Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: NJ Monster on May 19, 2010, 04:57:30 PM

Title: Cant stand my ugly seat :(
Post by: NJ Monster on May 19, 2010, 04:57:30 PM
I own a 02' monster 750 ie dark, and I cant stand the super ugly 2 person seat, and it has a rip in it too! Everytime I search for ducati parts I never know what fits and what does not. Everything seems to be "check with your dealer before purchasing" which is a huge pain. Where can I get a nice 2 OR 1 person seat? I was even thinking of hacking it in half and trying to re-wrap it myself. Please send me links to stuff that will fit!!!

It looks like this, FUGLY!


Title: Re: Cant stand my ugly seat :(
Post by: DarkStaR on May 19, 2010, 05:02:14 PM
http://www.luimoto.com/index.php?cPath=44_56 (http://www.luimoto.com/index.php?cPath=44_56)


http://www.monsterparts.com/pc/96787702B/Comfort-Touring/96787702B.html (http://www.monsterparts.com/pc/96787702B/Comfort-Touring/96787702B.html)

Title: Re: Cant stand my ugly seat :(
Post by: Chucko9-696 on May 19, 2010, 05:02:56 PM
have you thought about recovering the seat? try luimoto they have some nice covers

Title: Re: Cant stand my ugly seat :(
Post by: brix821 on May 19, 2010, 06:34:51 PM
try it w/0 that front fairing. its not that bad...there is always a tail chop and a dark seat cowl (WANT!)

Title: Re: Cant stand my ugly seat :(
Post by: NJ Monster on May 19, 2010, 07:11:28 PM
is there a cheap seat cowl that will fit? I am looking for something cheap, i dont care if it is used or unpainted... I have a little custom job i'd like to do to it!

Title: Re: Cant stand my ugly seat :(
Post by: Privateer on May 19, 2010, 09:11:32 PM
I like my HT Moto cover.  Affordable and high customizable.

I really like the seemingly rare solo seat too.  If I could find one that wasn't so expensive, I'd get one.

Title: Re: Cant stand my ugly seat :(
Post by: lwszabo on May 20, 2010, 02:26:37 AM
A used Sargent may be the way to go. The quality is awesome, and it looks killer with the italian flag sewn on the right side.  It also has a tube on the bottom to hold documents, sunglasses etc..

Title: Re: Cant stand my ugly seat :(
Post by: brix821 on May 20, 2010, 04:52:53 AM
I'm pretty sure monster parts.com sells unpainted cowls on the cheap

Title: Re: Cant stand my ugly seat :(
Post by: orangelion03 on May 20, 2010, 05:02:48 AM
I bought an aftermarket seat cowl off eBay in January for $80.  Good quality fiberglass/gel coat, made in Czeck republic.  Bought the mounting tabs from Monsterparts.  Didnt fit as well as OEM, but it looks the part.

I think the seller was Moto Italia????

Title: Re: Cant stand my ugly seat :(
Post by: redial on May 20, 2010, 07:08:48 AM
corbin is a great seat as well.
couldnt decide between sargent and corbin, went with corbin. love it

the only solution for me? get a s*r with a sargent and have the best of both worlds  [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Cant stand my ugly seat :(
Post by: krista on May 21, 2010, 12:54:53 PM
You can find auto upholstery shop to recover it. While the cover is off, you can get them to cut the foam so the seat is one continuous flat seat. Then they stitch along the edge. Looks pretty good and is usually $50~80.

Title: Re: Cant stand my ugly seat :(
Post by: uglyducky on May 21, 2010, 07:06:14 PM
You can find auto upholstery shop to recover it. While the cover is off, you can get them to cut the foam so the seat is one continuous flat seat. Then they stitch along the edge. Looks pretty good and is usually $50~80.
will the rear cowl still fit if you do this?  i'm guessing not but . . .

Title: Re: Cant stand my ugly seat :(
Post by: ChrisH on June 04, 2010, 03:55:47 AM
Just to bring this back up & help a little. Ht Moto makes pretty nice stuff, I had them make a custom seat cover for my Ruckus that I love, they also make covers & gel inserts for the last gen Duc's. They'll make current gen, or custom stuff if you send in your seat to build the template from. Might be worth checking out, they have good prices too.

As a side note, I have zero affiliation with them, just trying to help some if I can  :)

http://hydroturf.com/products/Seat_Covers_-_Sport_Bike/Ducati (http://hydroturf.com/products/Seat_Covers_-_Sport_Bike/Ducati)

Title: Re: Cant stand my ugly seat :(
Post by: seevtsaab on June 04, 2010, 06:41:15 AM
interesting .... any other FHE?

I'd love to get a seat built up, that had a little width ala the 848 / 1098.
I've got a spare OEM seat / tray.

Title: Re: Cant stand my ugly seat :(
Post by: hackers2r on June 04, 2010, 06:48:13 AM
I will be offering a solo seat soon.  Check my thread for preliminary pics.  Shouldn't be too far down the page.

Title: Re: Cant stand my ugly seat :(
Post by: duckseason on June 05, 2010, 07:24:05 AM
i thought my seat was ugly too, it was faded and had some tears. i just got it reupholstered in a carbon fiber simulation material. it looks awesome!!!

Title: Re: Cant stand my ugly seat :(
Post by: seevtsaab on June 07, 2010, 08:27:23 AM
I will be offering a solo seat soon.  Check my thread for preliminary pics.  Shouldn't be too far down the page.

H2r - I saw the thread - good looking solo seat would fit the bill - if of course, I could sit on it all day.

Is this a bottup up (pardon the pun) design, or are you using existing trays?

OP sorry for the thread jack

Title: Re: Cant stand my ugly seat :(
Post by: hackers2r on June 07, 2010, 09:52:34 AM
It will be a complete seat, no reusing anything.

Title: Re: Cant stand my ugly seat :(
Post by: Mike Qube on June 09, 2010, 03:08:55 PM

Take a look at the covers from:
http://hydroturf.com/products.php?cat=Seat%20Covers%20-%20Sport%20Bike&man=Ducati (http://hydroturf.com/products.php?cat=Seat%20Covers%20-%20Sport%20Bike&man=Ducati)
I'm going to get the exact one at the bottom of the page, not bad for $70.

Then,I'm going to bring the cover and the stock seat to this guy:
http://www.all-nu.com/index_new.htm (http://www.all-nu.com/index_new.htm)
He does a multi layer foam/gel/memory foam/gel padding that is very comfortable. I met a guy with a monster at a bike night that had it done, I sat on it and it was very good. Better than corbin and sargents that I've sat on in my opinion. It's somewhere around $150 for him to do the padding and put a cover on. He says it takes about a week to do. I'm having mine done in July while I'm on a cruiseship so I don't have to be without a seat and not be able to ride for a week.

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