Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Riding Techniques => Topic started by: gh0stie on July 25, 2010, 08:44:09 AM

Title: I've joined the club...
Post by: gh0stie on July 25, 2010, 08:44:09 AM
I laid her down today....first ever crash in 2yrs of riding

I was on my way back from work, approaching an intersection behind 2 cars ....we had a green light. The b1tch 2 cars ahead was already IN the intersection when they braked suddenly (for reasons known best to them)...causing the poor woman in front of me to do the same....

I saw it and didn't think much of it since I had at least a car length between us, but somehow I went to grab the brakes and it locked up the front wheel on me...

I had already jumped back up, and was  picking my bike back up before I even realized I had hit the deck...lol (it happens that fast!)

Cars stopped and people were nice enough to help me push out of the road. A bunch of mechanics from a tire shop across the road also came running out to help, which was really heart warming.

Incredibly ol' Rosa was still running, but she was leaking gas due to being upside down so I turned her off. We pushed her on the sidewalk and I thanked them all and assured everyone I was fine.

As I pulled off my helmet and started dialing my phone for a ride, the lady who had been in front of me pulled up.  She had witnessed the entire thing in her mirror and came back to help. She was all jittery and apologetic, I kept reassuring her it was not her fault and I was alright. She offered to give me a ride home, which I accepted

I'm fine, I was in full gear and it did its job.....just a small graze in the knee. Even felt good enough to hit the gym for 2hrs afterwards. Bike is fine too...just a bent handle bar and dented tank.

I've been wanting Clip-ons and a new paint job anyhow

Will probably post a retrospective tomorrow on the crash and what I could have done differently, I wasn't following too closely


Title: Re: I've joined the club...
Post by: R0CKETMAN on July 25, 2010, 08:55:06 AM
No harm no foul....short of a few bucks
Title: Re: I've joined the club...
Post by: stopintime on July 25, 2010, 01:14:40 PM
Good to hear that you're ok and that you already see this as a mod opportunity [thumbsup]


Quote from: gh0stie on July 25, 2010, 08:44:09 AM

I saw it and didn't think much of it since I had at least a car length between us, but somehow I went to grab the brakes and it locked up the front wheel on me...


Will probably post a retrospective tomorrow on the crash and what I could have done differently, I wasn't following too closely

in retrospect and with respect: yes, you did ;)
Title: Re: I've joined the club...
Post by: Popeye the Sailor on July 25, 2010, 01:30:21 PM
+1 to stopintime.

You need at least two seconds following distance. You should also practice your emergency braking.

Heal up, feel better, and ride safe!  :D

Title: Re: I've joined the club...
Post by: gh0stie on July 25, 2010, 04:53:47 PM
there was at least a car length between myself and the car in front of me when I hit the deck, probably doing ~20mph.

We were all slowing down for the red, I was prepared to stop, then it turned green and the cars took off again.....a bit of a gap opened up in front of me, I gunned it to close the gap because there was a stopped bus in the right lane....the car up front brakes sharply in the middle of the intersection....(no cars in front of him)

I figured I might have hit an oil slick or something, I've braked harder at higher speeds and stopped smoothly. I spent a lot of time practicing emergency stops in the past. I don't even remember panicking or getting the usual "Oh shit" feeling.

I'm pretty anal about following distances (even in my car), I preach it to everyone that will listen.

I will accept that the one thing I could have done differently was not hit the gas so hard when we started rolling, but I had looked through the light and saw that it was clear. I was trying to keep from being cut off by the cars behind the bus, which on the other hand could have been just as bad.

Lesson learned
Title: Re: I've joined the club...
Post by: Cider on July 26, 2010, 08:37:31 AM
You may have braked harder at higher speeds in the past, but you probably did it smoother.  Being smooth on the controls allows weight to transfer to the front before you work the tire with lots of brake pressure.  In other words, chopping the throttle and grabbing the brakes is the textbook way to lock up the front.  Don't ask me how I know :).
Title: Re: I've joined the club...
Post by: ScottRNelson on July 26, 2010, 12:51:51 PM
Quote from: gh0stie on July 25, 2010, 08:44:09 AM
Will probably post a retrospective tomorrow on the crash and what I could have done differently, I wasn't following too closely

Quote from: gh0stie on July 25, 2010, 04:53:47 PM
there was at least a car length between myself and the car in front of me when I hit the deck, probably doing ~20mph.
Whether you believe it or not, you were following too closely.  A two-second following distance is at least two car lengths at 20 mph.

One of the most important places to keep the two-second following distance is while accelerating away from a stop at an intersection.  You should wait two full seconds after the car in front of you starts moving before you move.  Most people don't do that and when a car in front of them suddenly stops for some unknown reason they run into the back of them, or screw up their braking and dump their bikes.

Keep two seconds back and this won't happen to you again.
Title: Re: I've joined the club...
Post by: bdub on July 26, 2010, 01:45:32 PM
You may have braked harder at higher speeds in the past, but you probably did it smoother.  Being smooth on the controls allows weight to transfer to the front before you work the tire with lots of brake pressure.  In other words, chopping the throttle and grabbing the brakes is the textbook way to lock up the front.  Don't ask me how I know .

I know how you know, I know the same way
Title: Re: I've joined the club...
Post by: gh0stie on July 26, 2010, 06:19:50 PM
Quote from: Cider on July 26, 2010, 08:37:31 AM
You may have braked harder at higher speeds in the past, but you probably did it smoother.  Being smooth on the controls allows weight to transfer to the front before you work the tire with lots of brake pressure.  In other words, chopping the throttle and grabbing the brakes is the textbook way to lock up the front.  Don't ask me how I know :).

this seems like a more plausible explanation to me....I appreciate the analysis.

Will be on the look out for that in the future

Title: Re: I've joined the club...
Post by: Bones on August 15, 2010, 01:43:07 PM
glad you're ok. do yourself a favor and check the frame mounting points on the engine to make sure they're not cracked.

if the bike was slightly airborne or smacked a bit on its side, the slider might have transferred that impact to the mounting rod.
Title: Re: I've joined the club...
Post by: Raux on August 15, 2010, 01:57:36 PM
add to the fact you were probably on the greasiest part of the intersection along with the throttle chop/braking

you got your answer how it happened.
Title: Re: I've joined the club...
Post by: sfarchie on August 15, 2010, 08:40:10 PM
Quote from: gh0stie on July 25, 2010, 08:44:09 AM
... The b1tch  2 cars ahead was already IN the intersection when they braked suddenly (for reasons known best to them)...causing the poor woman in front of me to do the same....

I had a similar incident, but I blamed myself for being too close. I refrained from calling her a *b1tch* since it was clearly my own fault. But even if it weren't my fault, I don't think I would call her that. I think I'm getting old... go ahead and flog me.

Glad you're alright, though.
Title: Re: I've joined the club...
Post by: clydesride on August 19, 2010, 05:30:47 PM
Quote from: bdub on July 26, 2010, 01:45:32 PM
You may have braked harder at higher speeds in the past, but you probably did it smoother.  Being smooth on the controls allows weight to transfer to the front before you work the tire with lots of brake pressure.  In other words, chopping the throttle and grabbing the brakes is the textbook way to lock up the front.  Don't ask me how I know .

I know how you know, I know the same way

I too know how you know and you know cause I know also. Panic braking is hard to keep control of the need to squeeze, just gotta trust and relax and let those big rotors do their job I guess, still learning!
Title: Re: I've joined the club...
Post by: gh0stie on September 29, 2010, 12:05:02 PM
Quote from: sfarchie on August 15, 2010, 08:40:10 PM
I had a similar incident, but I blamed myself for being too close. I refrained from calling her a *b1tch* since it was clearly my own fault. But even if it weren't my fault, I don't think I would call her that. I think I'm getting old... go ahead and flog me.

Glad you're alright, though.

The world needs more kind and considerate people like you.......... me I'm quite alright with referring to people who tick me off as "b!tches", "bloddy cvnts" and my personal favorite; "dvmba$$es"

besides, what makes you think I was referring to a woman?

Thanks again to all for the feedback
Title: Re: I've joined the club...
Post by: gh0stie on September 29, 2010, 12:12:28 PM
Quote from: Bones on August 15, 2010, 01:43:07 PM
glad you're ok. do yourself a favor and check the frame mounting points on the engine to make sure they're not cracked.

if the bike was slightly airborne or smacked a bit on its side, the slider might have transferred that impact to the mounting rod.

Ok, will take a look tonight thanks...I don't have frame sliders though
Title: Re: I've joined the club...
Post by: Hellraising-vtec on July 04, 2011, 01:39:06 PM
damn that sucks. hope you are ok