Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => OZ monsters => Topic started by: auntymal on June 16, 2010, 07:32:08 PM

Title: Skippy....Skippy....
Post by: auntymal on June 16, 2010, 07:32:08 PM
....recently rode the Putty, heading North @ 4pm. In the last hour and from the cinders of the 1/2 way house on to Broke, I saw more 'roos on and near the road than I have in the rest of my riding experience. I saw 7 before they moved and 2 after they began moving.....remember....these are just the ones I actually saw. After #1, I was back to 80kph, my bushy mates reckon <100kph and "no worries".....Skippy....Skippy.....

Title: Re: Skippy....Skippy....
Post by: Justo on June 16, 2010, 09:50:17 PM
Thats why I have a rizoma gun rack.

 [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]

Title: Re: Skippy....Skippy....
Post by: gino on June 16, 2010, 09:53:37 PM
Igot one of those kangaroo whistle things thats supposed to scare scare them away !! Do they work ?  :-\

Title: Re: Skippy....Skippy....
Post by: heatherp on June 16, 2010, 10:01:09 PM
I have them on my car.  Used to have them on my very quiet Jap bike.  Don't have them on my Monster.  Haven't hit anything except a cat years ago.  But I also try not to ride/drive at night on country roads too often either.

I figure if a roo can't hear my Duc it's not gonna hear anything.  [cheeky]

Title: Re: Skippy....Skippy....
Post by: Betty on June 16, 2010, 11:00:14 PM
I figure if a roo can't hear my Duc it's not gonna hear anything.  [cheeky]

Its not their hearing you need to worry about ... its their intelligence.

Title: Re: Skippy....Skippy....
Post by: gino on June 16, 2010, 11:20:22 PM
Nice comeback! Agree with you both.So i got ripped on my whistle thing :'(

Title: Re: Skippy....Skippy....
Post by: auntymal on June 16, 2010, 11:44:24 PM
..I got a 'shoo-Roo' whistle, just in case they work.....but not on the bike I was riding that day. On my 170,000k ST2, I've got one but you have to regularly clear the intake as it clogs up with insects pretty quickly. I'm told its not any noise but the high pitch and beyond that gets their attention. The last mate that hit a roo, did so near the New England highway at 11 am! aunty

Title: Re: Skippy....Skippy....
Post by: vossy on June 17, 2010, 12:02:55 AM
Igot one of those kangaroo whistle things thats supposed to scare scare them away !! Do they work ?  :-\

I had 2 of them on the front of a old commodore years ago. I hit the mother of all roos in it a fortnight after i put them on. I rode the car off and nearly me with it.

So I say they're a waste of time.

As Heather said (if a roo can't hear my Duc it's not gona hear anything)  very true

 I still very rarely ride at night where I live due to the roo population even with a Duc.      ( call me a Blouse)

Title: Re: Skippy....Skippy....
Post by: auntymal on June 17, 2010, 12:20:35 AM
I do "LDR", Long Distance Riding, 24hr runs etc, and lots of 'big days', really like it, except for the animal risk. In the daytime, goats and emus are a worry, particularly the emus. It goes like this, "hey, there's an emu!...oh farkk there's another one", down the gears, brakes are on, bike slowing, and just as you're about to speed up, wham-oh!..the real flock behind the two pathfinders, comes through, emus everywhere!...whew lucky my Duke has awesome brakes.....BANG....and that's when the semi behind you with a dozy driver finishes the job....if you're lucky you spot him in the mirrors and go wheel standing off into the distance. This actually happened to me on the Hay plain...lucky as man! aunty

Title: Re: Skippy....Skippy....
Post by: spotcom on June 17, 2010, 01:44:38 AM
I had 2 of them on the front of a old commodore years ago. I hit the mother of all roos in it a fortnight after i put them on. I rode the car off and nearly me with it.

So I say they're a waste of time.

I remember reading a report on these "shoo-roo"s some time ago.  They concluded that they *may* work if you're travelling below 100kph, but above that speed, they're next to useless.

I guess this sort of gels with Aunty Mal's <100 and "no worries"  comment.

Title: Re: Skippy....Skippy....
Post by: dragonworld. on June 17, 2010, 04:03:27 AM
Where are those handlebar mounted rocketr launchers ??  ;D [moto] [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Skippy....Skippy....
Post by: suzyj on June 17, 2010, 11:16:26 AM
I used to work in Namadgi nat. park, south of Canberra.  On the way to work you'd pass through an old farm that had been turned into park.  It was roo heaven, having plenty of open grasslands, very few vehicles, and no shooters.  There were thousands of them.

In a fleet of ~8 cars, we used to hit a roo maybe twice a year on average.  We tried putting shoo roos on the vehicles at one point, and hit three roos inside of three months, so we took them off again.

The theory was that without the shoo roo, as long as we weren't driving quickly (80km/h is a good speed), most of the roos would ignore us and stay where they were, and we'd drive quietly by without incident.  The shoo roo would panic otherwise sane roos, which would then start bouncing randomly.

Title: Re: Skippy....Skippy....
Post by: Dannog on June 17, 2010, 11:51:58 AM
I'll fix it for you Betty
Its not their hearing you need to worry about ... its their lack of intelligence.

Title: Re: Skippy....Skippy....
Post by: Dannog on June 17, 2010, 11:57:21 AM
I was at my parents property over the long week end. I have to say that I have never seen so many roos during the day. They were everywhere. Usually you'd only see them in the early morning or evenings but in the middle of the day these guys were everywhere. There has obviously been a population explosion following so many years of drought.

Title: Re: Skippy....Skippy....
Post by: Betty on June 17, 2010, 12:40:15 PM
I'll fix it for you Betty

That was implied ;) ... I did consider saying 'intelligence level' but that seemed to take something away from the comment ;D.

... I'm told its not any noise but the high pitch and beyond that gets their attention ...

Luckily for us, despite what people say:

As Heather said (if a roo can't hear my Duc it's not gona hear anything)  very true

You should be able to feeeel a Ducati coming [roll] ... are roos effected by the low frequency as well as the high frequency?

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