Title: 695 wiring schematic? Post by: Scottish on June 05, 2008, 05:04:03 AM So...... anybody got one? My wiring has a snaffu, as near as I can tell everything is right, but I kinda need a place to start.
Title: Re: 695 wiring schematic? Post by: Ohmic on June 05, 2008, 09:33:38 PM I'm lookink at it right now. Too large of a file to email/post.
Link below will take you the 07 Owner's Manual of Ducati's site. Under MONSTER select 695.(Your bike?) Downlonad zip file. Open. Go to very very last page. See EE diagram. Let me know if you any electrical questions. Maybe i can help. http://www.ducati.com/en/bikes/service/manuals/2007.jhtml?family=manuals Title: Re: 695 wiring schematic? Post by: Scottish on June 06, 2008, 10:55:57 AM Thanks, it's a matter of polarity being reversed somewhere. I had to have a repair done, and all the grounds are ganged together and I don't know if they were supposed to be. I'm gonna have to disassemble it this weekend . I don't have a printer at home though so I was hoping to find a wiring diagram before I left, so a big thank you.
Title: Re: 695 wiring schematic? Post by: Ohmic on June 06, 2008, 01:36:59 PM The diagram is pretty dense even when printed on 8"x11" paper. Very tuff to see if you don't have eagle eyes. What you can do is take the PDF on a memory stick to your local OfficeDepot/Kinkos/PrintShop and have them print the electrical diagram page on a larger maybe 11"x17" sheet of paper? It will cost you ~$1. The lines will then be easier read/trace down.
Title: Re: 695 wiring schematic? Post by: RB on June 10, 2008, 03:59:51 AM i have redrawn the wire schematic for the S2R800 should be similar to your bike. What year is your bike? Does it have an O2?
Anyhow, i have had a few requests for other monster models, but have been swamped with other work. I am selling a digital file download for $10. It is PDF form and can be printed out on 36"x48" paper for clarity. Duck-Stu requested a large format to laminate and hang in his shop. As i update and ad models to the schematic they will be sent to you, no additional charge. PM me if you are interested. RB |