Title: Runs South? Post by: cakeman on August 08, 2010, 10:15:18 PM Hi all, went for a last minute run south towards Nowra. Im not really a fan of runs south because im not to familiar with the area. All i know is the Kangaroo Valley route and then to Robertson.
Getting from Sydney down south towards Nowra is boring as bat poo! Either going through all the small towns (stop start, stop start) on the princess hwy or down the souther fwy. So theres 1.5 hrs gone, and the way back isnt much fun either. Can anyone fill me in on any alternate routes that im sure im missing, ive had a look on google maps but looks pretty ordinary. Cheers! Title: Re: Runs South? Post by: melvin on August 08, 2010, 10:59:18 PM south sucks if you live on the other side of town and even if you not its still a hard yakka. you can go via RNP, up Bulli and than the old highway but its still not all that much fun i find north to be a better desto and certainly quicker to get to. from Balmain to the warriors is exactly 50 min and you already have fun past Berowra. than you can do 2 or 3 return runs up the twisties towards Gosford and come back to Sydney. that's 200km in total and it takes just over 2 hrs; if you don't stop @ the warriors. and you don't have to fill up so basically you don't have to get off the bike Title: Re: Runs South? Post by: mattyvas on August 08, 2010, 11:59:06 PM I beg to differ but then I also live on the South side of the Airport.
Getting across town and dawdling through traffic to get to the Old Road is sometimes a real chore. This is my/our favorite run through the South and it's a great day out. Map Linky South (http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Princes+Highway,+Kirrawee,+New+South+Wales&daddr=Audley,+New+South+Wales+to:Lady+Wakehurst+Drive,+New+South+Wales+to:Lawrence+Hargrave+Drive,+Thirroul,+New+South+Wales+to:The+Link+Road,+Cataract,+New+South+Wales+to:Mount+Keira+Road,+Mount+Keira,+New+South+Wales+to:Southern+Freeway,+Berkeley,+New+South+Wales+to:Illawarra+Highway,+Albion+Park+Rail,+New+South+Wales+to:Illawarra+Highway,+Robertson,+New+South+Wales+to:Moss+Vale+Road,+Cambewarra,+New+South+Wales+to:Princes+Highway,+Kiama,+New+South+Wales+to:Jamberoo+Road,+Jamberoo,+New+South+Wales+to:Terry+Street,+Albion+Park,+New+South+Wales&geocode=FYi1-P0dTToBCSntcipBqxY9azEpHXcfzRd6Jw%3BFWEN-P0dh_AACSkbzv7YyMYSazGtcdd4i45KtA%3BFaNa9v0dSU8ACSm3zvcl6NwSazEXBISFll9Eyg%3BFYVg9P0dG-D-CCnh-EwAKN4SazEN4Sybe1jpsg%3BFbGK8_0dDb39CCnpbIHk9hsTazEqMMF0y92Irw%3BFcH-8v0d5dT9CClPj02VmBwTazFgINtucrOPYQ%3BFUsF8v0dGJL9CCmXa3EuWR4TazHZepSXgf1oLA%3BFRCs8P0d3rP8CCk_AlBB4Z4TazH1p3aLj_QiTg%3BFak78P0dHr75CCk_AlBB4Z4TazH1p3aLj_QiTg%3BFVnN7P0dqYv5CCmrhOIkyoMTazHJ_D2OUvLZTQ%3BFQvz7v0d4q79CCntcipBqxY9azEpHXcfzRd6Jw%3BFQ457_0dgCX9CCnV5mmRtG0TazH5pxI6sLu4cw%3B&hl=en&mra=ls&sll=-34.585312,150.780659&sspn=0.03731,0.077162&ie=UTF8&ll=-34.422771,151.020813&spn=1.196238,2.469177&z=9) Title: Re: Runs South? Post by: monstermick58 on August 09, 2010, 12:08:51 AM Yep, thats about right Matty, of course we (locals) all have our little side roads so you can make it longer or shorter, whatever suits.
Mmick Title: Re: Runs South? Post by: mattyvas on August 09, 2010, 12:16:07 AM Yep we could always go through the gorge to Macarthur Drive and then down to Mount Keira and beyond.
You could always come back up Jamberoo Mountain Road and back down the Pass again instead of just through to Albion Park again. There are many ways you could complete the ride. Title: Re: Runs South? Post by: gino on August 09, 2010, 12:29:30 AM Went for a ride down South with Matty bout a month ago . He's got it completely sussed Went on roads i never knew existed .Like folling a mobile Sat Nav ! The whole day just flowed . A real pleasure ;D
Title: Re: Runs South? Post by: monstermick58 on August 09, 2010, 12:36:14 AM Sounds like we have a new Tour Organiser.
Mmick Title: Re: Runs South? Post by: cakeman on August 09, 2010, 01:02:35 AM im up for it [thumbsup]
Title: Re: Runs South? Post by: goldFiSh on August 11, 2010, 12:22:41 PM Went for a ride down South with Matty bout a month ago . He's got it completely sussed Went on roads i never knew existed .Like folling a mobile Sat Nav ! The whole day just flowed . A real pleasure ;D Yeah, matty and a few more of us are fans of the illawarra and surrounds and know it pretty well. Actually, we've got the likes of ducmonrob, monstermick and bigiain to thank for showing us the best spots. Title: Re: Runs South? Post by: DUCMONROB on August 27, 2010, 10:41:18 PM You need o hook up with a local as Nick said.
Going for a run tomorrow up the pass, Kangaroo Valley etc on the new steed! Come on warm weather! [thumbsup] |