Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => General Monster Forum => Topic started by: Mad Duc on July 19, 2010, 03:27:57 AM

Title: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: Mad Duc on July 19, 2010, 03:27:57 AM
This totally messed up. I don't understand it at all. Why? Seriously, wtf?

http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/10199/1073671-100.stm?cmpid=MOSTEMAILEDBOX (http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/10199/1073671-100.stm?cmpid=MOSTEMAILEDBOX)

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: Travman on July 19, 2010, 03:37:24 AM
Seems like a good case for one of those CSI type shows.  My first thought was he was some sort of extreme animal lover that was overcome with guilt, but that is just too weird.  There has to be more to it.

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: sbrguy on July 19, 2010, 03:45:01 AM
guy probably hit the deer and got seriusly injured in the crash and had a gun on him.  probably realized that he was/is in serious pain from the crash and probably decided to end it rather than deal with being paralyzed or such from the crash, but then again who knows.

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: fasterblkduc on July 19, 2010, 03:49:39 AM
The deer totally did it.

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: RAT900 on July 19, 2010, 03:58:56 AM
I dunno....we won't speculate how Travis would handle taking a moose out....could get drastic

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: KRJ on July 19, 2010, 04:33:16 AM

   The Dude might have been out to off himself all along, and on His way to His "peaceful" spot, hit the deer and had to do it there. We could have a pool as to what really happened, compare Our theories to the investigation outcome, closest guess wins!!

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: Popeye the Sailor on July 19, 2010, 04:51:26 AM
This man, like Travis, had a love of the quadruped. What happened was there was a Romeo and Julietesque romance going on, and finally, the deer, in the heat, of, uh, heat, decided to follow her families wishes and be with someone with bigger antlers and a nicer den. The man, overcome with his grief, succumbed to the sorry state of murder-suicide.

A tragic tale of bestiality gone wrong.

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: derby on July 19, 2010, 05:33:32 AM
This man, like Travis, had a love of the quadruped. What happened was there was a Romeo and Julietesque romance going on, and finally, the deer, in the heat, of, uh, heat, decided to follow her families wishes and be with someone with bigger antlers and a nicer den. The man, overcome with his grief, succumbed to the sorry state of murder-suicide.

A tragic tale of bestiality gone wrong.

oh, deer....

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: Popeye the Sailor on July 19, 2010, 05:51:52 AM
oh, deer....

When will these doe-eyed youths learn?

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: avizpls on July 19, 2010, 05:53:32 AM
Wow....and if this were somebody YOU knew and I was running my mouth like that??

a little respect is all

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: KRJ on July 19, 2010, 06:30:36 AM

   And what did the Doe say when She stepped out of the woods?? " I'll never do that for two Bucks again!".....Yeah, not too much respect for people who bump themselves, sorry..

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: DrDesmo on July 19, 2010, 06:35:13 AM
Yeah, not too much respect for people who bump themselves, sorry..

Quite right!  I firmly believe that if you're in a life circumstance that makes you feel that desperate you should be pilloried in the afterlife by total strangers. 




Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: Turf on July 19, 2010, 07:26:25 AM
i refuse to recognize this man as a motorcyclist if thats what happened.

 if he were a motorcyclist the headline would read

Motorcyclist hits deer, has lovely dinner

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: Triple J on July 19, 2010, 07:34:47 AM
guy probably hit the deer and got seriusly injured in the crash and had a gun on him.  probably realized that he was/is in serious pain from the crash and probably decided to end it rather than deal with being paralyzed or such from the crash, but then again who knows.

That's all i can figure. Weird story.

The article said he wasn't wearing a helmet...maybe he hit his head in the crash and was all weirded out, causing him to think shooting himself was a good idea?  ???

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: BellissiMoto on July 19, 2010, 08:17:42 AM
guy probably hit the deer and got seriusly injured in the crash and had a gun on him.  probably realized that he was/is in serious pain from the crash and probably decided to end it rather than deal with being paralyzed or such from the crash, but then again who knows.


Imagine you just crashed, you are in agonizing pain, and you can't move your legs. You also just happened to be carrying a pistol... what ya gonna do?

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: Oldfisti on July 19, 2010, 08:21:48 AM

Imagine you just crashed, you are in agonizing pain, and you can't move your legs. You also just happened to be carrying a pistol... what ya gonna do?

Find my phone and call 911

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: Ducatl on July 19, 2010, 08:25:35 AM

Imagine you just crashed, you are in agonizing pain, and you can't move your legs. You also just happened to be carrying a pistol... what ya gonna do?

Wait to find out what's really wrong or if it's permanent? if it's just the legs you could always shoot yourself later....

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: hunduc on July 19, 2010, 08:36:35 AM
i'm with fasterblkduc on this one: the deer's friends did it, then put the gun in the guys' hand.

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: Oldfisti on July 19, 2010, 08:48:51 AM
i'm with fasterblkduc on this one: the deer's friends did it, then put the gun in the guys' hand.

 [thumbsup] That's what my gut said at first.

Let me propose another theory:

This guy is normally ca-ca for cookoo puffs.

He's riding around, takes out the deer and whacks his unhelmeted noggin off the tarmac.  

The impact gives him a sudden moment of clarity and he realizes he's living in Pennsyltucky.

Quickly assessing the extent of his injuries, the poor sap knows he's still stuck there for a while.

Also realizing he is carrying a pistol, he chooses the quickest way out of PA possible.

Sweet release.

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: rgramjet on July 19, 2010, 09:00:35 AM

Imagine you just crashed, you are in agonizing pain, and you can't move your legs. You also just happened to be carrying a pistol... what ya gonna do?

Not that.

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: bmonty72 on July 19, 2010, 09:29:05 AM
I don't mean to turn this into an NRA pro v con argument, but how many of you guys ride with gun on board?  I know there are some people out there that always have a gun within arms length, and perhaps, the man in this story is one of them...But I truly believe that this man was the only person to know the actual whereabouts to president obama's birth records.  The deer was an undercover secret service agent assigned to observe him.  Hitting the deer was a true accident, but the death of the agent caused the CIA need to removed the victim and replace the dead agent with a real deer carcass.  It really simple when you learn to read betwen the lines!!

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: BellissiMoto on July 19, 2010, 09:45:38 AM

Find my phone and call 911

That would certainly be my first instinct as well, as self termination isn't an option in my books, but for some people it certainly is.

Of course if I was say... 73, instead of 23, I may simply prefer to put myself out of my misery than endure a couple more years of agonizing post crash pain/recovery just to die shortly after anyway.

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: WhiteStripe on July 19, 2010, 10:21:54 AM
I don't mean to turn this into an NRA pro v con argument, but how many of you guys ride with gun on board?

I hate riding with anything in my pocket, nevermind a gun...what a great opening scene for a movie.

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: monster monkey on July 19, 2010, 03:07:57 PM
I can't believe you are all carrying on like this! Quite frankly I'm embarrassed.....

This is what really happened:
 The deer was riding the motorcyle when a wild man walked out into the road. The deer swerved, which caused his fatal accident.
Overcome with grief for causing the accident, the man took the deer's sidearm and did himself in!

Now that's detective work  [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: R2 on July 19, 2010, 03:24:03 PM
If he shot himself, shouldn't the gun have been right next to him?

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: Oldfisti on July 19, 2010, 03:48:54 PM
If he shot himself, shouldn't the gun have been right next to him?

Stop stating the obvious. 

You're ruining our far-fetched theories!


Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: Grampa on July 19, 2010, 04:04:43 PM
I needa Bambulance (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_habakm5sw#normal)

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: Nomad on July 19, 2010, 05:42:29 PM
Well, one of the first things you're told to do in the military when someone sustains a head injury is to take their weapon away from them.  People behave unpredictably with head injuries, sounds like if the guy wasn't wearing his helmet there is a good chance he bumped his head.
     He probably was not himself when this happened.

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: Drunken Monkey on July 19, 2010, 05:53:20 PM
     He probably was not himself when this happened.

I'm going with "disoriented rider attempts to call 911 with his gun, with unfortunate results."

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: Speedbag on July 20, 2010, 01:38:04 AM
Goddamn deer!!!!!!  >:(

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: R2 on July 20, 2010, 04:02:22 AM

Stop stating the obvious. 

You're ruining our far-fetched theories!


I think it supports your far fetched theories.  ;)

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: RichD on July 20, 2010, 06:00:01 AM
It wasn't the right thing to do -but at least it's not habit forming...

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: bmonty72 on July 20, 2010, 08:50:37 AM
And I support you whole-heartedly.  As long as someone has to think twice before trying something, I feel safer.  I don't choose to carry,but like having the option available in case I change my mind. 

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: Veloce-Fino on July 20, 2010, 08:51:44 AM
And I support you whole-heartedly.  As long as someone has to think twice before trying something, I feel safer.  I don't choose to carry,but like having the option available in case I change my mind. 

It takes all types.

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: richard on July 20, 2010, 11:12:39 AM
It could also be an accident after an accident. Guy hit the deer, fell down, realized he has a gun with him, probably loaded and wasn't on safety, tried to secure it thinking the paramedics might arrive and see the gun, shot himself accidentally. Its like the guy from san jose a few years ago who got struck by a car while waiving for help after going down on his bike. An accident after an accident. It happens.

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: lethe on July 20, 2010, 12:31:44 PM
The whole scenario clearly is the work of squirrels.

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: Turf on July 20, 2010, 02:53:10 PM
The whole scenario clearly is the work of squirrels.
without a doubt, espically in pa. I've seen Philly squirrels hold open the flap on garbage cans while digging in it with ther other evil squirrely hand.

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: Popeye the Sailor on July 20, 2010, 04:38:55 PM
Always. On the bike, at work, in the car. It's a small inconvenience that protects me from that one in a million day where some asshole tries to end my life or the life of my family. Will probably never happen but if it does....

I hope you practice swerving around deer, too.

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: DoubleEagle on July 20, 2010, 05:00:27 PM
A Walther PPK/S doesn't take up much space but it will do a job on some one trying to do a job on you.

Always within arms length.

Also , I found out after a crash, I was in no shape to even reach my cell phone ...or gun for that matter even though they were around my waist in a Lumbar pack.

Had I not had on my Full face Helmet I would have died.

This individual may have been so distraught about the entire incident 1) crashing , ( unless you have been involved in a major crash you don't know how angry and stupid it makes you feel ) 2 ) if the Deer was not killed but struggling for it's life , that's a very traumatic situation , although better to finish off the Deer.

If the Deer died , which they often do , my one time g/f 's Sister just barley hit a Deer coming up the road to the house we were staying in and the Deer died right next to the road and when she came into the house after hitting the Deer she was in hysterics.

Lot's of possibilities here.


Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: ducpainter on July 20, 2010, 05:06:01 PM
I feel stupid every time I crash...

and lucky to feel that way.

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: M1100 on July 20, 2010, 05:20:19 PM
I say the deer was riding the motorcycle and shot the guy but the recoil knocked him of the bike and crashed and died when HIS helmet flew off. 

It is really the only way, unless zombies killed them both until they died.  But didn't eat them because the rescue workers arrived just in time. 

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: ab on July 21, 2010, 04:46:13 AM
This is a sad story.


(i am up for fun and jokes but I can't lose sight of the fact that a person died one way or the other)

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: rgramjet on July 21, 2010, 08:49:22 AM
Maybe it was the Double Rainbow dude.


Maybe he dropped the gun while riding and it went into full auto mode as it tumbled down the street (a la Hollywood).  One bullet struck him followed by the rider swerving into the poor deer.

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: Turf on July 21, 2010, 09:35:11 AM
Bet the OP didnt realize the DMF had it's on CSI crew

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: Benjamin5150 on July 21, 2010, 06:40:07 PM
Wow....and if this were somebody YOU knew and I was running my mouth like that??

a little respect is all


He was a fellow rider.  Show him some respect.

Title: Re: Motorcyclist hits deer, then kills himself
Post by: DRKWNG on July 23, 2010, 01:19:27 PM
I lost a cousin to a deer so I know what is. There really isn't any respect lost here for a fellow rider.  This story calls out for speculation.

And a touch of ridicule...  ;)

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