Title: Charleston Monsters? Post by: Streeticus on February 28, 2010, 02:07:04 PM Who here is in Charleston? I'm at cadet at The Citadel and have an '05 M620D. There's a red 695 in our bike parking lot, I've seen an other gen monster (900?), another Dark, and an S4R around town.
Title: Re: Charleston Monsters? Post by: Rameses on March 09, 2010, 08:16:56 PM I just updated the roster and stickied it to the top of the MROC section. There's a section there for Charleston, so you can see who else is there. Post up in that thread with any info you want listed there and I'll add it. [thumbsup] Title: Re: Charleston Monsters? Post by: Buckethead on April 15, 2010, 12:02:55 PM I'm in Beaufort, about 1 1/2 hours south.
Not quite the same, I know, but we're spread kinda thin down here. |