Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => General Monster Forum => Topic started by: Spidey on March 29, 2010, 06:36:38 AM

Title: Cool sighting: Mission One electric bike
Post by: Spidey on March 29, 2010, 06:36:38 AM
Michael Moore and I went for a hooky ride last Friday up Pacific Coast Highway.  As we were gassing up, I saw (but didn't hear) a bike go by that I was sure was the Mission One bike from the Isle of Man.  We took off about 5 minutes later.  We got over the mountains and were heading down to the beach to see this stopped by the side of the road.  Yup, the Mission One bike.  So cool (yes, that's painter's tape).

It seems we'd just passed their support wagon, as a Dodge Sprinter pulled over shortly after with a coupla engineer guys who were more than happy to chat about the bike.  They said they were taking the bike out as a test for a journalist ride next week.  It was the actual bike from IOM.  The rider said it was blast in the tight twisties as it had torque to pass easily on the really short straights between turns.  This version was mid-500 lbs, but the next version would be mid 400s.  Based on what they were saying, it seemed like overall weight was dictated by battery weight.  Range was between 80-150 miles depend on how you were riding.  It was a pretty neat sighting.

(http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2692/4465932998_6cfdf38f21.jpg) (http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2692/4465932998_6cfdf38f21_b.jpg)

Title: Re: Cool sighting: Mission One electric bike
Post by: SacDuc on March 29, 2010, 07:22:32 AM

Cool. Put some Termis on it, it'll sound better!  ;)


Title: Re: Cool sighting: Mission One electric bike
Post by: NoisyDante on March 29, 2010, 08:33:15 AM
I wonder how long it takes to fully charge the batteries.  Cool sighting.

Title: Re: Cool sighting: Mission One electric bike
Post by: Povidius on March 29, 2010, 10:05:30 AM
Cool sighting and a beautiful picture.  Where along the coast were you?  I'd love to stop and check out that view in person!

Title: Re: Cool sighting: Mission One electric bike
Post by: lawbreaker on March 29, 2010, 11:15:24 AM
Very cool !

I regularly see a Zero- Electric bike parked on the sidewalk by a restaurant on Melrose/Wilton... but i've not seen it zippin down the road

Title: Re: Cool sighting: Mission One electric bike
Post by: bulldogs2k on March 29, 2010, 02:49:40 PM
That is so cool!!!! I cannot wait to buy a E bike, brammo makes one thats pretty stylish and is made with room to improve when batteries become stronger. Great stuff! 

Title: Re: Cool sighting: Mission One electric bike
Post by: Vindingo on March 29, 2010, 04:02:12 PM
Cool sighting and a beautiful picture.  Where along the coast were you?  I'd love to stop and check out that view in person!

from the looks of it, right above Stinson Beach right before a gnarly turn that takes many a bikes...

Title: Re: Cool sighting: Mission One electric bike
Post by: mitt on March 29, 2010, 04:28:56 PM
Very neat.  It looks very compact.


Title: Re: Cool sighting: Mission One electric bike
Post by: mraff on March 29, 2010, 04:54:41 PM
It seems a bit sterile. Kinda like a Segway turned sideways. To me, electric vehicles are kinda like running without listening to music. No soundtrack to stir the soul.

Title: Re: Cool sighting: Mission One electric bike
Post by: duc996 on March 29, 2010, 06:13:01 PM
That's a great sighting!!! i would love to have one of those for everyday riding...looks like it's made of cardboard.Cool...

Title: Re: Cool sighting: Mission One electric bike
Post by: Spidey on March 30, 2010, 03:22:07 PM
I was a bit surprised at how cool looking it was.  I didn't like it that much from the pics I'd seen, but on the road, it looked pretty aggressive.  It definitely stood out, and not in a Lego-figure kinda way.  More in a looks-fast kinda way. 

from the looks of it, right above Stinson Beach right before a gnarly turn that takes many a bikes...

Ding ding ding!  Winnah!  I've never seen so many people eat it at such a slow speed.  That's the weirdest turn. 

The pic is taken on Panoramic Highway in Mill Valley on the backside of Mt. Tam heading toward PCH and Stinson Beach.  Here's a map:  CLICK (http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=panoramic+highway+mill+valley&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Panoramic+Hwy,+Mill+Valley,+Marin,+California+94941&gl=us&ei=K6KyS86BOYqksgPvx6SfAQ&ved=0CAcQ8gEwAA&ll=37.893698,-122.623306&spn=0.002079,0.004812&t=h&z=18)

Title: Re: Cool sighting: Mission One electric bike
Post by: IZ on March 30, 2010, 06:18:45 PM
Michael Moore and I went for a hooky ride last Friday up Pacific Coast Highway.   It was a pretty neat sighting.

(http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2692/4465932998_6cfdf38f21.jpg) (http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2692/4465932998_6cfdf38f21_b.jpg)

Cool..good story behind the IOM bike too!

BTW..thanks for sharing that pic!   [bang] 

Got me on that CA dreamin' kick again..particularly Santa Rosa.

IIRC..I was on the phone talking to Michael Moore 3 years ago about living in Marin County.

What a beautiful view.

Title: Re: Cool sighting: Mission One electric bike
Post by: geoffduc on March 30, 2010, 07:57:55 PM
Hey guys if you haul your butts over this side of the pond you could even witness a race with the silent machines  8) nice pic and story Spidey.
The veiw looked picture perfect but the Isle of Man has some stunning scenery but I'm affraid the weather is not in the same league as california  :'( :'(


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