My favorite kind of idiots too-the ones who'll just spout off anything that's told to them as if it's fact.
You know the type-the ones who'll tell you irregardless isn't a word. Which always amuses me.
I mean how do you know it's not a word? Did you check?
Oh look! It's in the dictionary....along with all the other words.
These idiots will tell you not to let your fuel level get too low, or you'll suck the sludge at the bottom of the tank.
I'm not sure I've ever *seen* a fueling system that takes the fuel on the top first. Good thing they gave absolutely no thought whatsoever to what they were saying.
Now we have this. Where someone is advocating removing cylinder heads....and cutting grooves into the combustion chamber to increase efficiency. This is not entirely out of whack-there are patents of this sort of thing, but really-he's doing no research. No controls, no data, just a butt dyno that's telling him that's he's seeing the results he wants to see. Real scientific, jerkoff. Sure, just...pull the cylinder head and cut some grooves in it! I'll do it on my lunch break.
From the site:
"The engine will idle smoothly to below 500 rpm, but is limited to 650 rpm by the ECM."
So wait...then how do you know it'll idle at 500 rpm?
"I can idle it while driving in 2nd gear below 500 rpm without it complaining too much."
Er...that's not idling. Also, it's not *good* for the engine to run that slowly under load.
I'm an engineer. I need to back up my data-I can prove the plane on a conveyor belt takes off. Hence when I say "It'll take off", it's because it'll take off. I get annoyed with half the idiots with no background in anything remotely pertinent come around and try to explain to me how things work.
Sorry, no....the magnet on the fuel line will not help.
The little plastic air velocity doodad? Almost as useful as you, but at least one of those things was worth something at one point.
Acetone? Get an extra 50 MPG? Really? Does that mean you can drive further away from me? Because that's what I'd like.
So, do me a huge favor. When you run across one of these idiots advocating their idiocy, please, just smack them in the head with a shovel. We don't need that shit to spread any further.
Maybe he fills his tires with nitrogen too. [roll]
Dude, if you are going to get upset at the idiots you meet, you are in for a long miserable life. Try to look at it like this. When idiots say idiotic things they are giving you a clear signal to stay the hell away from them. Most idiots do this immediately in a conversation. That is worth a lot. Think if you had to invest six months in a relationship/friendship with some one before you could determine if they were an idiot. You would waste a lot of your life hanging around with idiots. But idiots make themselves easy to spot through their very idiocy. When an idiot is being idiotic you should thank them for saving you the time trying to find out if they are an idiot or not. Then of course never talk to them again because every one knows that idiocy is contagious. If you hang around idiots too long you will start claiming you know how to solve the worlds problems using bumber-sticker philosophies. Which is idiotic.
Quote from: SacDuc on May 31, 2008, 10:09:31 AM
Dude, if you are going to get upset at the idiots you meet, you are in for a long miserable life. Try to look at it like this. When idiots say idiotic things they are giving you a clear signal to stay the hell away from them. Most idiots do this immediately in a conversation. That is worth a lot. Think if you had to invest six months in a relationship/friendship with some one before you could determine if they were an idiot. You would waste a lot of your life hanging around with idiots. But idiots make themselves easy to spot through their very idiocy. When an idiot is being idiotic you should thank them for saving you the time trying to find out if they are an idiot or not. Then of course never talk to them again because every one knows that idiocy is contagious. If you hang around idiots too long you will start claiming you know how to solve the worlds problems using bumber-sticker philosophies. Which is idiotic.
sigh... i could use a bit more patience when it comes to idiots because i far too frequently react the wrong way...
dunno why i let them bother me.
that's it, i am done with letting them bother me. wow... this is great! awesome, now on with my life!
thanks! [beer]
grrr... i wish it could be so easy... i'll give it a good try though. wish me luck!
Gee you mean that the laws of thermodynamics are absolute. [bang]
Bummer. [cheeky]
To move an object of a given weight and a given Cd at a given speed requires a given amount power.
You can't change that.
All you can do is try to get a bigger percentage of energy in the fuel to the wheels.
IIRC the monster diesels in ocean going container ships are right at 50% thermal efficiency.
What are most cars 20 - 25 % ?
Quote from: eyeboy on May 31, 2008, 10:19:10 AM
sigh... i could use a bit more patience when it comes to idiots because i far too frequently react the wrong way...
dunno why i let them bother me.
that's it, i am done with letting them bother me. wow... this is great! awesome, now on with my life!
thanks! [beer]
grrr... i wish it could be so easy... i'll give it a good try though. wish me luck!
I say this with all seriousness. Next time someone you don't care about starts prattling on about something stupid, just turn and walk way. Wait until they are midsentence and just leave. Go to the bathroom, get in your car, go to your desk. It is this incredibly liberating feeling when you realize that you have spent hours and hours of your life listening to idiots merely because you were being polite. make the beast with two backs polite. Idiots don't deserve it. Just leave. Without a word just turn your back and start walking away. It feels make the beast with two backsing awesome. [thumbsup]
Quote from: SacDuc on May 31, 2008, 10:24:58 AM
I say this with all seriousness. Next time someone you don't care about starts prattling on about something stupid, just turn and walk way. Wait until they are midsentence and just leave. Go to the bathroom, get in your car, go to your desk. It is this incredibly liberating feeling when you realize that you have spent hours and hours of your life listening to idiots merely because you were being polite. make the beast with two backs polite. Idiots don't deserve it. Just leave. Without a word just turn your back and start walking away. It feels make the beast with two backsing awesome. [thumbsup]
i'm going to do it! i am!
Quote from: someguy on May 31, 2008, 09:54:12 AM
You know the type-the ones who'll tell you irregardless isn't a word. Which always amuses me.
According to the OAD:
irregardless |ˌiriˈgärdlis|
adjective & adverb informal
ORIGIN early 20th cent.: probably a blend of irrespective and regardless .
USAGE Irregardless, with its illogical negative prefix, is widely heard, perhaps arising under the influence of such perfectly correct forms as : irrespective. Irregardless is avoided by careful users of English. Use regardless to mean 'without regard or consideration for' or 'nevertheless': : I go walking every day regardless of season or weather.
It wasn't a word - until enough morons started using it.
Quote from: darylbowden on May 31, 2008, 11:13:55 AMIt wasn't a word - until enough morons started using it.
The same people who say, "I could care less."
Quote from: msincredible on May 31, 2008, 11:16:24 AM
The same people who say, "I could care less."
Hehe, exactly.
QuoteMaybe he fills his tires with nitrogen too. Roll Eyes
Oh that does not work [bang]
Quote from: ROBsS4R on May 31, 2008, 11:20:11 AM
Oh that does not work [bang]
NASCAR uses nitrogen in their tires. But its only because of the moisture and pressure issues though.
Quote from: ROBsS4R on May 31, 2008, 11:20:11 AM
Oh that does not work [bang]
Didn't the Mythbuster's do a whole show on all the Gas Myths ???
I knew a guy who would spew "facts" that were completely unsupported. we called them Anthony facts...he would say things like Portuguese is the perfect race and that Aztecs were really people that migrated from Spain [roll] If you ever got in a discussion about the validity of these claims and were able to prove him wrong, he would just repeat "your a dumbass" until you gave up on him. Sometimes if you got him angry enough in discussions he would say "I'll shank you pregnant dog". This was coming from a guy who was a lot shorter and smaller than me....after a while I gave up on trying to convince him his nuggets of wisdom were wrong and sat back to enjoy his ridiculous statements [cheeky]
Quote from: ROBsS4R on May 31, 2008, 11:31:07 AM
Didn't the Mythbuster's do a whole show on all the Gas Myths ???
Funny you should mention those guys...speaking of idiots...
They did one segment about whether cager fuel economy is better when the AC is on and the windows are up, or the AC is off and the windows are down.
Problem is, they were using two different vehicles, driven by two different guys, both of them trying to look and sound really scientific during the whole ordeal (as usual), and they were doing this experiment on a oval/circular course which was too short for the speeds they were driving -- you could hear the tires of both vehicles squealing around every turn.
Really scientific... [roll]
And as usual, they resolutely announced their findings at the end of the segment -- I don't even remember what the hell they concluded, because I was too busy cleaning up all the barf I couldn't contain while trying to watch the whole fiasco. [puke]
And regarding "irregardless"...anyone who is careful to use correct English while speaking knows, without having to look it up, that such a word is meaningless, and further, knows that those who use such words are either uneducated, or simply don't care to use whatever education they have.
Btw, what does the word "orientated" mean, huh? It has nothing to do with "getting your bearings". I'll tell you what it means to be turned to face toward the east. Go ahead, look it up. Have you ever heard the word "disorientated"? I mean, if idiots use the word "orientated", there must be a word "disorientated", right? What does it mean? Well, if such a word existed, it would mean to be turned to face any direction except east, of course. ;)
I'm through (not "thru") gagging now. :-*
Quote from: oldjackbob on May 31, 2008, 12:32:00 PMReally scientific... [roll]
Yeah, I find it amusing how they pronounce a myth "busted" based on one negative result. Just cause they couldn't get something to work. [roll]
About that particular episode of MB, I was pissed too. They concluded that the windows down was the most fuel efficient. Problem is, there were planning on doing the experiment at 65mph, but had to lower it to 55 or 45 because the course was too short for the speeds. Well, 45mph isn't highway speeds! The wind buffeting wasn't present like it would be at true highway speeds...
Quote from: oldjackbob on May 31, 2008, 12:32:00 PM
Funny you should mention those guys...speaking of idiots...
They did one segment about whether cager fuel economy is better when the AC is on and the windows are up, or the AC is off and the windows are down.
Problem is, they were using two different vehicles, driven by two different guys, both of them trying to look and sound really scientific during the whole ordeal (as usual), and they were doing this experiment on a oval/circular course which was too short for the speeds they were driving -- you could hear the tires of both vehicles squealing around every turn.
Really scientific... [roll]
And as usual, they resolutely announced their findings at the end of the segment -- I don't even remember what the hell they concluded, because I was too busy cleaning up all the barf I couldn't contain while trying to watch the whole fiasco. [puke]
And regarding "irregardless"...anyone who is careful to use correct English while speaking knows, without having to look it up, that such a word is meaningless, and further, knows that those who use such words are either uneducated, or simply don't care to use whatever education they have.
Btw, what does the word "orientated" mean, huh? It has nothing to do with "getting your bearings". I'll tell you what it means to be turned to face toward the east. Go ahead, look it up. Have you ever heard the word "disorientated"? I mean, if idiots use the word "orientated", there must be a word "disorientated", right? What does it mean? Well, if such a word existed, it would mean to be turned to face any direction except east, of course. ;)
I'm through (not "thru") gagging now. :-*
I'm guessing you didn't appreciate Norm Crosby either....
Quote from: msincredible on May 31, 2008, 11:16:24 AM
The same people who say, "I could care less."
I always answer that comment with, " then by all means, please do so"
Most reactions to my comment are to ignore me [roll]
Quote from: ducpainter on May 31, 2008, 03:03:09 PM
I'm guessing you didn't appreciate Norm Crosby either....
This thread is about idiots. I have no problem with intentional malapropisms, though that's not necessarily my favorite form of humor.
Quote from: oldjackbob on May 31, 2008, 03:45:05 PM
This thread is about idiots. I have no problem with intentional malapropisms, though that's not necessarily my favorite form of humor. I guessed incorrectly. :-\
Quote from: SacDuc on May 31, 2008, 10:24:58 AM
I say this with all seriousness. Next time someone you don't care about starts prattling on about something stupid, just turn and walk way. Wait until they are midsentence and just leave. Go to the bathroom, get in your car, go to your desk. It is this incredibly liberating feeling when you realize that you have spent hours and hours of your life listening to idiots merely because you were being polite. make the beast with two backs polite. Idiots don't deserve it. Just leave. Without a word just turn your back and start walking away. It feels make the beast with two backsing awesome. [thumbsup]
Sorry, what were you saying? I had walked away in the middle. ;D
Quote from: krolik on May 31, 2008, 04:58:47 PM
Sorry, what were you saying? I had walked away in the middle. ;D
Thank you krolik, you just illustrated the point.
Also, I wish a plague of locusts on you home. >:(
Quote from: someguy on May 31, 2008, 09:54:12 AM
My favorite kind of idiots too-the ones who'll just spout off anything that's told to them as if it's fact.
You know the type-the ones who'll tell you irregardless isn't a word. Which always amuses me.
I mean how do you know it's not a word? Did you check?
Oh look! It's in the dictionary....along with all the other words.
"make the beast with two backs" is in the dictionary too, it doesn't mean that it's the best usage.
perhaps what they mean is not that it isn't a "word" i.e. a "sonic meme representing an idea" (Wittgenstein) but that it is a nonstandard use of language..
From OED:
—Usage note Irregardless is considered nonstandard because of the two negative elements ir- and -less. It was probably formed on the analogy of such words as irrespective, irrelevant, and irreparable. Those who use it, including on occasion educated speakers, may do so from a desire to add emphasis. Irregardless first appeared in the early 20th century and was perhaps popularized by its use in a comic radio program of the 1930s.
In other "words"
irregardless is a word in the same class as
ain't and
To that end, it serves no purpose instructing people on the use of their language. It is akin to teaching a pig to dance.
While "irregardless" is in the dictionary, "regardless" is sufficient. The origin of the word "irregardless" is a combination of "irrespective" and "regardless," and the prefix "ir-" is unnecessary (much like this post).
Can't help with which words are proper English or not..
But.. as a mechanic. I've had ALL KINDS of people want to do crazy things to there cars to get better mileage, and I've had some crazyer ideas about how to run a car with no fuel.
The latest is these guys with jars of water and electrical components trying to "split" hydrogen from oxygen.. [bang] if this was remotely feasible wouldn't the auto manufactures be producing something that does this by now? (and yes I know you can use electrolosys to split them, but its a volume problem, along with it probably taking more amperage to split them, then what the vehicle will produce burning it so you run at a negative)
We've had the "install my magnets" crazys, the grease burning crazys, and one woman, came in, wanted to convert her car to electric, but install a big fan on the roof, so that as she drove forward the fan would spin a generator and power the car!
I said "lady, you'll use more energy pushing the fan threw the air then what it will make" she wanted to argue and insist the wind would help her.. [laugh]
Quote from: pompetta on June 01, 2008, 06:53:43 AM
While "irregardless" is in the dictionary, "regardless" is sufficient. The origin of the word "irregardless" is a combination of "irrespective" and "regardless," and the prefix "ir-" is unnecessary (much like this post).
he complained about people saying
irregardless was not a word.
Irregardless is a word.
So is pranamabooboo. It is a nonsense word, but it is a word. I am sure you could use pranamabooboo in a sentence too. "Grandma always had problem with her pranamabooboo, but grandpa never wanted her to get it removed."
and so on.
Quote from: ducatizzzz on June 01, 2008, 07:12:43 AM
he complained about people saying irregardless was not a word.
Irregardless is a word.
So is pranamabooboo. It is a nonsense word, but it is a word. I am sure you could use pranamabooboo in a sentence too. "Grandma always had problem with her pranamabooboo, but grandpa never wanted her to get it removed."
and so on.
Yup. I never said it was a good word. Just that it exists, so stop insisting it doesn't.
I don't get that riled up over idiots, I just have no idea how one can just make up shit and have it be true.
Quote from: someguy on June 01, 2008, 10:05:51 AM
Yup. I never said it was a good word. Just that it exists, so stop insisting it doesn't.
I don't get that riled up over idiots, I just have no idea how one can just make up shit and have it be true.
does exist. that was my point. so does flagnanimous and purvadurient.
Quote from: ducatizzzz on June 01, 2008, 11:18:29 AM
it does exist. that was my point. so does flagnanimous and purvadurient.
i was agreeing with you.
Nice verbiage, btw. Scrabble?
Quote from: someguy on June 01, 2008, 11:22:49 AM
i was agreeing with you.
Nice verbiage, btw. Scrabble?
Only if we use my dictionary. [evil]
Come on boys. We don't want any trouble in here. Not in any language.
Quote from: Randimus Maximus on June 01, 2008, 11:28:44 AM
Come on boys. We don't want any trouble in here. Not in any language.
stop carousizing and ejacuminate elsewhere pls.
I's just foolin' about. [evil]
Quote from: Randimus Maximus on June 01, 2008, 11:31:10 AM
I's just foolin' about. [evil]
well stop it, you'll go blind.
Grooves in the cylinder head? Magnet on the fuel line? Plastic air velocity doodad? Widget whatchamathingy in the whoodinger chamber (ok, that one sounded naughty)?
Everyone knows there's one easy way to increase your gas mileage. It's so basic, I'm surprised more people aren't doing it.
Not really one thing, but a set of things. First, put the zip ties back on the frame. Put on extra if you have them; the more the better. Next, put your reflectors back on, that's important. If you have any kind of flame decals, those have to go. Peel them off, paint over them, whatever you have to do. If you have any stickers for aftermarket parts that you don't own, definitely peel those off, that'll make a huge difference. Dynojet or Power Commander stickers are the worst, those can actually lower your gas mileage even if they're stuck on your toolbox. Scary stuff.
Anyway, follow these simple steps and you're set. The explanation is so simple, you'll wonder why you never thought of it. Every time you do one of these simple things you decrease your horsepower; I know this isn't ideal but it can't be avoided. As your horsepower goes down, your gas mileage goes up. And if gas prices drop, you feel free to slap those flames back onto your tank.
You can thank me later.
Propane Desmo power.
You want a good laugh? Search for "hydrogen booster" and see the nonsense being spouted on that topic. People building little electrolysis units and claiming they can run their car solely or mostly on free hydrogen made by their wonder unit. Most of the videos I've seen show an engine idling with a "booster" made of plastic bottles stuck under the hood. Some don't even apparently show the engine idling, the block and hoses are dead still, looks as though they just overlaid a sound clip of the engine running. And people just lap it up, taking it as fact that you can power a car on water with stuff you can find in your kitchen.
You gotta be kidding me! (
Quote from: NAKID on June 01, 2008, 04:57:12 PM
You gotta be kidding me! (
I ordered a time machine on the internet once.
This one made me chuckle:
Quote from: IZ on June 01, 2008, 05:00:05 PM
I ordered a time machine on the internet once.
The Delorean was easy. Plutonium was a little difficult. But where did you find a " Flux Capacitor " ?
Quote from: sno_duc on June 01, 2008, 05:14:33 PM
The Delorean was easy. Plutonium was a little difficult. But where did you find a " Flux Capacitor " ?
One of my wife's friends belongs to a DeLorean club. Her husband makes Flux Capacitors. He makes movie props and replicas...
Quote from: sno_duc on June 01, 2008, 05:14:33 PM
The Delorean was easy. Plutonium was a little difficult. But where did you find a " Flux Capacitor " ?
15% off at KaleCo! (
Quote from: m0t0g0th on June 01, 2008, 06:09:04 PM
15% off at KaleCo! (
Save 15% off, only $148,750.00! [laugh]
The funny thing with all these gimmicks is that if they truly worked, don't you think the manufacturers would incorporate them into their cars already?
Naw, don't you know that THE MAN is keeping the inventions down to maintain the dominance of the oil industry and backwards technology in auto manufacturing? It's so obvious... at least according to dimwits who don't know better.
Quote from: Randimus Maximus on June 01, 2008, 11:28:44 AM
Come on boys. We don't want any trouble in here. Not in any language.
[thumbsup] For the unrecognized or under appreciated Tombstone quote.
Quote from: ducpainter on June 01, 2008, 12:02:39 PM
vicious rumor....
hmmmm... could be a myth-busters episode here somewhere....
Quote from: darylbowden on May 31, 2008, 11:13:55 AM
According to the OAD:
irregardless |ˌiriˈgärdlis|
adjective & adverb informal
ORIGIN early 20th cent.: probably a blend of irrespective and regardless .
USAGE Irregardless, with its illogical negative prefix, is widely heard, perhaps arising under the influence of such perfectly correct forms as : irrespective. Irregardless is avoided by careful users of English. Use regardless to mean 'without regard or consideration for' or 'nevertheless': : I go walking every day regardless of season or weather.
It wasn't a word - until enough morons started using it.
damn you beat me to this, well irregardless it's still funny [cheeky]
Proven to improve gas mileage!!!! (
Quote from: ROBsS4R on May 31, 2008, 11:31:07 AM
Didn't the Mythbuster's do a whole show on all the Gas Myths ???
THAT is the problem. Mythbusters is not science, or even engineering. Their testing standards are worse than most grade school science labs.
Quote from: mitt on June 02, 2008, 01:20:11 PM
THAT is the problem. Mythbusters is not science, or even engineering. Their testing standards are worse than most grade school science labs.
Probably true, but that show still sucks me in every time. Did anyone see the plane crash one? All the dummys broke their legs when the seats collapsed by the impact. Then THEY got in the chairs and they all bruised their shins. Even if its not true, if I ever go down in a plane Im hugging my legs to my chest.
Quote from: mitt on June 02, 2008, 01:20:11 PM
THAT is the problem. Mythbusters is not science, or even engineering. Their testing standards are worse than most grade school science labs.
so maybe the plane really WON'T take off
Quote from: ducatizzzz on June 03, 2008, 06:15:02 AM
so maybe the plane really WON'T take off
The gas mileage episode pretty much just tested out "hypermiling" techniques, drafting and such at least that is all I remember from it. Gas mileage improves drastically behind a truck, which is obvious. Any long trip I take I look for a fast moving semi and tuck in. Helped my Grand Cherokee to get upper 20's mpg on several trips. Which is signifigantly better than the 17 at speed limits and 15 at speeding.
Quote from: fwtcc on June 03, 2008, 09:43:58 AMAny long trip I take I look for a fast moving semi and tuck in.
I hope you don't do that on your bike! You wouldn't want to be behind it if it throws a tire. :o