Title: Problem with rear chain ring.. Post by: White Lion on May 04, 2010, 09:34:11 PM Playing with the bike today, and i noticed a few mm's of movement in the rear chainring(Left to right according to the bike)
. Undid the five bolts, which were all on very tight. Did them all up using correct tightening sequence, and hey presto, no more movement. Now what i'm wondering is if this is a warning to me for an underlying problem, or is it more a case of poor tightening sequence on the last person who changed the wheel.....? Title: Re: Problem with rear chain ring.. Post by: bigiain on May 04, 2010, 09:49:26 PM There is some play there - the chain carrier can slide on the axle and is attached to the wheel by the cush drive. _But_, the single sided swingarm bikes have an occasional problem where the cushdrive goes bad somehow (I've never owned a SSA bike so I'm not sure what the details on that are...)
Oh, and when the bike's a _proper_ bike, with a motor in it, they're called "rear sprockets", not "chain wheels"! ;D big Title: Re: Problem with rear chain ring.. Post by: loony888 on May 04, 2010, 10:08:32 PM thanks big, i was gonna ask, what the f*@k's a chain wheel??
umm, what sort of bike mate? did you buy a S4RT or S? if so, you may want to check the cush drives, the outer steel case can tear from the rubber and work their way out the back and rub on the eccentric adjuster causing expensive damage, get a QC sprocket carrier for peace of mind and check here for further info. http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=27849.0 (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=27849.0) paul. Title: Re: Problem with rear chain ring.. Post by: White Lion on May 04, 2010, 10:32:18 PM I'll give you real bikes ian! and i never said chainwheel, i said chainring!! ;)
I've heard a bit about cush drives over the years, but never actually seen one. I don't have a stand anymore(Was borrowed when they borrowed my last bike), so i can't really take the wheel off to check. Anyway to see with the wheel on? Title: Re: Problem with rear chain ring.. Post by: loony888 on May 04, 2010, 10:43:28 PM read the thread i linked hugh, there's good details and pics there that will make things clear.
paul. Title: Re: Problem with rear chain ring.. Post by: White Lion on May 04, 2010, 10:51:49 PM Sweet as [moto]