP ECU on S4r 2005 with full exhaus system.
Post by: ducducgooseme on February 13, 2010, 06:30:52 AM
The difference in tune below 5k is not enough to warrant the DP ECU in my opinion.  My bike runs great, and I live at 7k feet.

You can find the PCIII on ebay often for around $200 to $250 often.

I cut my airbox with a dremel to open it.  Very easy to do.  The KN filter I got from a local dealer.

Title: Re: DP ECU on S4r 2005 with full exhaus system.
Post by: Mikkel67 on February 13, 2010, 06:39:47 AM

i now have to consider this again. Everybody gives different advices..:)

Is there different types of the PCIII? Something special i should look for?

How do you know how much to cut off the air box? I have found a used box together with a used K & N Air filter on eBay. considering it.

Title: Re: DP ECU on S4r 2005 with full exhaus system.
Post by: jwoconnor on February 13, 2010, 08:34:35 AM
I had my stock ECU flashed by DesmoPorsche.

http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=34252.0 (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=34252.0)

Title: Re: DP ECU on S4r 2005 with full exhaus system.
Post by: ducducgooseme on February 13, 2010, 11:07:37 AM
Yes, you will need the PCIII made for that bike.

As far as the airbox goes, I cut the entire top off of mine, just above the hinges.  Very easy to do

Title: Re: DP ECU on S4r 2005 with full exhaus system.
Post by: brad black on February 14, 2010, 12:49:58 AM
the 2005 model runs an open loop efi system, so there's no need to replace the ecu if you want to use a pc3.  the later models are closed loop efi and as such have an adaption system that automatically adjusts the tuning at lower throttle and rpm.  to remove the closed loop system most people fit the dp ecu, which is "for offroad use only" and open loop.

there will be differences in the std and dp ecu, but not major.  some have said that a full system on an s4r gives a wacky surge around 5,000 rpm or so that can't be tuned out, even with a pc3.  possibly the different resolution of the fuel map - ecu 20 x 32, pc3 9 x (every 2350 rpm) means there's ecu throttle opening lines that fall between the pc3 throttle lines and there may be a point or small area where say the offset map is wacky and that gives the issue.  the dp ecu are made for having the cat in place.  maybe a dp cams and 50mm system kit ecu would be better, although it was pretty crappy down low in my experience.

Title: Re: DP ECU on S4r 2005 with full exhaus system.
Post by: 2CardDuc on February 14, 2010, 08:56:09 AM
I too have a '05 S4r with open air box, K&N air filter, PCIII and Spark full exhaust.  Once installed, I had the bike dyno'd w/custom map and it has run perfectly ever since.  Also try a 14/43 sprocket combo for even cleaner performance.  14/14t also works well.  Good luck!  [thumbsup]

Title: Re: DP ECU on S4r 2005 with full exhaus system.
Post by: Mikkel67 on February 14, 2010, 09:50:26 AM
thanks for the answers.

I think it is very hard to decide what to go for. And I don't understand all of this technical stuff.. DP ECU or PCIII... What made your choice? How is the performance difference from stock setup?
BTW, what is the original sprocket setup?

Title: Re: DP ECU on S4r 2005 with full exhaus system.
Post by: jwoconnor on February 14, 2010, 11:21:10 AM
My main reason for choosing The DP ECU was to remove the immobilizer and the O2 sensor. I bought the bike without the red key (for quite a discount) and the O2 sensor is a pain. Getting the DP Termi map was just icing and I was hoping it would be enough to allow the intake/exhaust mods I have. Later I may add a PC3 but for now I'm happy for $250.00

If I had the red key and an '05 or earlier bike (no O2) I'd just get the PC3.

Title: Re: DP ECU on S4r 2005 with full exhaus system.
Post by: 2CardDuc on February 14, 2010, 02:07:14 PM
thanks for the answers.

I think it is very hard to decide what to go for. And I don't understand all of this technical stuff.. DP ECU or PCIII... What made your choice? How is the performance difference from stock setup?
BTW, what is the original sprocket setup?

IMO a good tuner will get the most out of your motor w/PCIII and a better choice for our system...DP ECUs are a better choice for closed loop ones such as '07 & newer.


Title: Re: DP ECU on S4r 2005 with full exhaus system.
Post by: ducducgooseme on February 15, 2010, 08:00:25 AM
IMO a good tuner will get the most out of your motor w/PCIII and a better choice for our system...DP ECUs are a better choice for closed loop ones such as '07 & newer.


+1!  Dont waste your money on the DP ECU for that bike.  If it was a 2007+, that is different.

I went up 2 in the back and down one on the front for gearing.

Title: Re: DP ECU on S4r 2005 with full exhaus system.
Post by: Mikkel67 on February 15, 2010, 08:59:17 AM

thanks for the answers.

Why do you say waste? Isn`t the PCIII almost as expensive? And the performance better with the DP ECU insted of the PCIII

Title: Re: DP ECU on S4r 2005 with full exhaus system.
Post by: Howie on February 15, 2010, 11:00:15 AM

thanks for the answers.

Why do you say waste? Isn`t the PCIII almost as expensive? And the performance better with the DP ECU insted of the PCIII

The DP ecu is a fixed map except for CO trim, which is less important as RPM climbs.  The PC III will allow you to either load a canned map for different modifications or a custom map developed on a dynomometer for your bike.

Title: Re: DP ECU on S4r 2005 with full exhaus system.
Post by: ducducgooseme on February 16, 2010, 10:17:04 AM
and it is half the cost

Title: Re: DP ECU on S4r 2005 with full exhaus system.
Post by: Mikkel67 on March 05, 2010, 05:28:48 AM
Hi again.

From the answers on this tread it seems that most of you think that i should use the PC3 insted of the DP ECU. The thing is that my local dealer, and desmoPorsche, says that the DP ECU is a much better choice. I get so comfused and just want to make a choice.

2 question.

When i take off in 1. gear i sometimes hear a strange sound and i believe it is the clutch that is worn out. My bike has approx 30 000 km on it and have never changed any clutch parts. What is most likely that i need to change. I have tried to figure this out, but it is not easy to understand so  i appreciate any answers. An if someone have tips on where i can get a good deal that is great. I am also looking for pressureplate (black) springs (white) and open clutch cover (black).

Title: Re: DP ECU on S4r 2005 with full exhaus system.
Post by: ducducgooseme on March 05, 2010, 06:08:07 AM
Asking a Ducati dealer if a Ducati part is better than a third party part is like asking a Budweiser sales rep if Bud is a better beer than Amstel...   :-\ ;D

No doubt in my mind, I would not get the DP ECU for that specific bike.  If the bike was a 2007+ I would consider it.  But not the 2005. 

If the sound you hear is a bad screaching sound, it is possible that your plates are rusted a bit.  Take them out (remember the order that you took them out), and use 0000 steel wool to clean them up.  While you have them out, check the basket for wear.  After you put them back in, if you still hear the sound, you may just need new plates.

Title: Re: DP ECU on S4r 2005 with full exhaus system.
Post by: Mikkel67 on March 05, 2010, 12:28:19 PM

that might be true..:)

what PCIII is the best fit for mine and do you have any tips on where i should get it? I see on another post that the one for 2006 and i also believe, 2005, has the par number 710-411. On eBay it looks like this PCIII is for the s4, and i cant fine any for the s4r at all.

Thanks for the tips on the clutch also. I think i will change the plates because the bikes have approx 18 000 miles on it and the sound you are describing sounds familiar.

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