Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => General Monster Forum => Topic started by: RB on July 28, 2010, 07:30:41 AM

Title: Coast to Coast on 2 wheels
Post by: RB on July 28, 2010, 07:30:41 AM
I have been thinking about a ride across the US starting on the East Coast(home) for the past year now. Last year i took my longest single trip to Deals Gap, 650mi in one day...boring slab due to rain. I was comfortable on my monster and she preformed as expected. So now i want to go coast to coast in about 5-7 days, stopping off to visit friends(couch surfing).

My plan is to take 1-3 friends with me, but i am also fine with going solo. The trip is scheduled for July next year, so i need to plan a route(Middle to Northern mostly), and set up some couches(not a cost thing, but id rather meet new people then stay in a hotel every night). I have Boulder, CO and Kansas City, Mo covered already, not to mention about 4 different cities on the West coast(California) once we get there.
So, if you would like to add your tips, experience or offer a couch/floor for such a trip please post up.


Title: Re: Coast to Coast on 2 wheels
Post by: DanTheMan on July 30, 2010, 12:33:33 AM
Southern Utah is nice ride, but hot that time of year. Nevada sucks, but Vegas could be a nice place to spend the night.

Title: Re: Coast to Coast on 2 wheels
Post by: RB on July 30, 2010, 04:56:55 AM
thanks DTM
The heat isn't a huge concern of mine, unless it is hundreds of miles(hours) or rush hour stopped traffic. i am going to bring my Camel Back

Title: Re: Coast to Coast on 2 wheels
Post by: corey on July 30, 2010, 05:10:50 AM
5-7 days seems VERY ambitious...
you might need to allow yourself some more time friend..

Title: Re: Coast to Coast on 2 wheels
Post by: DanTheMan on July 30, 2010, 08:31:13 AM
5-7 days seems VERY ambitious...
you might need to allow yourself some more time friend..

One way or round trip? But seriously, take the time,if possible, to enjoy and not have to bonsai every day

Title: Re: Coast to Coast on 2 wheels
Post by: RB on July 31, 2010, 04:35:26 AM
So you think i should allow more time? Maybe 7-10 days, i've never ridden this distance day after day, and i do want to stop and see some spots on the way. I really don't have plans to go spend a day at a specific spot, other then visit a few friends here and there.
Thanks for the input, any comments are greatly appreciated, i am somewhat flying blind in this.


Title: Re: Coast to Coast on 2 wheels
Post by: Buckethead on July 31, 2010, 05:16:38 AM
Time-wise, it all depends on how much time you plan to spend in places. You mention KC and Boulder. Are you planning to enjoy the areas at all, or are they just overnights?

Also, don't forget to factor in wear items. If you're going coast to coast and back, you're probably going to go through at least a rear tire and, depending on what they look like when you start off, possibly chain/sprockets, too. If you know you're going to be going through a particular area on a particular day, it's easier to call up shops ahead of time and tell them that you're going to be coming through and need stuff so they can have things waiting for you, rather than waiting 2-3 days on parts once a problem shows up. This is where local knowledge from your friends would come in handy.

You'll also be (over)due for an oil change by the time you get there, and possibly a valve service, too. Why not just plan on having speeddog or DucSea take care of things for you when you get there and have a fresh bike to ride back east?

Keep us posted on your plans. I'm hoping to be living in Boulder by this time next year, so if you're coming through, the first round is on me.  [beer]

Title: Re: Coast to Coast on 2 wheels
Post by: OT on August 01, 2010, 10:36:27 AM
You'll need much more time that one week.  If all you're trying to do is ride 2,500 miles in five days, then stay close to home.  However, if you want to experience the US on a bike, then that's a different story (and a much more noble goal).  A friend recently completed a R/T from the Philly area to Alaska on his BMW GS....took almost six weeks and he said he wished he'd  taken more time to enjoy the scenery.

Everyone preps for rain, but I found that the heat is the biggest problem on a long ride; it's exhausting - make sure your gear is up to it and you drink tons of water.  Also, you'll be baking on the plains and shivering in the mountains, especially if you decide to ride through Rocky Mountain NP out of Boulder....

* Check out a friend's blog, he rode from Delaware to Arizona this winter/spring: www.motorbikebirder.com (http://)
* Peruse "Riding with Rilke", it's a crappy book but useful for getting a feel for long distance riding and the things one can do along the way - sans friends
* Ducati.ms has a Multistrada group that posts its long-distance rides.
* Google for other long-haul websites

Title: Re: Coast to Coast on 2 wheels
Post by: Popeye the Sailor on August 01, 2010, 02:10:04 PM
You're going to want WAY more time to see the scenery, stop and eat, etc etc etc.

Also, one way in 5-7 days or both?

Right now you're virtually limiting yourself to slab, which, while it eats up distance, a short range tire eating naked bike isn't really the bike for that sort of thing.

Title: Re: Coast to Coast on 2 wheels
Post by: DanTheMan on August 01, 2010, 03:48:44 PM
So you think i should allow more time? Maybe 7-10 days, i've never ridden this distance day after day, and i do want to stop and see some spots on the way. I really don't have plans to go spend a day at a specific spot, other then visit a few friends here and there.
Thanks for the input, any comments are greatly appreciated, i am somewhat flying blind in this.


If i was going to do coast to coast, id plan on three months, but we don't all have that luxury. But sometime things need to be done and someone needs to do them. May not be the ideal ride for everyone here, but go for it.  If you want to have some fun bring very little supplies and see what stories develop on their own.  Round trip 7 days each way. That should give you some fee days for whatever arises. You can do it in 5 each way, but long days on the freeway.

Go lite, back your bag then take half of it out.

Title: Re: Coast to Coast on 2 wheels
Post by: El Matador on August 01, 2010, 03:59:56 PM

+1 DTM, the lighter you travel, the more fun you have. We did north/south twice last year with nothing but a camelback and a change of underwear. It was some of the best times of my life

Title: Re: Coast to Coast on 2 wheels
Post by: RB on August 02, 2010, 10:53:55 AM

+1 DTM, the lighter you travel, the more fun you have. We did north/south twice last year with nothing but a camelback and a change of underwear. It was some of the best times of my life
this is more like the plan!! thx

I already have a bunch of new parts, maintenance items, to go on before the trip....belts, brakes, sprockets, tires...

The trip is planned for one way, in 7-10 days. So this isn't going to be a 'see the US on two wheels in 4 weeks', maybe when i retire!  I know the bike is short range, and i am going to try to schedule a day of local riding with friends if timing permits. Don't get me wrong i want to ride everywhere, and as little slab as possible, but time and money prevent the 'noble' ride i would like to take...agreed. Mainly this trip is fueled by the 'i want to do this' gene. I'm certain that no matter how many questions i ask or blogs i read, i will still realize things i should have done after this trip. And then i will plan another ride.

thanks your comments are much appreciated.

Title: Re: Coast to Coast on 2 wheels
Post by: pitbull on August 02, 2010, 02:59:40 PM
5-7 days will be some long ride days, but it will also allow some time to see a few things, especially if you pick some side highways off the interstate wherever possible. You'll also see some great scenery once you get out west to the rockies no matter what roads you take. 

I've done it both ways on my monster...........riding it hard and fast in 4 days and riding it slow and easy over a couple weeks. Although very different rides, I enjoyed both rides equally. There's something very satisfying about only having a week free and covering as many miles as possible.

Title: Re: Coast to Coast on 2 wheels
Post by: RB on August 03, 2010, 02:01:23 AM
thx pitbull thats kinda what i was thinking. i am going to stretch the trip to 7-10 days.

Anyone have any suggestions on roads to ride...fun, scenic...or things to see...largest booger, restaurants, bars.
I have never driven coast to coast, but i have watched the Cannonball Run lots! A friend of mine has done it over 14 times, and she is telling me the weather in the fall is more unpredictable, even in the south. Any one want to weigh in on idea time of year to go? im not a fare weather rider, but snow is not something i ride thru.


Title: Re: Coast to Coast on 2 wheels
Post by: Popeye the Sailor on August 03, 2010, 09:07:37 AM
Anywhere around SF.

Title: Re: Coast to Coast on 2 wheels
Post by: corey on August 04, 2010, 04:29:40 PM
from my recent experience on a much shorter trip, i would say get a better seat if you are still rocking the stocker.

Title: Re: Coast to Coast on 2 wheels
Post by: DanTheMan on August 04, 2010, 11:35:23 PM
Here you go, maybe throw one of these in the mix

23 great american road trips (http://www.bing.com/travel/content/search?q=South+Dakota%3a+Deadwood+to+Pierre&cid=msnsp1146979&form=TRVCON&gt1=41000)

Title: Re: Coast to Coast on 2 wheels
Post by: RB on August 05, 2010, 02:23:11 AM
thanks guys,

all of your help is making this process easier. Since i am on limited time, i want to maximize the enjoyment factor, which i translate to plan, plan plan. If i were in a car, i would do all the maintenance grab the atlas, phone charger and go. But days of dotted slab needs to be broken up by scenic joy rides, even if they are short.

i have the gel seat, and its been good to me! Couldn't imagine doing even 100 miles on the stock seat after rocking the gel for so long.

Nice find DTM, thx

Title: Re: Coast to Coast on 2 wheels
Post by: c1fer on August 06, 2010, 12:30:22 PM
If you can, Plan your trip now.

ride hard like you would for 2 days and feel how a days ride will be.

Its like you are planning to run a marathon, you never run the whole 26 miles, you run 5 here, 8, 10, 15, 10, etc. The most a marathon runner will run before the race is 20.

So if you have some days off, head to California and ride 2 days worth, then ride back. You'll get a feel for the bike, the saddle, your gear and stamina.

Title: Re: Coast to Coast on 2 wheels
Post by: pitbull on August 06, 2010, 05:09:51 PM
thx pitbull thats kinda what i was thinking. i am going to stretch the trip to 7-10 days.

Anyone have any suggestions on roads to ride...fun, scenic...or things to see...largest booger, restaurants, bars.
I have never driven coast to coast, but i have watched the Cannonball Run lots! A friend of mine has done it over 14 times, and she is telling me the weather in the fall is more unpredictable, even in the south. Any one want to weigh in on idea time of year to go? im not a fare weather rider, but snow is not something i ride thru.


Don't go before June.......everytime I've gone out west in May I've hit snow at elevation. Obviously the summer months are fine, but my first choice would be September. I like September because much of the summer vacation traffic is off the roads, including many large RV's.
If it were me, I'd superslab it hard to Colorado. I'd take a few side roads through the midwest to see a few small towns, but mostly I'd interstate it hard from sun-up till sun-down. You mentioned Boulder, so I'd go hard to Boulder and then slow it down a little. I'd ride up through Rockie mountain National park and then make my way west and either go down the western side of Colorado through Ouray or the east side of Utah through Moab. If you do Moab, spend a little time and see arches national park and a few other canyon land sites. If you do western Colorado, maybe wind your way down to Gunnison and across to Ouray and down through Silverton and Durango. It's an awesome ride. Either way I'd wind my way through Utah and northern Arizona and do a Grand Canyon side trip. I might also do a night in Vegas, just to say you rode your monster to vegas baby. From Vegas I'd shoot across death valley and wind my way up to yosemite before heading on to SF.....or I shoot due west from Vegas all the way to the coast and travel up to SF on 101 and do the coastal hwy thing.

Title: Re: Coast to Coast on 2 wheels
Post by: RB on August 24, 2010, 02:34:43 AM
Thanks for the input folks.
I am plannig the trip now, and will not be heading out until the very end of June at the earliest.
Planning the destinations out west is easy, its all the inbetween that i am not that familiar with.


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