Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => Ducati MOB => Topic started by: mostrobelle on April 01, 2010, 06:26:27 PM

Title: Drive it like you stole it?
Post by: mostrobelle on April 01, 2010, 06:26:27 PM
I was riding home tonight from SF to Oaktown, just tooling along, enjoying the endorphins following my workout at the gym and trying to get back to my pad without racking up another ticket crossing the Bridge.  I make it off the Bridge OK--cops had one or two cars pulled over and were busy--so I (and everyone else) picked up a the pace a little.  There's the usual contingent of retards out on the road:  the lady who decides that I shall NOT pass her, guy on the phone who's also looking at a map while adjusting the heat and radio, and some dude a little ways ahead who's about to put on a spectacular light show for me.  I'm in the right hand lane of two that exit 80 onto 580 and Lady-who-doesn't-want-me-to-pass-her is in front of me.  I put Lady-who-doesn't-want-me-to-pass-her behind me pretty quickly with a swift pull into the left hand land and do a quickie mirror check to make sure that she hasn't decided to get on the gas as I'm getting around her.  She's accepted defeat and hasn't buried her foot into the pedal to chase me...or so I think.  I look up and some guy who's three lanes over to the left has his right blinker on and is making an 80 mph swerve in my direction in order to make the exit that he's well past.  I've decided that Lady-who-doesn't-want-me-to-pass-her is wisely taking a defensive position against this guy who's determined to get onto 580.  I bang on over to the right hand lane in a hurry in front of the lady and think that this person has GOT to see the concrete median he's approaching.  Nope.  He sails into this thing doing 80.  Both wheels off the ground--keep in mind that this is like some sort of early 90's Camry and not a lifted Chevy half-ton--he goes flying and lands.  Exhaust hits the pavement along with both his bumpers, other metal bits too.  Sparks everywhere.  There's stuff flying off his car--who knows what.  His front right wheel was definitely tweaked while he did his best Bo-n-Luke Duke impression and he continues on, much slower than before because his car's all fux0red now, but he just keeps going!  I somehow managed to avoid the debris field, including what I think was a hubcab or two that exploded off of his wheels upon impact.   I keep thinking I've seen it all and then somebody pulls that.  Driving defensively is one thing, but avoiding that was just dumb luck.  Enzo mentioned that perhaps the car was stolen. That would certainly explain the driving and the lack of regard for his car after the fact. 

Title: Re: Drive it like you stole it?
Post by: somegirl on April 01, 2010, 06:36:21 PM

Better the median than you. [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Drive it like you stole it?
Post by: Michael Moore on April 01, 2010, 07:39:26 PM
Holy Hell. I hate the f'in Bay Bridge. It always feels like I'm inside some demonic pinball machine with a big target on my back.

Title: Re: Drive it like you stole it?
Post by: mostrobelle on April 01, 2010, 07:52:51 PM
Life's never dull on the BB. 

Title: Re: Drive it like you stole it?
Post by: johnc on April 01, 2010, 08:12:03 PM
Holy Hell. I hate the f'in Bay Bridge. It always feels like I'm inside some demonic pinball machine with a big target on my back.

wait a cotton pickin' minute there sig. moore ... you mean that's NOT a target? :o

Title: Re: Drive it like you stole it?
Post by: desmoquattro on April 02, 2010, 03:45:52 AM
Did the car look like this?

Glad you avoided the carnage.

Title: Re: Drive it like you stole it?
Post by: MendoDave on April 02, 2010, 03:50:23 AM
Would have loved to see that.

Title: Re: Drive it like you stole it?
Post by: duckwrench13 on April 03, 2010, 07:43:24 PM
What? You don't like my driving? [cheeky] Seriously though, this is exactly the kinds of thing that has turned me away from riding on public roads. Too many non-driving-skilled goons out there.

Glad you made it through that mess! [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Drive it like you stole it?
Post by: Buckethead on April 03, 2010, 08:02:13 PM
A) Glad you made it back to Uncle Jessie's farm in one piece.

B) You have a stranglehold on the English language, and I appreciate that.

C) Everyone on the road is trying to kill you. Everyone.

Title: Re: Drive it like you stole it?
Post by: ducnymph on April 04, 2010, 06:20:32 AM
Where were the chippies when bozo pulled that stunt?  [leo]  That would've been a fantastic reason to arrest/impound someone's car. What a douchie douche. Glad you made it unscathed. At that speed, I'm sure a hubcap would've really sucked.

Title: Re: Drive it like you stole it?
Post by: mostrobelle on April 04, 2010, 05:16:33 PM
Where were the chippies when bozo pulled that stunt?  [leo] 

Well, recently it seems like they've been pretty busy giving me speeding tickets.   [cheeky]

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