Title: My new toy! Post by: Vindingo on June 04, 2008, 10:47:33 PM Some of you may remember I asked about buying a CB750 for $400.... I bought it. I swear the money was burning a hole in my pocket. ;D
Donovan helped me pick it up a couple weeks ago and I have just started working on it. This bike was complete, unlike my other project bike. The goal for this bike is to remove, polish and spray paint. The only major repair will be rebuilding the brakes. I am going to try to finish it up in the next month or so. before - (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3048/2358996773_3213052d38.jpg?v=0) (http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2189/2358996843_bc93cc5fbb.jpg?v=0) after, still in progres - (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3083/2552441569_62d8da2f86.jpg?v=0) (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3109/2553247130_e54c23606f.jpg?v=0) (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3258/2552420561_c0c88924e3.jpg?v=0) hopefully I will be able to finish this one up and keep the pics updated... then go terrorize the streets [moto] Title: Re: My new toy! Post by: Labbedds on June 04, 2008, 11:01:53 PM That thing is coming along nicely, I like.
Title: Re: My new toy! Post by: Popeye the Sailor on June 04, 2008, 11:21:47 PM (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3258/2552420561_c0c88924e3.jpg?v=0) Get rid of the idiot lights, drop the speedometer, just mount the tach dead center. It'll look badass. You also need new bars. ;D Title: Re: My new toy! Post by: somegirl on June 04, 2008, 11:37:16 PM This one
before - (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3048/2358996773_3213052d38.jpg?v=0) made me think of (http://www.snakeeducation.com/images/Cobra%20back%20side.jpg) hope you are having fun! [moto] Title: Re: My new toy! Post by: Vindingo on June 05, 2008, 12:02:01 AM Get rid of the idiot lights, drop the speedometer, just mount the tach dead center. It'll look badass. that is for the CL... too much work for this bike You also need new bars. ;D I have been going back and forth about the bars. I picked up these drag bars and leather leather tennis raquet grips for a total of $30. I think I might buy some clubmans and see if I like them any better. While they are less "cafe racer" the drag bars might be more user friendly, and Im diggin them a little. Title: Re: My new toy! Post by: TCK! on June 05, 2008, 04:24:39 AM My co-workers said back in the day people would take those factory bars get a large pipe and bend them back towards the rider for cool factor :D
My dad said on his he had naked women painted on the tank and it solid like hot cakes back in '78 or whatever year he sold it.. Title: Re: My new toy! Post by: SteveH on June 05, 2008, 06:07:14 AM Awesome bike ! I am looking for an old wing myself.......
Title: Re: My new toy! Post by: DarkStaR on June 05, 2008, 07:14:43 AM Get rid of the idiot lights, drop the speedometer, just mount the tach dead center. It'll look badass. You also need new bars. ;D Why does that sound familiar to me? ... ;) Title: Re: My new toy! Post by: CharliesAngel on June 05, 2008, 07:48:04 AM Very cool! [thumbsup]
Title: Re: My new toy! Post by: BikerGoddess on June 05, 2008, 07:57:35 AM Beautiful bike! I've always loved the 70's CB bikes. One of DQ's earliest bikes was a 1973 CB175. Glad you got rid of the horrendous front fairing. [thumbsup] I rarely see those bikes with fairings. Why the change of handlebars? Were the others original? What's next?
Title: Re: My new toy! Post by: Vindingo on June 05, 2008, 08:41:34 AM My dad said on his he had naked women painted on the tank and it solid like hot cakes back in '78 or whatever year he sold it.. Im getting a naked lady embroidered on the seat... its going to be awesome I didnt like how high the handle bars were. It made the bike feel even more boat like. I'm not going for original on this bike. Like TCK said they sold like hot cakes and there are a million of them around in good condition. This one is going to be bastardized with spray paint and naked ladies. (probably not the naked ladies) Title: Re: My new toy! Post by: smducman on June 05, 2008, 03:31:56 PM It does not have frame slider :D
Title: Re: My new toy! Post by: eviltwin on June 05, 2008, 04:31:28 PM (http://www.cb750cafe.com/cache/photos/eac480ecdd3fc87b357121eac5189960.jpg)
These are one of the best cafe platforms, period! They can go from purple rain to ultra cool in about 3 weeks. [laugh] (http://www.thehollywoodnews.com/artman2/uploads/1/purple-rain.gif) Title: Re: My new toy! Post by: Vindingo on June 05, 2008, 07:01:37 PM OH SNAP! Im going to keep the fairing and paint it purple... I dont think I would have bought the bike if I had seen that pic :-X
I just fired it up for the first time.... just headers. It is LOUD!!!! I stopped by Charlie's place in the misson for some brake parts and saw maybe 20 of these things. It is a must see if you are in the area. It is a very cool shop. Title: Re: My new toy! Post by: Labbedds on June 05, 2008, 07:06:30 PM (http://www.cb750cafe.com/cache/photos/eac480ecdd3fc87b357121eac5189960.jpg) These are one of the best cafe platforms, period! Wow that black on white is sweet! Title: Re: My new toy! Post by: stillhogkrazy on June 05, 2008, 08:29:28 PM (http://www.cb750cafe.com/cache/photos/eac480ecdd3fc87b357121eac5189960.jpg) That cafe is sweet [thumbsup] Vindingo your bike is coming along nicely, just like the old monsters it needs new mirrors though.These are one of the best cafe platforms, period! They can go from purple rain to ultra cool in about 3 weeks. [laugh] (http://www.thehollywoodnews.com/artman2/uploads/1/purple-rain.gif) Title: Re: My new toy! Post by: Popeye the Sailor on June 07, 2008, 10:58:57 AM that is for the CL... too much work for this bike I can do it in about an hour. While drunk. Title: Re: My new toy! Post by: somegirl on June 07, 2008, 12:32:02 PM I can do it in about an hour. While drunk. But Vinny, you will have to provide the fire extinguisher. [cheeky] Title: Re: My new toy! Post by: DarkStaR on June 07, 2008, 01:03:56 PM But Vinny, you will have to provide the fire extinguisher. [cheeky] +11tb [laugh] But then again, I think someguy wised up, and now carries one with him now. ;D Title: Re: My new toy! Post by: MendoDave on June 09, 2008, 11:44:57 AM Put some bar end mirrors on it.
Title: Re: My new toy! Post by: Desmostro on June 09, 2008, 02:35:51 PM Title: Re: My new toy! Post by: Vindingo on June 09, 2008, 09:49:29 PM UPDATES -
I got an allen head stainless engine bolt kit to replace the 30 year old steel phillips engine bolts. I spend about 3 hours last night removing the old bolts. OMFG it is a tedious process, but the new bolts look so much better. I also got some header wrap that I should get on in the next few days. Next up to purchase - cheapo chrome pod filters, headlight and some more spraypaint for the wheels and forks. pics to come soon.... Title: Re: My new toy! Post by: Duck-Stew on June 10, 2008, 06:41:22 AM Excellent!
I just bought an early 70's CB750 engine w/a Honda 836cc hi-comp kit in it, some hi-po cam, and a Mallory distributor hanging off the right side on it. Yes...a distributor...you know, like a car! Couldn't pass up the deal even though I have no frame or chassis to hang it in. Oh, and IIRC the Purple Rain bike was a Yami. Title: Re: My new toy! Post by: Popeye the Sailor on June 10, 2008, 04:46:53 PM Next up to purchase - cheapo chrome pod filters I may have a spare set of velocity stacks. What's the outside diameter of the carb? |