Title: That time of year - be careful Post by: Privateer on March 22, 2010, 03:55:21 PM good weather has drawn them out of hibernation..
Please be careful, a friend of mine was hit head-on by a double yellow crosser in Malibu yesterday. Totaled his new BMW; broken arm and pinkie knuckle. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v120/diaxio/24110_10150158962570716_710635715_1.jpg) Title: Re: That time of year - be careful Post by: arai_speed on March 22, 2010, 04:58:53 PM Dang! That sucks - hope you friend has a speedy recovery.
Title: Re: That time of year - be careful Post by: gm2 on March 22, 2010, 05:20:59 PM yikes. broken bones are nothing to shrug about but damn glad that's all it was. speedy recovery to him.
tell him to take the replacement beemer to the track =) Title: Re: That time of year - be careful Post by: Privateer on March 22, 2010, 06:10:37 PM yeah crazy part is he does ride track frequently. He was going pretty slow through here, he says around 20 (and I trust his judgment). "Kid' came the other way trying to catch up to his friends, blew the corner and probably target fixated. My friend was straight up and down when the kid hit him, just coming at him so fast he couldn't get out of the way.
CHP arrived, cited the other rider. Other rider admitted fault to the CHP. Doesn't save my friend's arm in a cast and pins in his pinkie, but he does already have a new S1000 on order. /sigh Just glad he's OK (relatively). I would rather not see more threads like this. Personally I'm staying out of Malibu and Ortega for a little while. Title: Re: That time of year - be careful Post by: hbliam on March 22, 2010, 06:57:10 PM yeah crazy part is he does ride track frequently. He was going pretty slow through here, he says around 20 (and I trust his judgment). "Kid' came the other way trying to catch up to his friends, blew the corner and probably target fixated. My friend was straight up and down when the kid hit him, just coming at him so fast he couldn't get out of the way. CHP arrived, cited the other rider. Other rider admitted fault to the CHP. Doesn't save my friend's arm in a cast and pins in his pinkie, but he does already have a new S1000 on order. /sigh Just glad he's OK (relatively). I would rather not see more threads like this. Personally I'm staying out of Malibu and Ortega for a little while. Make sure your friend knoiws when that "kids" court date is. If he doesn't show up they dismiss the citation for lack of witness's. The CHP is not a witness and it doesn't matter that he admitted it to the CHP. Yeah, I know, It's BS. Conversely, the adminition is ok for the traffic collision report. The kid will be the at fault party. Title: Re: That time of year - be careful Post by: sbrguy on March 23, 2010, 05:01:37 AM wow that sucks, is that malibu canyon or mulholland? yeah saw that was a new bmw rr that is one unique looking bike, the local bmw dealer can't keep them in stock, sold all 16 they had on order before they got the first one in. damn.
why wouldn't the rider's admission be written up in the accident report and be used in any court proceeding? wait a minute i see what you mean, if noobdy shows up the citation goes away sort of like any traffic ticket you get if the LEO doesn't show up then its thrown out. ok that makes more sense now. Title: Re: That time of year - be careful Post by: NorDog on March 23, 2010, 11:09:13 AM Sucks. Here's to wishing your friend a speedy recovery.
The kid on the other bike is lucky your friend wasn't driving a Ford F-350. Title: Re: That time of year - be careful Post by: duc_poultry on March 23, 2010, 01:59:59 PM I had something similar happen to me by the rock store (minus the accident) some idiot on a Hayabusa thought it would be cool to ride down the snake side by side with his friend in a BMW. I felt his bike rub up against my leg... luckily I was ok! Wish your friend a speedy recovery!
Title: Re: That time of year - be careful Post by: hbliam on March 23, 2010, 03:20:26 PM why wouldn't the rider's admission be written up in the accident report and be used in any court proceeding? wait a minute i see what you mean, if noobdy shows up the citation goes away sort of like any traffic ticket you get if the LEO doesn't show up then its thrown out. ok that makes more sense now. Yep. Title: Re: That time of year - be careful Post by: sbrguy on March 25, 2010, 04:52:34 AM ok so what you mean is that the police report could have the statements in it, but if nobody is there to "verify" or testify to the statements in the document its basically useless, it can't stand on its own?
Title: Re: That time of year - be careful Post by: hbliam on March 25, 2010, 09:56:23 AM ok so what you mean is that the police report could have the statements in it, but if nobody is there to "verify" or testify to the statements in the document its basically useless, it can't stand on its own? Even if the cop is there it gets thrown out because the cop didn't see the accident happen. The judge wants witness's. And the accident report doesn't go to traffic court anyway unless someone subpoenas it or the cop brings it. I'm not sure if the issue is Constitutional protection against self incrimination or what. I just see the cases get dismissed. Title: Re: That time of year - be careful Post by: Privateer on March 25, 2010, 06:01:02 PM wow that sucks, is that malibu canyon or mulholland? It was a little beyond the picture spot. Got his picture taken, and blam. Title: Re: That time of year - be careful Post by: The Bacon Junkie on March 25, 2010, 07:03:56 PM I came up the "Snake" just after CHP had stopped traffic. I was #2 in line behind a Porsche GT3. I was wondering if the rider was ok. Glad he is (relatively) I'm avoiding Malibu Canyons for a bit, too crazy.
I am, however, gonna try and run up the 33 this sunday if y'all want to tag along... ;) Title: Re: That time of year - be careful Post by: uclabiker06 on March 25, 2010, 08:32:47 PM Really hard to believe that there are double yellow crossers. Riding the snake on a bike is hard enough but in a car there is really no wiggle room. As a biker if you want to see how much risk your putting yourself in by going there on a Sunday, just take your car up there one time and see how it is from their perspective. They have NO wiggle room.... After i took my car up there i said forget this. I never go there on my bike anymore; not on Sundays at least.
Title: Re: That time of year - be careful Post by: Privateer on March 28, 2010, 04:11:48 PM (http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs396.snc3/24110_10150160625085716_710635715_11799829_397530_n.jpg)
Title: Re: That time of year - be careful Post by: Wang on March 29, 2010, 07:26:34 PM Wish your friend a speedy recovery and more fun when he gets his new bike.
Seems like heading out on a Tuesday would be the best way to avoid those nimrods. Title: Re: That time of year - be careful Post by: sbrguy on March 30, 2010, 04:19:45 AM soemtimes i'm amazed at the speed that some guys go up and down that part of mulholland, i drove up that easy and i can see how you really really have to know that road well to even take it at speed, and then even then you have to "hope" that the guy comehing the other way knows it as well as you and doesn't mess up.
wow that pic of the broken engine case, i don't even want to know what that is going to cost. |