Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: Dr. D on April 13, 2010, 01:54:00 PM

Title: Modding a M696 seat
Post by: Dr. D on April 13, 2010, 01:54:00 PM

I bought my M696 used.  The PO had bought the comfort seat, so I got it and the stock seat.  I must use the comfort seat on the street; it is way more comfortable.  This past Sunday I had the bike at the track, using the comfort seat.  The seat kind of worked, but it also didn't.  I would liked to have been able to slide back another couple of inches without getting up on the raised back part of the seat.

Hence, i want to take the stock seat and modify it.  Any good places that do this sort of mod?  Is this something I could do myself?  (Perhaps with GF helping?)  Suggestions?

Title: Re: Modding a M696 seat
Post by: danaid on April 13, 2010, 07:07:16 PM
 I was going to modify my stock seat, but bought the touring seat instead. I'm not sure about the area where you live, but most automotive upholstery shops I called where able to do the job including adding/removing height and gel padding for around $300-400 bucks.
  There are two fancy H-D seat makers in town, but I heard they where very expensive, also ask around your local bike shops for recommendations.

Title: Re: Modding a M696 seat
Post by: hcomp on April 13, 2010, 10:05:49 PM
Wow that is really pricey for a seat re-work. I got a quote for $125.00 for new upholstery and padding...

Title: Re: Modding a M696 seat
Post by: dennisd on April 14, 2010, 05:20:26 AM
I did the stock seat on my M1100 myself.  I removed the staples from the cover, starting at the front and peeled back the cover to the two mounting points for the cowl cover (didn't have to go any farther to do what I wanted to do).  Using a marker pen, I drew the general shape I wanted for the "bucket".  I then slowly removed foam using a die grinder and 3 inch flat sanding disk (I've had some experience doing this to other motorcycle seats I've owned).  I set the air pressure way down so the die grinder wouldn't have much power; that way I wouldn't have any "woops".  In my case, I was going for a flatter riding surface from front to back to get rid of the 'nut crunch' effect.  I also gave it a slight dish shape from side to side to give my butt a little more ergonomic support.  Luckily there was enough foam to get what I wanted but still have enough cushion.  I don't think you will be able to get much more than an extra inch or so to the length to the seating area because of the shape of the seat pan.  To do that you would have to remove foam all the way down to the plastic pan where it rises for the passenger seat.  I guess for a track seat would that would be OK but you'd have to glue the foam in place because the two sections would be separated.  That might also cause the cowl cover to not fit right if you even use it on the track.
Once I had the foam the way I wanted, I stretched the cover back into place and stapled it back using my air stapler.

Title: Re: Modding a M696 seat
Post by: danaid on April 14, 2010, 06:59:13 AM
Wow that is really pricey for a seat re-work. I got a quote for $125.00 for new upholstery and padding...

 Hum...now when I think about the price it seems very high, especially when I purchased my DP touring seat for $200. I did go to three shops for estimates, maybe they where waiting for my to haggle them down?

Title: Re: Modding a M696 seat
Post by: Dr. D on April 14, 2010, 04:15:13 PM
I did the stock seat on my M1100 myself.  .....
Once I had the foam the way I wanted, I stretched the cover back into place and stapled it back using my air stapler.

Interesting.  Since I don't need the stock seat for street riding, I might give this a try.  At worst I will send a bare stock frame to a place to put on foam and cover.

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