Title: moved into a new shack Post by: badgalbetty on April 02, 2010, 10:40:33 PM Hiya Girls, I have moved back to Portland Oregon after leaving a few years ago for Vantucky area.......(Vancouver Wa , its nice in some areas,but its kinda banjo's and hunting dogs and picks up and spit buckets on the porch) Spit Buckets? WTF. There is spit all over the place and none in the buckets. The pick ups all have a number 3 on them and a rifle rack in the back window. Back of the truck is full of dead budweiser cans..........yes That Vantucky! [laugh]
So anyway, I am back in Stumptown doing my bit too Keep Portland Wierd, and as some of you know I am wierd alright! [laugh] So I have moved into a shack in St Johns(North Portland) which is cool but I have 2 roommates. Anyway, one of the other girls, is strange...........even stranger thnan I am if that is humanly possible. She is a mooch and never having had to share a home with anyone other than a spouse(ask me how that didn't work.......twice [bang] [laugh])What are the rules? She uses my stuff, ,takes my food, leaves hair all over the sink and the tub which is disgusting, peed on the toilet seat which grossed me out(How the hell did she do that?????), complains that we are too loud when she needs to rest and its only been 3 days............. Oh the effing drama. [laugh] Does BGB say something and nip this in the bud, or do I take the high road and say nothing and see if this behaviour changes or do I see the owner and have a few words. I am a very clean person. Finding short crinkly black hair in the sink which I use to brush my teeth with is awful. [puke] Would it be considered rude If I just took a dump and left it on her bed? [laugh] Please advise............. BGB. Title: Re: moved into a new shack Post by: zooom on April 03, 2010, 04:10:43 AM sounds like you need to have a short and succinct conversation with her establishing boundaries and expectations and put it on the line....kinda like dealing with a guy, but different...and if it doesn't help or curtail anything, then speak the landlord and give notice as to why you are moving in detail....it the landloard can't keep tentants due to her behavoir...eventually she'll find herself out in the street.
Title: Re: moved into a new shack Post by: badgalbetty on April 03, 2010, 06:28:54 AM just had a word with my room mate and she went off. She then picked up one of my saucepans and threw it in the sink..........and started yelling at me.
I was very upset. I said if want to live here you are going to have to be respectful to the other people in the house and their stuff.. BGB is not happy and will be talking to the home owner tonight after work. Be well BGB Title: Re: moved into a new shack Post by: somegirl on April 03, 2010, 07:21:57 AM Good luck, sounds like talking to the home owner is the best course of action. :-\
Title: Re: moved into a new shack Post by: Stella on April 03, 2010, 10:07:02 AM Oh my............
Well there is no high road in a case like this. It's setting boundaries, establishing ground rules, whatever you want to call it. Sounds like that attempt didn't work so much though. And maybe she's never been challenged so I give you an A++++ for confronting her about it. I know that makes you feel SOOO much better about it all, huh. ;) PM forthcoming since some of my suggestions may tarnish my Title: Re: moved into a new shack Post by: badgalbetty on April 04, 2010, 02:45:27 AM this is a motorcycle forum, and we all have stellar reputations to protect!
I have the reputation to protect as I am such a good girl............ [laugh] Funny thing is in a past life if this person had carried on the way with me she did yesterday several years ago she'd be walking around know with a termi stuck up her backside. Nowadays when people confront me all I do is cry.........I so love being an emotional wreck.Still could be worse, guess I could be a cold insensative bastard.......or in other words a republican [cheeky] Happy Easter everyone! Title: Re: moved into a new shack Post by: Betty Rage on April 05, 2010, 10:21:04 AM Hey Betty, I live in North Portland as well. It'd be fun to hang out one of these days if it ever stops raining. Sounds like I'm about 10 minutes from you so if you are ever bored or something give me a shout. I stay at home with my kiddo so my days are usually pretty open.
Welcome back! And sorry about the roomate drama, I have stories pretty similar to yours so I feel your pain. Title: Re: moved into a new shack Post by: LMT on April 10, 2010, 03:51:47 AM Any update on the psycho roommate?
Title: Re: moved into a new shack Post by: badgalbetty on April 11, 2010, 06:35:51 AM well she seems to be mellowing out a little for the time being.........maybe the boundary setting has worked.
Title: Re: moved into a new shack Post by: stopintime on April 11, 2010, 10:58:50 AM ................ ......she'd be walking around know with a termi stuck up her backside. ............ I'm offended by that remark >:( [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] Title: Re: moved into a new shack Post by: badgalbetty on April 11, 2010, 06:09:00 PM Oh Lars, what are we going to do with you?I am glad we are friends,
Point taken. Love ya! Erica. [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] Title: Re: moved into a new shack Post by: roxy696 on April 15, 2010, 12:24:02 PM Hi badgalbetty, glad that things seem to be settling at shack - bummer about your jacket though, now you have to pick a new one and get all excited about it arriving :D i love that about ordering stuff over the net - feels like christmas each day until it arrives.