Title: LOST season finale (spoilers) Post by: Ash on June 03, 2008, 05:42:39 AM i frigging KNEW it!
it was locke! i bet if/when they take him back to the island, he comes back to life... Title: Re: LOST season finale (spoilers) Post by: TCK! on June 03, 2008, 07:05:01 AM i frigging KNEW it! But how did he get "off" the island? You think he had to pay the same penalty that Ben did? Or did he return simply to make the others come back?it was locke! i bet if/when they take him back to the island, he comes back to life... Title: Re: LOST season finale (spoilers) Post by: Ash on June 03, 2008, 07:43:23 AM i think as the new "leader" he has the resources that ben once had, and left the island of his own accord to get the others to come back.
Title: Re: LOST season finale (spoilers) Post by: Slide Panda on June 03, 2008, 07:50:54 AM We've seen it's possible for people to come and go from the island. Richard was always out of recruiting missions... Though why the hell does he still look so young? He went to see Locke as a kid and looks the same now 50 some odd years later?
Title: Re: LOST season finale (spoilers) Post by: Ash on June 03, 2008, 07:51:53 AM i think richard is kept young by the island... or it was some kind of experiment...
or he's dead. :) Title: Re: LOST season finale (spoilers) Post by: TCK! on June 03, 2008, 08:29:18 AM Yeah but they "had the resources" to get off the island, submarine and such was destroyed wasn't the boat as well?
Title: Re: LOST season finale (spoilers) Post by: Ducatiloo on June 03, 2008, 08:32:20 AM We've seen it's possible for people to come and go from the island. Richard was always out of recruiting missions... Though why the hell does he still look so young? He went to see Locke as a kid and looks the same now 50 some odd years later? The island is in a time bubble that is why it took so long to drop supplies from the ship. Title: Re: LOST season finale (spoilers) Post by: Ash on June 03, 2008, 08:39:00 AM Yeah but they "had the resources" to get off the island, submarine and such was destroyed wasn't the boat as well? dunno. but clearly they have considerable resources off-shore as well. remember when the big gay bear (forget his name) was in new york (i think) looking to recruit michael? he was livin large... |