Title: S2R Positioning issue Post by: He Man on June 08, 2010, 03:09:12 PM I'm having difficulty getting a good position on my bike. I usually ride with no passenger pegs or exahust.
This year though, ive been riding 2 up around the city commuting and put the stock exhaust back on. I cannot for the life of me get use to the positioning. My ankle sticks out and i cant get my right foot in a good position. Do you guys have any tips? I never noticed how in the way the exahust is. My passenger pegs are all scratched up from my heel slider on both sides and im only size 40EU/7US. When i set up for a corner i try to get the toe on the edge of the peg and my heel on my frame. Title: Re: S2R Positioning issue Post by: pennyrobber on June 09, 2010, 07:47:32 AM I pretty much ride with the balls of my feet on the pegs but further toward the outside of the peg. That is, my foot is kind of slid out so that I can keep from having to have my foot twisted due to the right passenger peg bracket. I do the same with the left foot so that I don't have one way close to the bike and the other further out. It took awhile to get used to but it works for me know.
Title: Re: S2R Positioning issue Post by: He Man on June 12, 2010, 02:39:41 AM thats how i have to ride with a full gear. I dont like it because i feel like im going to take my toe off. the left side isnt so bad becasue the pegs are more inward and theres no exhaust system in teh way.