Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Tech => Topic started by: slickb0i on July 23, 2010, 09:15:59 PM

Title: '09 M696 exhaust glowing red/problems
Post by: slickb0i on July 23, 2010, 09:15:59 PM
Hey guys,

Bike: 2009 Monster 696
Mileage: 6000
Mods: Titanium Termi's w/ ecu, and air filter

So I've been experiencing some issues with my 09 M696's exhaust. It's 2009 with slip on termi, ecu, and air filter. So back in May, my friend and I went out for a quick spin, it was about 2 hours or so and was at 6pm. The temperature outside was approx. 75F, and decreasing slightly. There was also a bit of humidity. Well anywho, rode for 2 hours then stopped by TGIFs and met up with a few friends. Easily spent 2.5-3 hours there. Got outside, the bike was cool an the temp was lurking around 70F. I turned the bike on and left the choke on for a few minutes (sometimes the bike has issues starting up, unless the choke is being used). 5-7mins go by and BAM! I turn around and see this:

Now I'm not sure if this is normal, or not and would appreciate it if you guys can shed some light on this. This is the second time it has happened, it happened once before and I turned the bike off because I thought it was going to explode (lol). I mean, I've seen hot downpipes on cars and what not before....but never on a bike.  I wouldve taken it in to the dealership but I was going overseas in a few days and didn't have time. I'm writing this now, since I'll be back home soon and will have to figure this out  as soon as I reach.

Another thing, the bike went in for service in December where they replaced a wiring harness, ever since then I've noticed that the exhaust seems to be running rich, since the tips of the exhaust have been blacking out. I've taken it back to the dealer various times and they said that it was ok. But iunno, as it started occuring AFTER the bike went in for service. Wondering if you guys can shed some light on that as well.  Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
(http://i890.photobucket.com/albums/ac109/DucM696/32fcf162.jpg) This was taken after I had cleaned some of it off.
Title: Re: '09 M696 exhaust glowing red/problems
Post by: Raux on July 23, 2010, 11:10:15 PM
if i remember right the TI termis are road certified. that might mean they have the cat converter, have you check for that, ie can you see all the way through when you take them off. if not you have it.

what that means is the bike runs with a little more back pressure, so it warms up  faster. my bike glowed red as well with the stock exhaust with cat convertors when i let it warm up too much.

anyway, i think you're just letting it get too warm and your running your throttle advance too high.
set it so the bike idles at 1200 rpm. you should slowly back it off each time it goes above that rpm until finally it's off. i bet you'll see your bike is warm faster than you think.

Title: Re: '09 M696 exhaust glowing red/problems
Post by: Raux on July 23, 2010, 11:11:30 PM
but that still is a KICK ASS LOOKING PHOTO!
Title: Re: '09 M696 exhaust glowing red/problems
Post by: ChrisH on July 24, 2010, 05:53:12 AM
my totally stock 2010 696 with 600 miles on the clock will do that if I let it. The bike doesnt like to start without the throttle advance on first thing in the morning, or after sitting for several hours even though I'm in TX where it's hot. Ive never let mine get hot enough for the whole header to glow like that, but it will start glowing near the cylinder. It's just a matter of the cats, the extra RPM, and the extra fuel all creating heat.
Title: Re: '09 M696 exhaust glowing red/problems
Post by: slickb0i on July 24, 2010, 08:00:31 AM
Thanks a lot guys! This certainly eased my worries about the glowing red issue.  And Raux, when I first saw this, I was pretty amazed and stood there in awe...and then finally took a pic haha. But I will use the method that you've mentioned, thanks once again. Here's another pic:


Any ideas about the blacked out exhaust? 
Title: Re: '09 M696 exhaust glowing red/problems
Post by: Raux on July 24, 2010, 09:24:26 AM
running rich...
with the closed loop system, didnt think that could happen.
maybe the adjusted it at the shop to give you a bit more power?
but i think many of us would like a slightly rich system as compared to the stock emissions that make it lean and lose a bit of power.
Title: Re: '09 M696 exhaust glowing red/problems
Post by: slickb0i on July 24, 2010, 11:53:11 AM
Quote from: cayman s on July 24, 2010, 08:35:26 AM
My 999 while on the AF1 dyno.


And, according to my wrench and friend Micah:  "You can see this same phenomenon with auto engines too at highway speeds if you have an underhood camera."

That pic is friggin awesome!! Lol, but yeah Im that it's normal. And on the bright side of life, I guess I won't be needing that underbody LED kit anymore lol.

I've taken it to the dealership and they said it's fine...problem is that this started to occur after they replaced the wiring harness back in December. Maybe they reset the ECU???
Title: Re: '09 M696 exhaust glowing red/problems
Post by: Raux on July 24, 2010, 02:02:03 PM
well maybe it was running too lean before that ;)
Title: Re: '09 M696 exhaust glowing red/problems
Post by: slickb0i on July 25, 2010, 05:13:26 PM
Ahhh touché. Thanks for the help guys. On a side note, I'm surprised of promptness of the members here. Before it would take years before the thread would get a response. Good stuff  [thumbsup]
Title: Re: '09 M696 exhaust glowing red/problems
Post by: Raux on July 25, 2010, 06:51:00 PM
you mean in the other forums? yeah that's why i moved here.
Title: Re: '09 M696 exhaust glowing red/problems
Post by: Howie on July 27, 2010, 02:37:06 AM
Warm engine, high idle, no air flow, red pipe, normal.  No reason to do that.  Start bike, use fast idle lever if needed, reduce fast idle as engine warms and idle speed increases, probably a few seconds at 75o
Title: Re: '09 M696 exhaust glowing red/problems
Post by: JerryD on July 28, 2010, 11:11:47 AM
My 09 696 with Ti termis will start from cold without touching the cold start lever.  She fires right up with the first push of the starter.

So much better than stock.

I've had the glowing pipes when stock and even just letting the bike idle for a few minutes with the cold lever off I can see a faint glow at night.  It's normal, and I don't think it's bad for the bike (within limits)

Title: Re: '09 M696 exhaust glowing red/problems
Post by: 64duc on July 28, 2010, 12:32:13 PM
 Having been out of touch with with FHE with the results of this type of event for some years, I can tell you that twenty years ago your engine would not be running after an accumulated 30 minutes of this. The color of that glow indicates a temp of approximatley 1800 f. or above. If the exhaust is hot enough to cause this at this point, you can imagine how hot the valve is. If todays valve alloys are enough better to not sustain damage at that temp, that pipe in contact with with the aluminum sealing surface (melting point 1100 f.) would be enough to concern me. I would also be concerned because a lean fuel condition and/or incorrect ignition timing, either of which can cause significant engine damage given enough time could cause this. I have personally replaced pistons with holes in them from from nothing more than incorrect ignition timing.

Would I allow this to happen on any engine I own? The answer as you might guess is a very definite  and emphatic no.

I once,out of curiosity, observed a temp. of 1250 f. on the pipes of my '94 900 after 20 minutes at 1200 rpm on an 85 degree day.

Title: Re: '09 M696 exhaust glowing red/problems
Post by: metroplex on August 26, 2011, 04:17:05 PM
I just wanted to add that my 09 696 with under 100 miles can cause the exhaust to glow red after 3 minutes of warming up in my garage after a cold start, with an ambient of 72F.