Title: Go Kart Racing Post by: Lor on August 08, 2010, 03:22:19 PM I came down this weekend for the D-store sale and ended up staying a couple days with my brother in Sunnyvale.
We ended up going to the Go Kart track in Burlingame, wow what a blast that is. I'll be back down for my birthday in September and am wondering if anyone might be interested in joining me for a group race or two? I'm thinking the evening of the 23rd or 24th. Title: Re: Go Kart Racing Post by: desmoquattro on August 08, 2010, 03:27:04 PM That's always fun. Haven't done Go-Kart Racer yet, but I love Malibu Grand Prix in Redwood City (a bit cheaper, different format). I'd be down for either.
Title: Re: Go Kart Racing Post by: Lor on September 24, 2010, 10:10:44 AM For anyone who might be interested in joining we'll be here tomorrow @ 1pm. There's a nice lil mexican place right around the corner for the loser to buy beer.
We'll be doing a grand prix. http://www.gokartracer.com/pricing.html (http://www.gokartracer.com/pricing.html) Title: Re: Go Kart Racing Post by: Popeye the Sailor on September 24, 2010, 10:38:09 AM I can't-last kart race the MOB had some squid lowsided into someone else. I Kart solo for safety.
Title: Re: Go Kart Racing Post by: desmoquattro on September 27, 2010, 03:26:09 AM Went to Malibu Grand Prix Saturday night. Maybe not quite as fun as Go-Kart Racer, but cheaper and still fun!