Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: jonnymtb on August 23, 2010, 03:59:12 AM

Title: Longer Kickstand for M900
Post by: jonnymtb on August 23, 2010, 03:59:12 AM
I just put on the 30 mm risers on my 2000 M900 to raise up the rear end.  Works great and rides great but now it doesn't park so great.   :(

I have a 2x4 under my kickstand now to keep it from leaning too far over. 

 I've seen a lot of talks about new bikes and kickstand modifications but none for an older Monster.  Any suggestions other then lowering it back to a world of slow steering?

Title: Re: Longer Kickstand for M900
Post by: supertjeduc on August 23, 2010, 04:09:42 AM
I made one
Just cut the old on (keep it about 4 inches long)
I found a piece of square tube (how do you call that in englisch?)
And welded (MIG) it to the left over stand

It looks like this


Title: Re: Longer Kickstand for M900
Post by: Monstermash on August 23, 2010, 04:41:27 AM
If you wanted quicker steering why not just lower the front end?

Title: Re: Longer Kickstand for M900
Post by: junior varsity on August 23, 2010, 05:31:51 AM
ground clearance + where the rider physically sits (making it higher means more dramatic feeling when shifting weight)

Title: Re: Longer Kickstand for M900
Post by: jonnymtb on August 23, 2010, 11:25:31 AM
Ground clearance was the main reason.  Especially with the imperfect roads I ride on.  I can't say I'm the greatest rider but I have scraped the shifter peg a few times on turns...still learning the whole lean off the bike thing.

At any rate I'm committed to this set up because I really enjoy the bikes response to my input.  I just need to get around to my friends house to weld up a kickstand.

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