Title: FRIDAY JUNE 18th 2010 - CHiCAGO - 2nd Annual CHICAGO SHAKEDOWN RUN Post by: ProTeal55 on February 27, 2010, 10:32:07 AM (http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q49/ProTeal55/HFC%20MYSPACE/POSTER1.jpg) WHO: Half Fast Chicago & WildFire Harley Davidson WHAT: 2nd Annual Chicago Shakedown Run WHEN: Friday June 18th 2010 WHERE: 7pm meetup @ The Liberty Lounge 3341 N Western Ave Chicago, 60618 8:30pm ride off Ending @ Cobra Lounge 235 North Ashland Ave Chicago, 60607 WHY: Why Not ? (http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q49/ProTeal55/HFC%20MYSPACE/FORUMbecki-1.jpg) Come out Friday night, June 18th 2010 to our 2nd annual "Chicago Shakedown" ride/run/event/party/shindig/etc.. Join your favorite Chicago motorcycle guys in a run thru the city's seedy underbelly. ALL makes/models/types/sorts/years/brands of Motorcycles/Scooters/Mopeds and anything else on two wheels (with a motor) are welcome on the run. Last years event was looking to be huge, but then mother nature decided to bring in the rain/tornados/etc. Even with the crap weather 17 brave riders metup and did the run (and had a great time). Pics from last years event can be seen on the "PHOTOS" page of the clubs website below: http://www.halffastchicago.com (http://www.halffastchicago.com) Title: Re: FRIDAY JUNE 18th 2010 - CHiCAGO - 2nd Annual CHICAGO SHAKEDOWN RUN Post by: ProTeal55 on May 27, 2010, 03:50:34 PM The 2nd annual Chicago Shakedown Run is coming up quick ! (http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs639.snc3/32059_1276065144187_1306717922_30614658_1623033_n.jpg) Dont forget we are meeting up @ 7pm @ The Liberty Lounge (see address above), taking off around 8-8:30, then riding thru the city ending up back @ Cobra Lounge. Not saying it will/wont happen but if anyone gets seperated from the pack just head straight to Cobra to meetup. Also remember ALL makes/models/types/colors/sorts of anything on two wheels is welcome to the shakedownn(and ANY of our events)... Title: Re: FRIDAY JUNE 18th 2010 - CHiCAGO - 2nd Annual CHICAGO SHAKEDOWN RUN Post by: ProTeal55 on June 20, 2010, 06:55:37 AM (http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q49/ProTeal55/HFC%20MYSPACE/IMG_0533.jpg) Pics from the 2nd annual Chicago Shakedown Run can be seen at the clubs Facebook page ---> http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=176747&id=60432778480&ref=mf (http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=176747&id=60432778480&ref=mf) And on the "Photos" page at the clubs website---> http://www.halffastchicago.com (http://www.halffastchicago.com) Thanks to all that made it out for the run... |