Title: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: junior varsity on May 19, 2010, 02:13:44 PM Here's the latest shots of the Slingshot Racing guys' GP shifters. I needed a shifter like the no-longer available DSL-2 from CycleCat which has a lateral move for easier access. It also clears the bodywork on those superbikes, making add'l cutting not required.
Here's some shots: (http://lh3.ggpht.com/_4iYlZ1m8UEM/S_LuEbRTrPI/AAAAAAAAFrY/YutV5pPVXFo/s400/IMG_2338.JPG) (http://lh4.ggpht.com/_4iYlZ1m8UEM/S_LuEpqTTGI/AAAAAAAAFrc/5ZTW2TyESu8/s400/IMG_2339.JPG) (https://lh5.ggpht.com/_4iYlZ1m8UEM/S_LuE48nNEI/AAAAAAAAFrg/GKD88rB9lQM/s400/IMG_2340.JPG) (https://lh5.ggpht.com/_4iYlZ1m8UEM/S_R7BpsuseI/AAAAAAAAFsw/Zu2u-pO6304/s800/IMG_2341.JPG) (http://lh3.ggpht.com/_4iYlZ1m8UEM/S_R7CId67VI/AAAAAAAAFs0/JWBkn-T1Jq4/s800/IMG_2342.JPG) (http://lh4.ggpht.com/_4iYlZ1m8UEM/S_R7Cu7FG8I/AAAAAAAAFs4/7BgKfDApzIw/s800/IMG_2343.JPG) (http://lh3.ggpht.com/_4iYlZ1m8UEM/S_R7DXkxuXI/AAAAAAAAFs8/4r2JTrs2Ib4/s800/IMG_2345.JPG) (http://lh4.ggpht.com/_4iYlZ1m8UEM/S_R7DtwhkwI/AAAAAAAAFtA/MrpZEhYOLU4/s800/IMG_2346.JPG) Enjoy. They should be available on the SSR website (slingshotracing.net) relatively soon. These guys were great to work with, and deserve [almost] all the credit. Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: DarkStaR on May 19, 2010, 03:34:18 PM Nice. I was going to buy the current straight one soon. Looks like I'll be waiting for this one instead.
I recently bought some of their tools. So nice, I wish I could put them on the bike as bling. Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: corey on May 19, 2010, 04:30:59 PM lol...
man the list of shit i'm buying for my bike is just exponentially increasing... LOVE it. I'll be getting this sucker ASAP. Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: Heath on May 19, 2010, 06:18:45 PM Did you ever try the gp shifter rizoma makes? From my understanding it should fit.
Rizoma part number PE206B I never found an answer that was a definite yes or no. PJ's parts said they had one guy say yes and another guy say no lol. Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: Povidius on May 19, 2010, 06:40:54 PM Holy shit! Thats a cool idea! :D
Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: ducpainter on May 20, 2010, 02:29:02 AM Any idea if it will work with stock rearsets?
And will they sell a replacement toe piece? Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: junior varsity on May 20, 2010, 03:42:06 AM Yes to replacement toe-pieces - the toe end is identical to their other shifter's piece.
Going to be slightly long for stock rearsets unless you got really little feet. Did you ever try the gp shifter rizoma makes? From my understanding it should fit. Rizoma part number PE206B I never found an answer that was a definite yes or no. PJ's parts said they had one guy say yes and another guy say no lol. Yes, it fits, but no it doesn't "work". It, although angled, does not have a lateral movement which would position it wider for Monster rearsets, like the Rizoma rearsets. Here's the problem this piece solved - the pigeon-toed picture: (http://lh6.ggpht.com/_4iYlZ1m8UEM/Szqk4XLqgBI/AAAAAAAAE-c/pIgkqI6ydTU/s800/IMG_1893.JPG) See how you'd have to rotate your foot way in to shift gears? Do-able, but not comfortable. For guys with stock rearsets, their "shorty" shifter is the correct length for use (but note, their gold is very orangey gold on that shifter, or it was, which was nice, but did not match other golds). Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: ducpainter on May 20, 2010, 04:46:53 AM Yes to replacement toe-pieces - the toe end is identical to their other shifter's piece. I guess I'll buy up old stockers.Going to be slightly long for stock rearsets unless you got really little feet. <snip> Don't know how many more times I can straighten mine. ;D Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: junior varsity on May 20, 2010, 05:38:43 AM Haha. Here's a shot of the problem "solved":
(http://lh4.ggpht.com/_4iYlZ1m8UEM/S_VWF1vD0qI/AAAAAAAAFuQ/G_PZSg_cx90/s800/IMG_2347.JPG) Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: dansamp on May 20, 2010, 09:41:21 AM sorry for the thread-jack but,,,,,
what exhaust header is that ?? :o Dan, Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: junior varsity on May 20, 2010, 09:43:04 AM Sil Moto Equal Length (Spaghetti) Headers - in SS, been ceramic coated.
Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: Privateer on May 20, 2010, 06:58:44 PM i really like the SSR stuff I've acquired. I wish they made DSS rear sets.
Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: He Man on May 25, 2010, 12:59:16 PM Im still waiting for jeff at monsterparts to get a hold of these. when do you think they be available?
Want to save a bit on shipping since im also buying SSR's alternator cover + DS1000 bolt kit. Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: junior varsity on May 25, 2010, 01:57:09 PM Not really sure when they'll be ready to move lots of them. I will keep you guys posted.
Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: junior varsity on May 26, 2010, 04:06:05 AM ASK AND YE SHALL RECEIVETH:
http://www.slingshotracing.net/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=9_3&products_id=196 (http://www.slingshotracing.net/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=9_3&products_id=196) Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: He Man on May 26, 2010, 06:06:36 AM BOIiinnnggggg!! ;D now to make an order.
Jeff @ monsterparts.com said he throw it up on his website today and i can get a order of everything i need and save on shipping. awesome Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: jim_0068 on May 26, 2010, 07:20:21 AM so this is reverse shifting right? up shift is click down and down shift is click up? GP style?
Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: junior varsity on May 26, 2010, 07:23:49 AM you bet.
Been riding GP shift pattern for a few years now. This shifter feels great in regards to placement. Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: He Man on May 27, 2010, 07:02:03 AM ordered it in black through Monsterparts.com Cant wait to get rid of my old ass one. its like 2cm from my rearsets and i always have to pigeion toe just to shift~
Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: Titus on May 28, 2010, 07:52:38 PM anyone looking to unload their stock shift lever? The g/f dropped the 695 on it's left side & bent in the lever. I was able to bend it back out but it still doesn't shift as crisp as it used to.
on Commonwealth Ducati's site it is $67.05 new; I'm not sure how much a used one is worth. 2007 m695 or equivalent Thanks Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: DarkStaR on June 01, 2010, 07:21:02 PM Weighed the bits and pieces just for shits.
S#R Stock Shifter Assembly: 6.9 oz. (.43 lbs) SSR Shifter Assembly: 3.0 oz. (.19 lbs) Weight Saved: -3.9 oz. (-.24 lbs) Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: DarkStaR on June 21, 2010, 04:07:56 PM So, I finally got a chance to ride with this thing (S2R), and a couple of notes:
1) It has to be in the "right" position to get good leverage to shift properly (probably that same with all direct shifters I suppose), but the shifts feel solid, and quick when adjusted right. 2) Seems a bit long (1/2" maybe?), but you/I could probably get use to it,...and I ride with a size 41 boot. (I'll fix this some day with new rear sets.) 3) Got to get use to the rolling toe piece. That's all... (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y126/hundredpercentkill/dmf/DSC05775.jpg) Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: He Man on June 21, 2010, 06:49:47 PM been riding the past 2 weeks wiht it. absolutely love it when compared to the Motowheels one.
Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: junior varsity on June 22, 2010, 03:43:31 AM So, I finally got a chance to ride with this thing (S2R), and a couple of notes: 1) It has to be in the "right" position to get good leverage to shift properly (probably that same with all direct shifters I suppose), but the shifts feel solid, and quick when adjusted right. 2) Seems a bit long (1/2" maybe?), but you/I could probably get use to it,...and I ride with a size 41 boot. (I'll fix this some day with new rear sets.) Definitely requires adjustment to get it right. Direct feel should be a much more positive shift engagement. You'll know as it happens when you miss a shift rather than being surprised about it. The length is correct if you have rearsets. The piece is designed for superbikes.... and Monsters with rearsets. The length is for superbikes first, and happens to fit ours if you have put on aftermarket or DP rearsets which move your feet both UP and BACK. If you are feeling a bit cramped, that's why. For comparison, my boot size is 45. Works for me because of the rizoma rearsets which I can position well over an inch behind stock rearset location. Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: b. on June 22, 2010, 09:03:17 AM Got mine installed right before my first track day and it rocked. [thumbsup]
I was surprised at just how much "slop" there was with the OEM linkage. I'm very happy with it, but yes, aftermarket rear sets would compliment this nicely... Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: jim_0068 on June 24, 2010, 05:53:47 PM So would this give me more or less room for shifting with STOCK rearsets?
Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: DarkStaR on June 25, 2010, 10:27:01 AM So would this give me more or less room for shifting with STOCK rearsets? I'd say less. Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: junior varsity on June 25, 2010, 01:48:41 PM Less.
Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: He Man on August 14, 2010, 03:04:16 PM just an update, these things dont crash very well since they are curved and stick out more. none the less it isnt broken, and it was nothing a hammer couldnt fix. Im not going to lie. it hurt a little since they were less than a few weeks old.
but i tell you, they are the best reverse shifters in the world! The only thing im really upset about is how yellow the anodizing turned. Its straight up yellower than carbon fiber sitting in the sun for 3 years. (http://kuixihe.com/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=768&g2_serialNumber=1) Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: Raux on August 14, 2010, 11:45:49 PM just an update, these things dont crash very well since they are curved and stick out more. none the less it isnt broken, and it was nothing a hammer couldnt fix. Im not going to lie. it hurt a little since they were less than a few weeks old. but i tell you, they are the best reverse shifters in the world! The only thing im really upset about is how yellow the anodizing turned. Its straight up yellower than carbon fiber sitting in the sun for 3 years. (http://kuixihe.com/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=768&g2_serialNumber=1) holy shit, did you just wreck? or was this a track day thing? Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: BlackKat on August 15, 2010, 02:41:43 AM I've been riding this for a couple months and can say I love it! My only complaint is the toe cover. That hard piece of plastic has actually torn my boot (some mid-range Joe Rocket boots) and bruised my toe! I would actually dread the downshift and I skipped a couple good days for rides from the pain...good riding days in Ohio are numbered!
My solution...I went to a local bike salvage yard and after an hour or so of digging through shift levers from wrecked bikes, I discovered that the rubber cover from a honda vt1100 fits perfectly. Just add a 10mm washer on the back side for support and you got comfort! Couple of real quick pics.... (http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll153/vwbluxu2/honda%20cb550/ducati1106.jpg) (http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll153/vwbluxu2/honda%20cb550/ducati1105.jpg) (http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll153/vwbluxu2/honda%20cb550/ducati1104.jpg) Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: He Man on August 15, 2010, 03:39:02 AM it is pretty painful if you arent using thick shoes or proper boots. That looks like a good option to have.
they do make these shifter pegs that you can slip on the end, theres also these things you can wear on your shoe, but it might be really annoying to use. Raux, i just dropped the bike at the pit in right after tech. I was throwing preload on my shock, and didnt look at the kick stand. when i went to give the tool back to my friend the bike just fell. Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: Raux on August 15, 2010, 03:53:42 AM holy crap. just from a tip over it looked like that?
Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: junior varsity on August 15, 2010, 04:28:49 AM happens to stock shifters all the time, the cast aluminum stock piece gets bent into the shift linkage from simple drops frequently.
Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: xcaptainxbloodx on August 15, 2010, 05:21:09 AM If it huts to shift you are probably misadjusted (barley)
when I first put my straight gp shift on I went for a ride and the whole top of my foot was bruised. came home and played with it and now its easier than stock was. I managed to nestle the shifter at the first joint in my big toe so that when I go for the up shift I can bend my toes and make a "V" to cradle it. dunno if its the "correct" place to do it but its been working well for me since january Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: He Man on August 15, 2010, 06:58:36 AM happens to stock shifters all the time, the cast aluminum stock piece gets bent into the shift linkage from simple drops frequently. My stock shifter was down once, and it didnt look like this it was just curved in, and my GP shifter was the same way. it was rideable at the very least. this one was not going anywhere since it bent so much it got caught under the rearset. It was MUCH harder to bend this one by hand then my other shifters because of the way it was engineered. it looks almost like new now.. minus the faded anodizing and the marks from my hammer.... ;D Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: He Man on August 26, 2010, 06:12:17 PM ok just an update, i actually crashed the bike this time the shifter snapped when i try to put it back in place.
so yea.... great shifter....just not to crash worthy. Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: Düb Lüv on August 26, 2010, 08:10:08 PM ok just an update, i actually crashed the bike this time the shifter snapped when i try to put it back in place. you okay? Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: He Man on August 27, 2010, 06:31:36 AM im fine. shifter..ehh not so much. not realy durable becasue my last shifter wasnt offset, and it was knocked over like 5+ times no issues
Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: DarkStaR on May 13, 2011, 02:40:26 PM (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y126/hundredpercentkill/dmf/DSC05775.jpg) So would this give me more or less room for shifting with STOCK rearsets? I'd say less. So I went out for a little ride (1st real ride in many months) in the twisties today since I had the day off. I needed to ride the bike to keep the battery and fluids nice and happy, and to break in some new leathers and boots. I've had this thing on for close to a year now, and with my casual Dainese riding boots...all is good. With my Dainese (raceish) boots, It's awkward to get my f'n toes under the shifter for down shifts, and I don't have big feet! [bang] I'm guessing this thing is a bit too long for the monster or just me. I have it positioned so that I get the best leverage on the lever, so there's not much more I can do besides rotate the little peg here and there... Am I the only one with a S#R w/ stock rearsets with this issue? Hmm... New shift lever...$ Adjustable pegs...$$ New rearsets...$$$ Go back to stock... [puke] Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: He Man on May 13, 2011, 03:13:31 PM you are not the only one. luckly i have small feet (size 8) and i get used to it pretty easily. If you are going to get rid of it...PM Me with a price. i destroyed one at the track and will probably end up destroying another.
Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: junior varsity on May 13, 2011, 04:10:18 PM On the dss, I have no problems with size 11 / 45 alpinestars. Who knows.
Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: DarkStaR on May 13, 2011, 04:15:04 PM Yeah, I rode a DSS with this on, and it didn't seem to be as much of an issue.
It seems that the peg on a DSS and the peg on a SSS are in different locations slightly. Title: Re: Newest GP-Shifter Design: 749/999 and Monsters Post by: psycledelic on May 13, 2011, 11:12:48 PM I have on on my 999 and it's, well...."kind of funky" in my opinion. It works fine, but I can't quite get the positioning where I want it. It seems a little short. It contacts my boot about 1.5" (toward my toes) further than the stock lever did. I also had to take the lower inside edge off the lever and cut a 45degree angle off of the end (lever & eccentric part of toe peg) to get it off of my fairings. If I could get the stock shift lever assembly to fit with the shift pattern flipped, I would definately take this lever back off. But, I can't, so I am going with what I got. Just a heads up for the SBK'ers. It is a good looking piece though.