Title: This feels like home Post by: PizzaMonster on May 06, 2008, 03:45:09 PM Hi folks !!
I logged into the DML an hour ago while waiting for the effects of dental anesthetic to wear off and thought I might be hallucinating. So glad some of you enterprising sorts created an alternative. wt: wt: wt: Here's the short story on PizzaMonster: DML nick: Pango Real life name: Joe Bike: 2007 S2R 800 red (stock except for Termis) Location: North Bay, On. Canada Almost 52 years old but still don't know any better. :P . Started riding in 2000 after figuring I'd finally grown up enough to ride responsibly :e:v Glad the bar is open. I'll buy the first round wt: be:: dr:: dr:: dr:: dr:: dr:: dr:: dr:: dr:: dr:: dr:: dr:: dr:: dr:: dr:: dr:: dr:: dr:: dr:: |