Title: Any tips for rerouting wiring on 620? Post by: swerdna on June 02, 2008, 03:58:09 PM Hey, guys.
I have a 620, and I would like to eliminate the zip ties on the frame if I could. I think that's going to mean rerouting the wiring. But I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. Does anyone know of a good guide or write-up for this? I haven't removed my airbox... do I need to (to make room)? In my mind that's going to mean pods, PC3 and $$$. (On a really long and unrelated note, I ran without the airbox lid for a while (500 miles). No popping, ran great. Loved the sound. [thumbsup] Didn't like the fact that my local shop gave me really funny looks when they did my 6k service and looked the bike over. [puke]) I have seen some pictures of bikes will all sorts of electronics and stuff lumped together. Is that common/recommended? Thanks in advance! There are two pieces that I already know I don't know how/where to put... the thing with the fins underneath the seat and the cylindrical thing on the side of the frame under the seat. Title: Re: Any tips for rerouting wiring on 620? Post by: kenrok1 on June 03, 2008, 09:36:33 AM I can tell you this: I did it to mine and was quite simple... I wasn't sure what to do either, but I just snipped all the ties and then when back to see if anything was hanging ~ really didn't take a whole lot to secure - I think I added a total of 2 new zip ties to the inside of the frame and reused the 2 rubber straps that where there. There was no actual re-routing required. [thumbsup]
The guys who reroute do so becuase they want to, but if your goal is just to clean up the frame (ala the 695) thats all you need to do. Title: Re: Any tips for rerouting wiring on 620? Post by: kenrok1 on June 03, 2008, 09:44:45 AM There are two pieces that I already know I don't know how/where to put... the thing with the fins underneath the seat and the cylindrical thing on the side of the frame under the seat. The thing with the fins is a voltage regulator. And if I follow what you are referring to as the cylindrical thing - it's probably the charcoal overflow canister. I'd sugest these guys: http://www.tpoparts.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=25_28&osCsid=b51562051c097d6dd0eab4646bcfe556 I used the "Monster Emissions Removal Kit" to elimate the canister and "Monster Rectifier/Regulator Relocator Kit" and "Ducati Crankcase Breather Vent Filter Kit" to do away with the rest of the plastic junk & tubes left behind. You can do this cheaper with a trip to hardware store and some ingunity - but they put it together w/instructions & everything you need, so worth a few extra $ if you ask me. Oh 1 more thing - if you wanted to run the open air box alone you probably aren't hurting anything, but if you went with a less restricitve exhaust you would need to do something to richen then fuel mapping (typically a PCIII) check your spark plugs to be sure, here's a chart: http://www.verrill.com/moto/sellingguide/sparkplugs/plugcolorchart.htm you'd want to look out for overheating (bad) or detonation (real bad) Title: Re: Any tips for rerouting wiring on 620? Post by: swerdna on June 03, 2008, 11:35:33 AM Thanks for the info. I was afraid this thread was going to go unnoticed.
But no... I'm pretty sure the cylindrical thing isn't the charcoal canister. :( I will post a pic later on for clarification. EDIT: Goofed up. Will post... Thanks again for the hook-up! I had no idea where to even start for the relocation kit for the voltage regulator! Title: Re: Any tips for rerouting wiring on 620? Post by: swerdna on June 03, 2008, 11:48:56 AM Number 15... It's labeled as "vertical coil connectors"... or maybe that's just the wires... it has the "vertical head coil cable" coming out of it...
(http://lh6.ggpht.com/swerdna.neb/SEWeqHVsmaI/AAAAAAAAJEI/PqQLGZLSt00/s400/electric.jpg) ... and PM me if anyone needs any more pictures like this for their own purposes. Title: Re: Any tips for rerouting wiring on 620? Post by: kenrok1 on June 03, 2008, 12:40:06 PM ah - makes sense now, you took your side covers off
me too - then I wen't ape shit and ground of the mounting (it was a bear) I put my coil right next to the other one between the airbox and battery ~ just used zip ties to secure it. I was going to try to use a hoseclamp but it was just too tight in there Title: Re: Any tips for rerouting wiring on 620? Post by: Ducatiloo on June 03, 2008, 12:47:01 PM Number 15... It's labeled as "vertical coil connectors"... or maybe that's just the wires... it has the "vertical head coil cable" coming out of it... (http://lh6.ggpht.com/swerdna.neb/SEWeqHVsmaI/AAAAAAAAJEI/PqQLGZLSt00/s400/electric.jpg) ... and PM me if anyone needs any more pictures like this for their own purposes. Kinda a threadjack but what does the blue connector go to? I have not been able to figure that out. Title: Re: Any tips for rerouting wiring on 620? Post by: swerdna on June 03, 2008, 12:53:23 PM Kinda a threadjack but what does the blue connector go to? I have not been able to figure that out. I see blue (at the top), purple (at the bottom), light blue (on the right). Just making sure we are on the same page... You mean the blue one at the top? The blue one at the top is labelled as "fuel pump/tank sensor". Title: Re: Any tips for rerouting wiring on 620? Post by: Ducatiloo on June 03, 2008, 01:11:39 PM I see blue (at the top), purple (at the bottom), light blue (on the right). Just making sure we are on the same page... You mean the blue one at the top? The blue one at the top is labelled as "fuel pump/tank sensor". gotcha thanks |