Title: Local D.O.C. Clubs for the Houston Area Post by: Drjones on June 28, 2010, 12:03:38 PM Reminder for those old and new about the two Ducati Owner's Clubs in the Houston Area:
South East Texas DOC - http://www.setexdoc.com/ (http://www.setexdoc.com/) Original club. Supported by Houston Superbikes who's owner is a member. Third Coast DOC - http://thirdcoastdoc.org/ (http://thirdcoastdoc.org/) Splinter group. Works with Lunsford's and Eximports for support. Both hold club meetings and club rides once a month, however scheduling is always subject to change and/or cancelation. Title: Re: Local D.O.C. Clubs for the Houston Area Post by: Vix on June 29, 2010, 08:36:32 AM Just for clarification in case anybody is interested --> The Third Coast club is the "Official" club which means it's recognized and supported by Ducati.
Title: Re: Local D.O.C. Clubs for the Houston Area Post by: Splinter Cell on July 08, 2010, 07:36:29 AM I kind of like the Splinter cell deal here, but to clarify things the Third Coast DOC is The official Ducati Owners Club Supported by Ducati Italy and Ducati North America
Title: Re: Local D.O.C. Clubs for the Houston Area Post by: Drjones on July 08, 2010, 12:20:52 PM Yep, let's all pull out our wangs and wave them around to see who has the bigger one. [roll]