Title: Group Ride -- "Escape the Heat" -- June 26 - Quick Saturday ride to Payson area Post by: Michael on June 14, 2010, 02:51:30 PM It's hot at the end of June.
Let's leave. [moto] Saturday, June 26 Early morning ride (via Bush Hwy) to Payson, AZ Then to my all-time favorite lookout atop the Mogollon Rim. Then to a cool biker bar & grill for lunch in Strawberry, AZ Then home. Distance: 255 miles Duration: 6 - 7 hours Meet Meet between 8:00 and 8:45am at Starbucks Power Rd. & McDowell (N/W) Kickstands up by 9:00am. Google map (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=N+Power+Rd&daddr=Rim+Rd+to:AZ-260+W%2FAZ-87+N+to:33.501896,-111.787262&geocode=FRqp_gEdCtdX-Q%3BFVSWCwId6iNj-Q%3BFYQBDQIdU8Ja-Q%3B&hl=en&mra=dme&mrcr=2&mrsp=3&sz=11&sll=33.512202,-111.755676&sspn=0.392163,0.492325&ie=UTF8&ll=33.886377,-111.656799&spn=1.561794,1.969299&z=9) Click it, yo. There's an Egg and I Cafe on the N/E corner where I will be having breakfast at 8:00am, then head over to Starbucks to join the crowd. (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/map-payson.gif) (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=N+Power+Rd&daddr=Rim+Rd+to:AZ-260+W%2FAZ-87+N+to:33.501896,-111.787262&geocode=FRqp_gEdCtdX-Q%3BFVSWCwId6iNj-Q%3BFYQBDQIdU8Ja-Q%3B&hl=en&mra=dme&mrcr=2&mrsp=3&sz=11&sll=33.512202,-111.755676&sspn=0.392163,0.492325&ie=UTF8&ll=33.886377,-111.656799&spn=1.561794,1.969299&z=9) Title: Re: Group Ride -- "Escape the Heat" -- June 26 - Quick Saturday ride to Payson area Post by: rule62 on June 14, 2010, 03:07:22 PM I should have my custom advanced PCIII map by then. :)
Title: Re: Group Ride -- "Escape the Heat" -- June 26 - Quick Saturday ride to Payson area Post by: Michael on June 21, 2010, 03:07:29 PM Weather Forecast
Saturday, June 26, 2010 Phoenix, AZ Sunny and Painful High 105° Low 81° Strawberry, AZ Sunny and pleasant High 83° Low 51° Title: Re: Group Ride -- "Escape the Heat" -- June 26 - Quick Saturday ride to Payson area Post by: Michael on June 21, 2010, 04:39:23 PM (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/new-location.png)
Meet between 8:00 and 8:45am at Starbucks Power Rd. & McDowell (N/W) (there's a Chevron station on Recker and McDowell, a mile east, or a Circle K on Power and McKellips a mile south) NEW MAP (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=N+Power+Rd&daddr=Rim+Rd+to:AZ-260+W%2FAZ-87+N+to:33.501896,-111.787262&geocode=FRqp_gEdCtdX-Q%3BFVSWCwId6iNj-Q%3BFYQBDQIdU8Ja-Q%3B&hl=en&mra=dme&mrcr=2&mrsp=3&sz=11&sll=33.512202,-111.755676&sspn=0.392163,0.492325&ie=UTF8&ll=33.886377,-111.656799&spn=1.561794,1.969299&z=9) There's an Egg and I Cafe on the N/E corner where I will be having breakfast at 8:00am, then head over to Starbucks to join the crowd. Title: Re: Group Ride -- "Escape the Heat" -- June 26 - Quick Saturday ride to Payson area Post by: Michael on June 24, 2010, 11:05:30 AM My new brake pads came in today. No more rear squeak for me!
I'm excited to go to north! [moto] Title: Re: Group Ride -- "Escape the Heat" -- June 26 - Quick Saturday ride to Payson area Post by: MostroNero on June 25, 2010, 05:31:52 AM Me and the wife and another might be in.
Title: Re: Group Ride -- "Escape the Heat" -- June 26 - Quick Saturday ride to Payson area Post by: Michael on June 25, 2010, 05:44:25 AM Me and the wife and another might be in. Woo Hoo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (http://sarcasticgamer.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/woohoo.gif) Title: Re: Group Ride -- "Escape the Heat" -- June 26 - Quick Saturday ride to Payson area Post by: Michael on June 25, 2010, 02:36:44 PM We'll probably have a half descent turn-out. There are two or three guys coming from the Cafe Racer group, me, Jim and friends, Ryan with his new PCIII map hopefully, and then anyone else who shows.
[moto] Title: Re: Group Ride -- "Escape the Heat" -- June 26 - Quick Saturday ride to Payson area Post by: rule62 on June 25, 2010, 10:14:45 PM I ain't gonna make it. Sorry bro.
Title: Re: Group Ride -- "Escape the Heat" -- June 26 - Quick Saturday ride to Payson area Post by: Michael on June 26, 2010, 07:32:30 PM (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1059.jpg)
(http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1062.jpg) (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1064.jpg) (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1066.jpg) (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1067.jpg) (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1068.jpg) (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1069.jpg) (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1070.jpg) (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1073.jpg) (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1075.jpg) Title: Re: Group Ride -- "Escape the Heat" -- June 26 - Quick Saturday ride to Payson area Post by: Michael on June 26, 2010, 07:32:55 PM (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1076.jpg)
(http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1078.jpg) (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1079.jpg) (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1080.jpg) (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1081.jpg) (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1083.jpg) (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1084.jpg) (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1088.jpg) (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1090.jpg) Title: Re: Group Ride -- "Escape the Heat" -- June 26 - Quick Saturday ride to Payson area Post by: Michael on June 26, 2010, 07:33:18 PM (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1092.jpg)
(http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1093.jpg) (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1100.jpg) (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1101.jpg) (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1102.jpg) (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1103.jpg) (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1105.jpg) (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1106.jpg) (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1107.jpg) (http://www.bestdesignever.com/ducati/2010-06-26/IMG_1109.jpg) Title: Re: Group Ride -- "Escape the Heat" -- June 26 - Quick Saturday ride to Payson area Post by: hoyden on June 26, 2010, 07:40:32 PM Awesome! Looks like ya'll have a great time!
Hope I can make it next time. [moto] Title: Re: Group Ride -- "Escape the Heat" -- June 26 - Quick Saturday ride to Payson area Post by: grandpa nate on June 27, 2010, 02:16:49 PM goooooood times!!!!!