Title: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: BarneePhife on May 30, 2008, 08:12:58 PM [moto] Maiden voyage complete! [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup]
Videos to follow soon... (http://www.barneephife.com/pics/duc/puggle/001.jpg) (http://www.barneephife.com/pics/duc/puggle/002.jpg) (http://www.barneephife.com/pics/duc/puggle/003.jpg) (http://www.barneephife.com/pics/duc/puggle/004.jpg) (http://www.barneephife.com/pics/duc/puggle/005.jpg) (http://www.barneephife.com/pics/duc/puggle/006.jpg) (http://www.barneephife.com/pics/duc/puggle/007.jpg) (http://www.barneephife.com/pics/duc/puggle/008.jpg) (http://www.barneephife.com/pics/duc/puggle/009.jpg) (http://www.barneephife.com/pics/duc/puggle/010.jpg) (http://www.barneephife.com/pics/duc/puggle/011.jpg) (http://www.barneephife.com/pics/duc/puggle/012.jpg) (http://www.barneephife.com/pics/duc/puggle/013.jpg) (http://www.barneephife.com/pics/duc/puggle/014.jpg) (http://www.barneephife.com/pics/duc/puggle/015.jpg) (http://www.barneephife.com/pics/duc/puggle/016.jpg) (http://www.barneephife.com/pics/duc/puggle/018.jpg) (http://www.barneephife.com/pics/duc/puggle/019.jpg) (http://www.barneephife.com/pics/duc/puggle/020.jpg) (http://www.barneephife.com/pics/duc/puggle/021.jpg) (http://www.barneephife.com/pics/duc/puggle/022.jpg) (http://www.barneephife.com/pics/duc/puggle/023.jpg) (http://www.barneephife.com/pics/duc/puggle/024.jpg) (http://www.barneephife.com/pics/duc/puggle/025.jpg) (http://www.barneephife.com/pics/duc/puggle/026.jpg) (http://www.barneephife.com/pics/duc/puggle/017.jpg) Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Scottish on May 30, 2008, 08:32:40 PM My friend...... that is either serious dedication........ or you need a hobby. ;D [thumbsup]
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: BarneePhife on May 30, 2008, 08:36:13 PM My friend...... that is either serious dedication........ or you need a hobby. ;D [thumbsup] Unfortunately, I cannot take credit for this, I am merely the photographer of history in the making. [laugh] I hope to get some good videos tomorrow while we're cruising around. Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Mac_48 on May 30, 2008, 08:49:35 PM THAT....IS...AWESOME!!!!!! [clap] I only hope that the little pup can't get anywhere outside of the pod :-\
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: BarneePhife on May 30, 2008, 08:53:33 PM THAT....IS...AWESOME!!!!!! [clap] I only hope that the little pup can't get anywhere outside of the pod :-\ Yes, Duke has his own safety belt system in there. [thumbsup] In these pics, he wasn't fastened in. Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: DY on May 30, 2008, 08:57:59 PM Put some rearsets on it and ride along!
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Popeye the Sailor on May 30, 2008, 08:58:25 PM Tough guy motorcycle forums should not have so much "awwww" in them. In other news
Awww! Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: BarneePhife on May 30, 2008, 09:04:36 PM Put some rearsets on it and ride along! Sounds like fun! The creator says turn signals will be added. Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: NAKID on May 30, 2008, 09:07:34 PM 2 questions:
1. Who is the guy who looks like Dax Shepard in the 7th pic? 2. Isn't the ride gonna be kinda rough with no suspension? Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: hiero on May 30, 2008, 09:08:20 PM tomorrow we get to see it on the road in the hill country !!! [evil]
not my bike, but it actually has a full on suspension! Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: NAKID on May 30, 2008, 09:09:41 PM Wow, you really can't seen any suspension. It does look cool though...
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: onederer on May 30, 2008, 09:13:18 PM words...i am without them.
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: BarneePhife on May 30, 2008, 09:13:39 PM Wow, you really can't seen any suspension. It does look cool though... Yeah, the suspension is covered by the fairings. I'll get a pic of it tomorrow. We're all eagerly awaiting to witness this thing on the road tomorrow. He arrived on-site after dark. His maiden trip was about 450 miles on the interstate and back roads with Duke in the Puggle Pod 9000. Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: BarneePhife on May 30, 2008, 09:16:36 PM 2 questions: 1. Who is the guy who looks like Dax Shepard in the 7th pic? Why, it IS Dax Shepard! Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: NAKID on May 30, 2008, 09:25:18 PM Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: IZ on May 30, 2008, 09:26:12 PM I'm disappointed that he didn't use a Monster trellis frame to make that!!
Cool though. My pug used to ride with me. I had a good system to secure him. d-clips on the chest and the back fastened to the harness so he couldn't move but minimally. I'd give him the relectors from your Monster too to put on that contraption so cars see it!! Who the F is Dax Shepard? One of your reality TV soap stars Nakid?? Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: BarneePhife on May 30, 2008, 09:34:41 PM Serious? LOL... nope. We're not quite cool enough to be hanging out with celebrities. Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: BarneePhife on May 30, 2008, 09:35:52 PM Who the F is Dax Shepard? One of your reality TV soap stars Nakid?? Google is our friend... Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: IZ on May 30, 2008, 09:43:15 PM Google is our friend... It's not my friend and in that one f*cking sentence you could have said who he was Sorry..didn't mean to sound so harsh.. I didn't insert.. [cheeky] [cheeky] Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: NAKID on May 30, 2008, 09:59:06 PM It's not my friend and in that one f*cking sentence you could have said who he was Sorry..didn't mean to sound so harsh.. I didn't insert.. [cheeky] [cheeky] Stop being an ass Adam! [laugh] He's one of the guys from Punk'd. He was also in a couple movies, Employee of the Month and Without a Paddle (I think that's the name.) Fine don't google him, use IMDB! ;D Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: IZ on May 30, 2008, 10:02:32 PM Stop being an ass Adam! [laugh] He's one of the guys from Punk'd. He was also in a couple movies, Employee of the Month and Without a Paddle (I think that's the name.) Fine don't google him, use IMDB! ;D Employee of the month?? That's the movie with Jessica Simpson, right? I did't realize their were other actors in that movie?! ??? Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Popeye the Sailor on May 30, 2008, 10:12:38 PM Employee of the month?? That's the movie with Jessica Simpson, right? I did't realize their were other actors in that movie?! ??? Hard to see when your glasses were eaten by the dog! [laugh] Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: IZ on May 30, 2008, 10:28:27 PM Hard to see when your glasses were eaten by the dog! [laugh] Believe me..I didnt need my glasses. I was so close to the TV watching Jessica, my tongue could almost touch the screen. Now that I think about it.. Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: NAKID on May 30, 2008, 10:53:50 PM With the volume muted of course right?
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Mac_48 on June 01, 2008, 01:07:11 PM any pics of a ride with the puggle pod yet?
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: somegirl on June 01, 2008, 01:10:47 PM I can't decide if my dogs would love one or hate it! Can't wait to see more pictures. [thumbsup]
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Big Troubled Bear on June 01, 2008, 11:54:55 PM I don`t even take my wife with me for a ride, why the dog ???
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: hiero on June 02, 2008, 05:18:35 AM any pics of a ride with the puggle pod yet? ask and ye shall receive [thumbsup] (http://lh6.ggpht.com/hierohyf/SENpal04zzI/AAAAAAAACUc/_ZhtcypEgz4/s400/IMG_3604.jpg) (http://lh6.ggpht.com/hierohyf/SENqRxhDPiI/AAAAAAAACWI/w2ZWPygjgks/s400/IMG_3624.jpg) (http://lh3.ggpht.com/hierohyf/SENqUnV5LtI/AAAAAAAACWQ/GLCjs5SsM5Q/s400/IMG_3630.jpg) Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: El Matador on June 02, 2008, 06:05:21 AM I'd give him the relectors from your Monster too to put on that contraption so cars see it!! It has fully functioning lights, including night light (front and back) and brake lights... Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: GLantern on June 02, 2008, 09:04:02 AM Wish my st bernard fit in something like that [bang]
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: SteveH on June 02, 2008, 12:09:14 PM Mr. Magoo Gives you his Nod of Approval [thumbsup]
(http://lh3.ggpht.com/Shusaim/R8YPRqr6dvI/AAAAAAAAAoY/5pRTHScSivA/s800/MrMagoo_16feb08.jpg) Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: hbliam on June 02, 2008, 11:21:22 PM Maybe it's just me, but the dog does not look like he enjoying this thing so much.
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: m9hundo on June 02, 2008, 11:24:43 PM speechless
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: somegirl on June 02, 2008, 11:47:00 PM Here is a random moto dog sighting someone shot and sent to me (cause I have the same breed of dog).
Lack of gear notwithstanding, I think this dog is having fun. 8) (I would not trust mine like this though...I have Evel Knievel dogs. [bang]) (http://paularickert.net/albums/userpics/dogonbike2.jpg) Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Mac_48 on June 02, 2008, 11:50:54 PM that is soo cool [thumbsup]
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: CountGreffi on June 03, 2008, 04:39:10 AM The one question that begs to be asked (surprised no one did) is that thing even legal? Where do you live that that would pass inspection. Looks like a reason to get pulled over. Cop may be swayed by the cute dog though. I don't know how safe this whole thing looks. I don't want to be a Debbie Downer, but doesn't look like the most secure thing ever. Looks like Fido on a sharp turn won't make it and the bar will break sending Fido flying. Could just be another arrogant attempt for man to defy the laws of physics, but that thing is f'ing cool. It's like a chick magnet tpo. They think "Aww you care SO much about your dog, I bet he'll jump through hoops for me....I mean look at the dedication to the dog" Swee thing, just looks like danger awaits. BE CAREFUL PLEASE.
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: hiero on June 03, 2008, 05:18:03 AM hmm, actually, richD has a restraint system built into the pod for the dog that works pretty darn well. Full suspension and the whole thing connects to the bike around the bottom of the case on both sides, VERY solid.
From what I could tell riding behind the two this weekend, the dog was having a great time, he'd get up and poke his head into the windstream and just enjoy the ride richd was definitely getting a lot of women stopping and asking questions [evil] Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: junior varsity on June 03, 2008, 05:45:55 AM So VERY cool.
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: somegirl on June 03, 2008, 06:42:52 AM It's like a chick magnet tpo. They think "Aww you care SO much about your dog, I bet he'll jump through hoops for me....I mean look at the dedication to the dog" Yep, that part works. ;D [laugh] Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: ♣ McKraut ♣ on June 03, 2008, 07:14:19 AM Duke flys in that thing, too. i know firsthand; i got passed by him :-\
it was seriously cool being behind them and watching them take the corner. i think i even saw Duke trying to put a couple knees down in the technical stuff [thumbsup] someone needs some knee pucks for his birthday i think... Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Duc L'Smart on June 03, 2008, 09:40:19 AM I don't know how safe this whole thing looks. I don't want to be a Debbie Downer, but doesn't look like the most secure thing ever. Looks like Fido on a sharp turn won't make it and the bar will break sending Fido flying. Hey DD- the PP9000 is fully articulated... It leans at exactly the same angle as the bike, & has a fully adjustable suspension. Why would a sidecar (especially one with head, tail & brake lights) not be legal? Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: CountGreffi on June 03, 2008, 11:05:05 AM Hey DD- the PP9000 is fully articulated... It leans at exactly the same angle as the bike, & has a fully adjustable suspension. Why would a sidecar (especially one with head, tail & brake lights) not be legal? Okay, so this thing can lean with the bike...that makes it sound far less unsafe. Still I stand by my observation, that the PP9000 doesn't LOOK that safe. I just hope the dog is gonna be okay. I do believe that thing is a chick MAGNET. Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: IZ on June 03, 2008, 09:28:19 PM It has fully functioning lights, including night light (front and back) and brake lights... Nice!! [thumbsup] Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: NvrSummer on June 04, 2008, 06:29:31 AM That is the coolest thing! Dog's pretty cute too....
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: clubhousemotorsports on June 04, 2008, 07:06:23 AM Ok time to start branching out.
It looks like I could get both kids on that one. In NH we have a seatbelt law but not for motorcycles [evil] and yes I am kidding....I think maybe maybe not Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Drjones on June 04, 2008, 08:42:28 AM The technical term is parallelogram. As long as the mount points are stong enough for the loads and the box trellis arm is strong enough for the torsion/bending loads the setup isn't going anywhere the bike isn't going. It will actually see far lower loads in turns than a traditional side car would.
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Duc L'Smart on June 04, 2008, 01:15:50 PM RichD & Duke made it back to Ft. Worth fine, & I can tell you he was tearing it up in the Texas Hill Country [thumbsup] [moto]
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: RichD on June 04, 2008, 02:26:51 PM RichD & Duke made it back to Ft. Worth fine, & I can tell you he was tearing it up in the Texas Hill Country [thumbsup] [moto] After riding the Supersport with the Puggle Pod on it for well over 1000 miles now (about 1500 miles in the first week!) I have to say: it works well. The bike is actually much more stable in sandy/marginal traction turns and surfaces than without the 'Pod. The extra wheel really helps out with this. I've had the occasion to do a couple of hard stops and one REAL panic stop. The bike's front does not want to "wash out" in a skid like a bike on just two wheels would. For normal accelerating and braking you need to steer slightly to adjust for the 'Pod being on there. Side wind has more surface to work on -so you feel it a little more. The turning feels a little heavier -but there is the gyroscopic force of another wheel to overcome... so it is no suprise. Once I gave myself a little time to acclimate to the new riding sensation it was full speed ahead! "Triple digit tested" [thumbsup] Soon will come paint and decals... [evil] ;D -R P.S. Duke LOVES this thing now. It took a little while for him to get comfy with it -but now he "plays" with the air... He inflates his mouth by opening it just over the windscreen and letting his cheeks puff and lips flap. He BEGS for attention at stoplights... He gets VERY excited when he sees his harness come out! (even more than his old leash!) Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: mitt on June 04, 2008, 03:22:04 PM awesome recap!
mitt Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Grampa on June 04, 2008, 03:23:55 PM very cool [thumbsup]
what a lucky pup Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: bryant8 on June 04, 2008, 03:58:04 PM The PP9000 is a sight to see in action. Once the video of it in action gets cleaned up we'll get it posted.
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: El Matador on June 05, 2008, 08:25:09 AM The PP9000 is a sight to see in action. Once the video of it in action gets cleaned up we'll get it posted. Short vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zT3H0wXXyIs&eurl=http://ducatimonsterworldwide.org/index.php?topic=3547.15 Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: GLantern on June 05, 2008, 08:39:21 AM That is so damn awesome
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Adam in TX on June 05, 2008, 08:45:42 AM That thing is just too freaking cool! I guess I know what my summer/fall/winter/spring project is going to be.
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: onederer on June 05, 2008, 08:48:33 AM I finally found the word...
PAWSOME!!! Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: NAKID on June 05, 2008, 10:14:11 AM Short vid Oh come on, I wanna see that thing in full lean.... That is badass! Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: bryant8 on June 05, 2008, 11:17:16 AM The videos are still being worked on, we just got back from the trip a few days ago and the guy with the bike cam has about 4hrs worth of video to parse through.
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Latinbalar on June 05, 2008, 11:24:43 AM I finally found the word... PAWSOME!!! That my friend must of taken you all day to figure out didn't it? Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: c_rex on June 05, 2008, 11:36:33 AM Brilliant! Looks a bit wide but I know nothing of these matters. I mean- if you needed to reach over to assist your co-pilot (bee, rock, anything - in co-pilots face) forget about it. There's not much eye protection even though the windscreen looks cool. Maybe he should also design a doggy helm. Have him integrate a helmet camera for the full shebang.
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: GLantern on June 05, 2008, 12:19:30 PM Brilliant! Looks a bit wide but I know nothing of these matters. I mean- if you needed to reach over to assist your co-pilot (bee, rock, anything - in co-pilots face) forget about it. There's not much eye protection even though the windscreen looks cool. Maybe he should also design a doggy helm. Have him integrate a helmet camera for the full shebang. I vote doggy helmet camera, that would rock Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: DY on June 05, 2008, 01:26:20 PM that is one lucky pooch... I would take my dog everywhere if i had this.
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Mac_48 on June 05, 2008, 02:19:10 PM Brilliant! Looks a bit wide but I know nothing of these matters. I mean- if you needed to reach over to assist your co-pilot (bee, rock, anything - in co-pilots face) forget about it. There's not much eye protection even though the windscreen looks cool. Maybe he should also design a doggy helm. Have him integrate a helmet camera for the full shebang. +11tyb ;D Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: DesmonsterS4RS on June 05, 2008, 03:35:33 PM Brilliant! Looks a bit wide but I know nothing of these matters. I mean- if you needed to reach over to assist your co-pilot (bee, rock, anything - in co-pilots face) forget about it. There's not much eye protection even though the windscreen looks cool. Maybe he should also design a doggy helm. Have him integrate a helmet camera for the full shebang. RichD has some "Doggles" on order for Duke [thumbsup] http://doggles.com/doggles.html Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: RichD on June 06, 2008, 03:00:39 AM ...(bee, rock, anything - in co-pilots face) forget about it. There's not much eye protection even though the windscreen looks cool.... He has doggles now! :) -Pics to follow.... [thumbsup] Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: bryant8 on June 06, 2008, 07:50:39 AM Here's a few from a get together last night... still no videos though. Software issues apparently
(http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh96/ronr84/IMG_6322.jpg) (http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh96/ronr84/IMG_6317.jpg) (http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh96/ronr84/IMG_6386.jpg) Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Grampa on June 06, 2008, 08:09:28 AM [clap]
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Lance Goodthrust on June 06, 2008, 08:36:51 AM That is just awesome. Duke looks like he's gotten bigger since the last pics. Looking forward to more updates.
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Mac_48 on June 06, 2008, 10:27:53 AM I want a puggle pod soo badly ;D you should post the buildup ;)
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Grampa on June 06, 2008, 10:32:53 AM I cant wait to see it painted.
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: DY on June 06, 2008, 10:43:44 AM That is just awesome. Duke looks like he's gotten bigger since the last pics. Looking forward to more updates. definitely. in the first pics he was crouching, looking like "ehh... is this safe?." Now he looks excited and really happy to be in that pod. I was just thinking, he's got some cool goggles to protect his eyes but does he wear ear plugs? I'd assume that with all the wind noise coupled with the exhaust at his ear level, he'd get hearing damage pretty quickly. Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: DesmonsterS4RS on June 06, 2008, 04:59:49 PM I want a puggle pod soo badly ;D you should post the buildup ;) Drink lots of beer [thumbsup] The Doggles look awesome Rich [beer] Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: T-byrd on June 06, 2008, 05:28:07 PM OMG!!! That is sooooooo cool!!!! [clap] [beer]
T Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: bulldogs2k on August 24, 2008, 06:33:27 PM any vids yet?
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: ducatsSF on August 24, 2008, 07:16:33 PM Do you steer or counter steer? (nice set-up, I had a dachshund in a backpack once, that got plenty of smiles from the female gender, you must be rolling in attention)
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: bryant8 on August 24, 2008, 08:12:01 PM I'll check to see if the video person has had a chance to finish the files.
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: IZ on August 24, 2008, 08:14:11 PM I want a Frenchie-pod!!
[thumbsup] [thumbsup] Nice pics! Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: bryant8 on August 24, 2008, 08:18:10 PM I want a Frenchie-pod!! [thumbsup] [thumbsup] Nice pics! Bring the Frenchie to our HC ride in Oct and check out the Pod yourself [thumbsup] Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: IZ on August 24, 2008, 08:19:10 PM Bring the Frenchie to our HC ride in Oct and check out the Pod yourself [thumbsup] Hmmmm..?! [thumbsup] Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: RichD on August 24, 2008, 09:00:06 PM Do you steer or counter steer? (nice set-up, I had a dachshund in a backpack once, that got plenty of smiles from the female gender, you must be rolling in attention) Attention? It's crazy. I just ride like a normal bike (countersteer). There is more weight there but it is surprisingly balanced. Hard acceleration requires a little steering input to go completely straight (pull on right grip slightly) Hard straight-line braking goes the other way (push slightly on right grip). If you ride normal after a few blocks it's hard to know it's there (but you'd better not forget -plan on being wider when you pick your lines) Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Wang on September 11, 2008, 04:33:20 PM Quote I want a Frenchie-pod!! I've got 2 French Bulldogs myself, bet they'd love something like this.Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: ducfun on September 13, 2008, 12:28:49 AM Dachshund over here...I'd ride with him in something like this.
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: bulldogs2k on September 13, 2008, 10:46:06 AM This needs to be mass produced so I can get one for my bulldog.
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: zedsaid on October 03, 2008, 12:03:01 PM where's the video??????
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: bryant8 on October 27, 2008, 08:18:40 PM We just returned from our semi-annual trip to the Texas Hill Country and we were able to catch a few videos this time out.
Including the Pugglepod http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOJ0jcii4Fs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOJ0jcii4Fs) This is a pretty rough cut and paste video but at least you can see it in action. And yes, the 900SS is in 3-up mode. New pics of it painted are being uploaded as people return home (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3271/2979396021_bc41523f08.jpg?v=0) Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: somegirl on October 27, 2008, 08:39:15 PM Thanks for the cool video! ;D [thumbsup]
Now you need to get a friend in front of you with a rear-mounted camera. ;) Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: IZ on October 27, 2008, 09:24:39 PM Nice!! [clap]
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: GLantern on October 28, 2008, 05:55:38 AM That is a sick paintjob, running 3 up is awesome that is some great craftsmanship. [thumbsup]
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: bryant8 on October 28, 2008, 08:18:06 AM I'm not the mad scientist that created the PugglePod 9000, I'm just lucky enough to call him a good friend. [thumbsup]
SUPER DUKE! of the DFWM is the creative mind and owner behind the PP9000. We had Duc 'L Smart do the chase camera work for the group. Next time out I hope to have a few more cameras set up for the trip [moto] Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: IZ on October 28, 2008, 08:36:20 AM Next time out I hope to have a few more cameras set up for the trip [moto] Puggle-helmet cam!! [thumbsup] [thumbsup] Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: mitt on October 28, 2008, 09:56:18 AM The video is awesome - looks like the pug really likes it.
mitt Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: El Matador on October 28, 2008, 03:02:15 PM this thing is great. I had the pleasure of riding behind it and was constantly blowing my lines bc I couldn't keep from looking at it.
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: A.duc.H.duc. on October 28, 2008, 03:39:30 PM I love it, I'd really like to see a sidecar built or people like that.
By "like that" I mean with the parallelagram arm instead of a mostly rigid mount. That looks like it'd be a really fun sidecar to ride on. Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: zedsaid on October 28, 2008, 04:21:30 PM I love it, I'd really like to see a sidecar built or people like that. By "like that" I mean with the parallelagram arm instead of a mostly rigid mount. That looks like it'd be a really fun sidecar to ride on. Do you think the Puggle knows to help lean? Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Popeye the Sailor on October 28, 2008, 05:26:26 PM Do you think the Puggle knows to help lean? I don't think the 12 pounds or so of pup matter :P Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Rufus120 on October 28, 2008, 05:46:49 PM Do you make him wear leathers when he goes out? :)
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Grampa on October 28, 2008, 06:54:57 PM [evil] drag'n a paw
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Popeye the Sailor on October 28, 2008, 07:01:00 PM Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: somegirl on October 28, 2008, 07:05:39 PM I don't think the 12 pounds or so of pup matter :P You thought the weight of my arm mattered. :P Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Grampa on October 28, 2008, 07:06:35 PM You thought the weight of my arm mattered. :P as she backhands you across the room [laugh] Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Howie on October 28, 2008, 08:29:11 PM Great job, lucky Puggle [thumbsup]
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: CDawg on October 29, 2008, 06:52:36 AM OMG! coolest mod eva!
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: RichD on October 30, 2008, 04:24:49 AM I don't think the 12 pounds or so of pup matter :P Actually 25Lbs. ...and he does "lean" [thumbsup] Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: swampduc on October 30, 2008, 05:31:22 AM Actually 25Lbs. Yeah, he might have better form than me!...and he does "lean" [thumbsup] Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: zedsaid on October 30, 2008, 10:36:14 AM Actually 25Lbs. ...and he does "lean" [thumbsup] That's awesome. [bacon] [bacon] [bacon] Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Grampa on October 30, 2008, 10:38:56 AM it..... needs a full pic presentation and write-up ...then make it the Bomb [thumbsup]
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: DesmoDiva on October 30, 2008, 12:03:31 PM Definately Bomb material. [thumbsup]
Wonder if a cat would like it? Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Popeye the Sailor on October 30, 2008, 02:35:33 PM Definately Bomb material. [thumbsup] Wonder if a cat would like it? Cats like nothing. They are horribly little furry creatures. Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: calscrazy on October 30, 2008, 02:48:52 PM SUPER DUKE is a creative genius as bryant8 said and makes the best ribs hands down. excellent man to call a friend and the dog too. just as el matador said though he is hard to ride behind because of the way duke looks back at you. you find yourself watching him instead of where you r going. i dont think there will be a helmet cam as duke goes with doggles only.
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: bryant8 on October 30, 2008, 08:03:23 PM We need to find Duke an old leather footballer helmet to add to the doggles!
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: DesmoLu on October 31, 2008, 10:20:50 AM (http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v360/168/105/14900443/n14900443_31075285_858.jpg)
Dukie-duke in action! Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: bryant8 on October 31, 2008, 12:42:13 PM (http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v360/168/105/14900443/n14900443_31075285_858.jpg) Dukie-duke in action! Sweet pic! [thumbsup] Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: calscrazy on October 31, 2008, 03:55:33 PM he seems to rarely be behind the windscreen. maybe he needs an all out naked.
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: River on November 02, 2008, 09:44:09 AM OMFG I NEED ONE OF THOSE!!!
DuckStew, where are you? Freakin' awesome. I absolutely love it! Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: junior varsity on November 17, 2009, 04:44:15 PM I just met RichD this weekend. This is still so cool.
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: peanut_man on November 17, 2009, 07:04:19 PM [bow_down]
This is so damn cool, i donno what to say. Altho, see if you can get a helmet for the dog. :) Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: muskrat on November 17, 2009, 07:06:59 PM I just did the Hill Country ride with that crazy bastard and trust me, he loves it. You get caught up looking at this thing and damn near miss turns while following.
Rich, use the my swing arm and update the thing. ;) Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: yamifixer on November 18, 2009, 06:57:34 AM That is fricken awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need one for 2 bulldogges. Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Pip on November 19, 2009, 07:29:03 AM [bow_down]
I need one for a 60lb Pit Bull!! She adores rides in the Miata with the top down... I can only imagine how much she'd like this. Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: pitbull on November 20, 2009, 03:31:59 PM [bow_down] I need one for a 60lb Pit Bull!! She adores rides in the Miata with the top down... I can only imagine how much she'd like this. I was just thinking the same thing for my 80lb pibble. Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: RichD on May 21, 2017, 12:30:38 PM BUMP!
...Just cuz I was reminiscing about our rides in The Hill Country, our friends, and am in the process of getting the ol' SS/CR-PP9K rolling again. (Have some parts on order for the FCR's, picked up some touchup paint, etc.) Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Grampa on May 21, 2017, 01:53:59 PM [thumbsup]
Title: Re: Puggle Pod 9000 Arrives! Post by: Howie on May 21, 2017, 07:31:29 PM [thumbsup] [popcorn]