Title: Just as an FYI... Post by: goldenchild on June 07, 2008, 10:30:26 AM I just slabbed it for 2 hours up to CT for Dizz's wedding... don't know want the temps are but I wore my new textile get up...
As a warning for maƱana, it gonna be HOT! I've been here for an hour already and have changed into proper clothing and I still can't stop sweating... Title: Re: Just as an FYI... Post by: Pakhan on June 07, 2008, 10:51:32 AM Maybe your just thinking of my awesome riding style and it's so hot your sweating it? I'm just sayin :P
Did you wear the cooling vest underneath? How did it work? Title: Re: Just as an FYI... Post by: Cru Jones on June 07, 2008, 11:07:16 AM Maybe your just thinking of my awesome riding style and it's so hot your sweating it? I'm just sayin :P Whoa! Easy there tiger. ;) FWIW, I rode down to the garage to finally get my fender sorted (YAY!) & I decided that there's no way in h*ll I'm not gonna rock the textile tomorrow. It's like the inferno out right now. Title: Re: Just as an FYI... Post by: Pakhan on June 07, 2008, 11:15:05 AM Whoa! Easy there tiger. ;) FWIW, I rode down to the garage to finally get my fender sorted (YAY!) & I decided that there's no way in h*ll I'm not gonna rock the textile tomorrow. It's like the inferno out right now. Shhh I'm trying to draw GC into a pissing contest You in textile too, you guys are making me think now Title: Re: Just as an FYI... Post by: Beattie_Yoo on June 07, 2008, 03:39:27 PM yeah yo, its blazin hiphop an r&B out there! rode into the city too meet a friend and almost died from the heat.....i dunno how im gonna deal tomorrow in leather.....looks like ill be soaking my undergear with water at every stop.... :-\
Title: Re: Just as an FYI... Post by: Beattie_Yoo on June 07, 2008, 04:58:54 PM stoopid side mount radiators
Title: Re: Just as an FYI... Post by: Cru Jones on June 07, 2008, 05:05:32 PM |