Title: Oil levels Post by: Justo on May 31, 2010, 01:19:43 PM Did my first solo simple oil change ((Replaced filter and oil on the 696)), and im a bit confused.
- Manual Says 3.1ltres - Youtube video says 2.8Lts (2.5qts) Ducati Monster 696 First Oil Change + Screen Cleaning (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUZEL6OLK8s#lq-lq2-hq-vhq) - Drip Tray had just under 3litres (but that’s dodgy side measurements) - I put it in 2.6Ltres (which when cold and on stand the oil sits just below if not on the max line), when running it drains right down. When warm but off on the ground, oil sits above max line. Hindsight says mark the sight glass with a sharpie next time stoopid. Have I F#cked it? Too much? Not enough? I feel like a total goose even posting this, but pride sucumbs to a healthy bike. Cheers. Title: Re: Oil levels Post by: suzyj on May 31, 2010, 01:39:49 PM The important measure is the sight glass. Volumes depend on how much of the old oil you get out, whether you change your filter, etc etc.
So as long as it's between max and min on the sight glass with the engine warm and bike level, you're good to go. Title: Re: Oil levels Post by: Justo on May 31, 2010, 01:47:58 PM Hey cool. I embedded the video. never new it was that easy.
Cheers SuzyJ. [bow_down] When you say level. you mean on the ground (as apposed to paddock stand). Title: Re: Oil levels Post by: CairnsDuc on May 31, 2010, 06:04:36 PM I must admit I never spent a lot time worrying how much I put in, I just looked at the sight glass while the bike was upright,
but I used to use a paddock stand both front and rear. But before I got the paddock stands I used to put a small block under the side stand to get it as close to level as I could but not to close to level so a slight tap would knock it over, as long as it was close to level. I would fill the oil so it would be a little above or below the top level on the sight glass, I didn't worry to much about it being exactly spot on. after the oil/filter change I would run the bike in the garage for a minute or 2, or just a gentle run around the block, come home leave the bike sit for an hour or so and then check the sight glass and do a slight top up from there if it was needed. My bike was a daily runner so I would check the sight glass every couple of days, as long as it was close to the top level. no worries, time to go [moto] Title: Re: Oil levels Post by: spotcom on June 03, 2010, 02:26:42 AM You want the oil level to be between the top & the bottom oil marks when the bike is level (front & rear) and upright (side to side).
If you're just using it for a commuter, you could get away with it being above the top line, but it's not recommended. If you're taking it to the track or working it hard where it's likely to get hot, don't over-fill it. I usually go just slightly above the half-way point, but well under the top mark. |