Title: grinding noise when moving off from a stop Post by: factorPlayer on June 01, 2008, 10:35:50 PM I'm routinely hearing the unpleasant sound of something grinding, I'm assuming the gears, if I try to move off too fast. I'm not sure, to be honest if this is due to my own poor technique, or if something on the bike needs adjusting.
It's right at the end of letting out the clutch, if I let it out too soon the bike lugs (or stalls), let it out too late or give it too much gas and it grinds. I pretty much have to move off very slowly at first and almost lug it to avoid grinding anything. Also happened with greater frequency with a passenger. I'm afraid its putting a lot of wear on the clutch so I want to get this sorted out. Title: Re: grinding noise when moving off from a stop Post by: Slide Panda on June 02, 2008, 02:56:39 AM Seems more like it would be the clutch than gears to me.
What sort of Duc/Clutch? How many miles? Anything else to know? Title: Re: grinding noise when moving off from a stop Post by: herm on June 02, 2008, 03:01:48 AM do you have an open, dry clutch? if so, was having the same problem.
my dealer informed me that i had too much dust/dirt build up in the open clutch. fix was to remove the clutch plates (be sure to keep them in order), wipe them down, blow out the basket and put them back. problem solved. PM if you want a more detailed step by step [thumbsup] Title: Re: grinding noise when moving off from a stop Post by: ducpainter on June 02, 2008, 04:23:30 AM Sounds like clutch groan to me too.
Title: Re: grinding noise when moving off from a stop Post by: Dustin1231 on June 02, 2008, 06:10:31 AM Sounds like clutch groan to me too. +1Title: Re: grinding noise when moving off from a stop Post by: WTSDS on June 02, 2008, 08:25:26 AM Glazed clutch plates, doesn't matter which 'bike, wet or dry - take it apart and give all contact surfaces hell with anything except power tools.
The last plate out is the one to replace zacktly. I just put them all thru the cleanup process like washing the dishes. And, just an observation........... Same question on a , um, well, another L*st woulda been answered by a dozen suggestions to pop monos, or get a vented cover ( and pop monos ) or spend $$$$$$ for aftermarket stuff then do supermonos Back to clutch groan, once the fix is done you will REALLY notice a difference, otherwise, it's something else [bang]. Title: Re: grinding noise when moving off from a stop Post by: factorPlayer on June 02, 2008, 11:51:52 AM 06 S2R1000, 5800 miles on the odo...
No open clutch, still got the stock cover. Title: Re: grinding noise when moving off from a stop Post by: mxwinky on June 02, 2008, 06:30:11 PM I'm kinda confused on what popping monos is, but anyhoooo . . . I'd bet anything that you've got the classic symptoms of material buildup in your clutch. Pull the cover, remove the springs, pressure plate & the rest of the plates and then give it a good cleaning, then reassemble. The noise will magically disappear. You don't have to get agressive with the cleaning either. Some people just blow everything out with compressed air, but breathing in the dust isn't the best thing for the ole lungs. I find a quick spray and wipe down with an aerosol cleaner works just fine. Just did it to my Multistrada and my 900SS and both bikes were noticeably quieter and had better clutch engagement. Cost of repairs: $0. Ease of launching wheelies afterwards: [thumbsup]
Title: Re: grinding noise when moving off from a stop Post by: slyfox on June 02, 2008, 09:09:35 PM I've had this noise for 3 years & 21,000 miles ..... & I'm still using the stock clutch plates ...... Don't worry to much about it
Title: Re: grinding noise when moving off from a stop Post by: CDawg on June 03, 2008, 05:45:15 AM S4RS; ~4000 miles. I had the same problem. Each time I opened the OEM clutch, it was filthy. I switched to open (only ~200 miles so far) and it hasn't happened yet.
Title: Re: grinding noise when moving off from a stop Post by: herm on June 03, 2008, 06:34:26 PM S4RS; ~4000 miles. I had the same problem. Each time I opened the OEM clutch, it was filthy. I switched to open (only ~200 miles so far) and it hasn't happened yet. it will. i have had my clutch open since purchase, and it first started happening after about 4k miles easy to fix once i knew what was going on [thumbsup] Title: Re: grinding noise when moving off from a stop Post by: factorPlayer on June 05, 2008, 08:58:12 AM Well sounds like the consensus is dirty clutch plates or such. I guess it's a good excuse to get a new clutch cover and check out what's in there.