Title: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Artful on September 02, 2010, 06:27:41 AM We all love tight turns, adding shiny expensive bits to our bikes, and going a leeeeetle faster than Johnny Law would prefer.
But what is the one thing that you love about riding your bike that might be frowned upon by polite society? For example, mine is the guy down the street with an Acura Integra with a ridiculously sensitive alarm system. Every third time I ride by his car it seems, whether I'm on the gas, idling, or decelerating, his damn alarm goes off. Make me grin every time. Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: tristantumble on September 02, 2010, 06:37:17 AM anytime i'm in a tunnel i either down shift/blip or gun the throttle...anything to make lots of noise.
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: SacDuc on September 02, 2010, 06:39:55 AM Midget pillions. sac Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: TJR178 on September 02, 2010, 06:47:06 AM anytime i'm in a tunnel i either down shift/blip or gun the throttle...anything to make lots of noise. +1 ...and going through a parking garage to see how many alarms I can get to go off. Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: DNAspark99 on September 02, 2010, 06:49:44 AM wheelies, wheelies, wheelies everywhere. adored by children, teenage girls, and the occasional old man; abhorred by almost everyone else
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: fasterblkduc on September 02, 2010, 08:37:43 AM I like passing someone in the last corner, and holding that spot past the checkered for the win...not much else is that satisfying. ;)
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: pennyrobber on September 02, 2010, 08:52:29 AM I like airing one out when leading on a group ride. ;D
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Spidey on September 02, 2010, 09:32:37 AM <confession>
I wheelie at jaywalkers who try to act all nonchalant. If I go by a car and its alarm is too sensitive, sometimes I circle around the block, wait for the alarm to stop and then set it off again. Hee-lar-ious. [laugh] I'm also guilty of speeding to a read light and then aggressively downshifting and braking to a stop just to scare the shit of the too-cool-for-school folks in the crosswalk. Oh, and when someone is on their phone and driving, I pull up next to them and drown our their conversation with my pipes until they hang up. Wow, I'm kind of a dick. [evil] Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Artful on September 02, 2010, 09:35:19 AM Lol the ride next to the cell phone asshole is one of mine too.
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: zarn02 on September 02, 2010, 10:18:09 AM I also love car alarms. Specifically parking garages filled with 'em!
It was most fun when I'd just started riding and had an old Suzuki 750 with an open megaphone exhaust. ;D Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: zarn02 on September 02, 2010, 10:19:03 AM I'll also confess to enjoying a good burnout.
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Veloce-Fino on September 02, 2010, 10:19:52 AM <confession> I wheelie at jaywalkers who try to act all nonchalant. If I go by a car and its alarm is too sensitive, sometimes I circle around the block, wait for the alarm to stop and then set it off again. Hee-lar-ious. [laugh] I'm also guilty of speeding to a read light and then aggressively downshifting and braking to a stop just to scare the shit of the too-cool-for-school folks in the crosswalk. Oh, and when someone is on their phone and driving, I pull up next to them and drown our their conversation with my pipes until they hang up. Wow, I'm kind of a dick. [evil] Awesome. Especially the cellphone one. Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: iRam on September 02, 2010, 10:42:36 AM [moto] riding beside top down cars. makes me grin all the time, specially whe they are with their trophy wife. ;D
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: muskrat on September 02, 2010, 10:58:12 AM riding next to cell phone chatters [thumbsup]
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: VisceralReaction on September 02, 2010, 11:46:30 AM I need louder pipes. I wanna set of car alarms and ride next to cell phone chatters, I wanna release my inner hooligan!
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Mike_D on September 02, 2010, 12:08:25 PM Blowing by slow-as shit Harley riders.
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Monsterlover on September 02, 2010, 12:14:16 PM I love passing cars with ease, passing zone or not.
I love passing multiple cars with ease, passing zone or not. Wheelies and stoppies are fun. I love the "make the beast with two backs OFF" attitude that turns on the second I swing a leg over. Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: DucatiSTi on September 02, 2010, 01:04:13 PM blasting my Stebel Nautilus every time I go by a golf course - especially when some one is about to take a shot [evil]
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: DoubleEagle on September 02, 2010, 01:08:12 PM I love to pass any bike I see ahead off me......or at least give chase and try.
I once passed 19 Harley's in one pass on my 1098 R. I especially like to ignore all speed limits and always take corners at at least twice the posted speed ( except on the one State Hwy. I sometimes ride for a bit , too many [leo]s Dolph ) . Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Grampa on September 02, 2010, 01:12:15 PM waiving at cows while wearing my suit
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: ducpainter on September 02, 2010, 01:19:35 PM waiving at cows while wearing my suit you're mean... [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Grampa on September 02, 2010, 01:27:32 PM you're mean... [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] what?....... they might have been friends ;) [laugh] Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: kopfjäger on September 02, 2010, 01:34:07 PM waiving at cows while wearing my suit (http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa91/chiflado/090509-more-tricky-cows1.gif) Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: slyfox on September 02, 2010, 03:24:34 PM waiving at cows while wearing my suit ever see any of them waive back ..... or maybe on their knees, praying? ;D ;D They might have been friends.....Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: the_Journeyman on September 02, 2010, 03:35:54 PM Hmm, lots of my guilty pleasures in here.
Car alarms are fun Pulling little power wheelies off small bumps in the road Down shifting my M750 (wrapped Termis = WAY loud) to surprise random people on the sidewalk Following a ride through a really tight curvy section, talking to the I4 riders about how I only used 1 or two gears when I knew they were seriously rowing the gearbox JM Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Buckethead on September 02, 2010, 10:20:11 PM I love passing full school buses.
I love getting looks of envy mixed with defeat from minivan-driving dads. I love pulling away from traffic after a red light and having the road to myself for a little bit, especially if there's a cop stopped behind me. Get right up to the speed limit as fast as I can. And if I see a cop going the other direction and I know I'm not doing anything wrong, I wave real big like as I'm passing. Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Artful on September 03, 2010, 03:01:49 AM Getting half waves from Harley riders that realize halfway through their wave that I'm not on a Harley, then watching their noses turn up.
Hanging of the rear tire of guys on far faster bikes that like to brag about how fast they ride. Give 'em a little rev on the straights to remind them I'm back there. Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: ducatiz on September 03, 2010, 03:26:53 AM waiving at cows while wearing my suit lol lots of leathers tho, is all of your suit definitely cow? i went to a tailor in Istanbul years ago, my friend's wife wanted a leather jacket made... he had like 30 different kinds of animal leathers... he had SEAL leather.. wtf.. Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: ArguZ on September 03, 2010, 04:19:00 AM Well, this is what I bought the Nautilus for...making pedestrians jump.
Especially snuggling couples need a good blow from behind..keeps em on their toes [evil] Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Grampa on September 03, 2010, 04:34:25 AM lol lots of leathers tho, is all of your suit definitely cow? i went to a tailor in Istanbul years ago, my friend's wife wanted a leather jacket made... he had like 30 different kinds of animal leathers... he had SEAL leather.. wtf.. sadly we have no Kangaroos to wave at in the land of Buck Owens [laugh] Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: ducatiz on September 03, 2010, 04:47:10 AM sadly we have no Kangaroos to wave at in the land of Buck Owens [laugh] well, are you pickin' or grinnin'? Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Grampa on September 03, 2010, 04:49:03 AM well, are you pickin' or grinnin'? I'm a grinn'n Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: ducatiz on September 03, 2010, 05:01:02 AM I'm a grinn'n I wanted a suit made of turkey leather. Apparently, it is pretty strong and much smoother than most cowhide. Plus, it would be more fun honking at turkeys. Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: ride_sf on September 03, 2010, 06:16:18 AM When I'm lane sharing on the commute home (SF to east bay), most vehicles leave plenty of room between lane 1 and 2, and most move over a little when bikes come through.
Sometimes there will be one asshat who crowds in and tries to not let any bikes through.... if they are a smaller car with their window open, I'll go really slow past them, pull in the clutch and twist the throttle, and unleash the roar of my S4 with full Termi system directly into their open window..... [evil] Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: WhiteStripe on September 03, 2010, 10:00:53 AM Going commando in my mesh pants
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Max LeanAngle on September 03, 2010, 07:12:26 PM I am guilty of many things, mostly taunting exotic car drivers by blowing them kisses and then lifting my visor to wink. If they are cool, they blow a kiss back at me and once a guy in a Lambo caught the kiss in mid air and held it to his chest. [cheeky] Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: krolik on September 03, 2010, 07:55:22 PM Lane splitting. It's not legal here. :P
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: fastwin on September 04, 2010, 05:09:02 AM I wanted a suit made of turkey leather. Apparently, it is pretty strong and much smoother than most cowhide. Plus, it would be more fun honking at turkeys. I seriously don't care for turkeys except at Thanksgiving dinner. [laugh] My biggest riding pleasure is just riding and everything that goes with it. [moto] Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Shifty on September 04, 2010, 10:28:21 AM I do enjoy cruising past a busy downtown cafe or through a parking garage coasting with the motor wound up on the tach, or just a few little revs of the throttle. The burble and rumble of the little twin always turns heads and garners comments. ;D
I also quite enjoy making poorly-driving cagers anxious. I frequently use hand signals... "PAY ATTENTION" pointing at my eyes, "WTF ARE YOU DOING" shaking head and/or shrugging shoulders, or my personal favorite: turning completely around on my bike to look a tailgater in the eye and point sternly at them to "GET THE F*** OFF MY @$$"! That one works surprisingly well, and even gets an apology and wave at times. [laugh] Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: justinrhenry on September 04, 2010, 02:05:21 PM iv'e noticed very few people tailgate me on my bike. of course there's not a lot of opportunity, but even so, most give me far more room than they would a car.
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: badgalbetty on September 05, 2010, 03:16:52 AM Antelope to Fossil Oregon, 216 turns. 36 miles. 23 minutes. Guilty! [thumbsup]
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Grampa on September 05, 2010, 05:10:08 AM onramps and Ti laced knee pucks
http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=427518377004# (http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=427518377004#) Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: ducpainter on September 05, 2010, 05:14:15 AM Can't see it 'sparky' ;D
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: smcdammitt on September 05, 2010, 08:02:58 AM Pulling up beside a Harley, then smokin'em
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: cbartlett419 on September 05, 2010, 04:02:18 PM I love the "make the beast with two backs OFF" attitude that turns on the second I swing a leg over. you said it all right there Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: J5 on September 05, 2010, 04:23:07 PM Lol the ride next to the cell phone asshole is one of mine too. i enjoy even better at the lights when i lane split and someone is on the phone with the window down i stop and say hey dickhead get off the phone the reply is usually the finger or get make the beast with two backsed so then what i do is roll forward a few feet so the exhaust is aimed right at the window and then hold the throttle wide open [laugh] [clap] Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: twistdchick on September 05, 2010, 04:47:02 PM throwing the road construction workers a blip and a kiss!
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: DucofWestwood on September 05, 2010, 09:12:09 PM This is a great thread
I like using my throttle as a horn. To make someone move over if I'm trying to lane-split. To make someone go if they're texting and didn't notice the light change. Etc. I also like staring people down as/after I pass them if they've somehow wronged me. I like it when the tourists sitting in those goofy open-topped tour vans rolling thru beverly hills stop looking for celebs and stare at me. too many to list. I'll stop now. Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: DucHead on September 06, 2010, 03:03:53 PM Going commando in my mesh pants [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: WhiteStripe on September 17, 2010, 03:49:10 AM Funny, after riding home last night in the dark with 45 degree weather and pouring rain i may have to rethink my undergarment choices.
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: ducatiz on September 17, 2010, 04:55:37 AM posting on /b/ while on twisties
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Spck31 on September 17, 2010, 05:22:20 AM Funny thread ;D ;D ;D
i am guilty of lot of things posted in here! Especialy lane-splitting in trafic jam to go back home, use my throttle like a horn... But i didn't disturb SUV driver on cellphone, yet...... [evil] [evil] [evil] Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Veloce-Fino on September 17, 2010, 06:32:12 AM posting on /b/ while on twisties anon is pleased. Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: yamifixer on September 17, 2010, 06:53:00 AM Pulling up beside a Harley, then smokin'em I used to love doing that on my RD. (and the smoking part was actually smoke) Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: ducatiz on September 17, 2010, 07:05:32 AM Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: ducpainter on September 17, 2010, 07:08:10 AM op is a motofag huh?Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: ducatiz on September 17, 2010, 07:14:59 AM Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: ducpainter on September 17, 2010, 07:31:17 AM /b/ joke he may not be as forward thinking as yourself and not want to be outed. ;)Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: ducatiz on September 17, 2010, 07:59:16 AM he may not be as forward thinking as yourself and not want to be outed. ;) in /b/speak, fag does not mean homosexual. it's sort of like calling a friend "Brian W" in the UK. see "happy birthday Brian W" Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Desmo Demon on September 17, 2010, 08:07:43 AM Guilty pleasure, huh?....Well, I don't "try" to do this, and I sure don't like to do it very often, but I definitely get some pleasure out of it....
Ride pretty fast in the mountains and hitting the curves pretty hard, but not opening it up in the straights - instead maintaining a nice, steady, flowing pace. Then, passing [leo] on the side of the road, he pulls behind me, hits the lights, and........I just contune on, picking up the pace a little, because I know he can't hang in the twisties. [popcorn] Yeah. Probably a guilty pleasure. [bacon] Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: joeyrotten on September 17, 2010, 08:38:09 AM this is not really deviant, but I do like pulling up to stoplights behind scowling badass bikers on their tasseled machines and then blithley going around them like they are turds in the road when the light changes to green. takes 'em forever to stomp their rigs into gear and get underway it seems.
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Mike Qube on September 17, 2010, 03:26:33 PM I'm guilty of setting off alarms. It's become a game on my ride to work, I know what cars are sensitive on my way and get them everyday. I'm up to about 10 on my 3 mile ride.
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: DucHead on September 17, 2010, 04:42:19 PM Guilty pleasure, huh?....Well, I don't "try" to do this, and I sure don't like to do it very often, but I definitely get some pleasure out of it.... Ride pretty fast in the mountains and hitting the curves pretty hard, but not opening it up in the straights - instead maintaining a nice, steady, flowing pace. Then, passing [leo] on the side of the road, he pulls behind me, hits the lights, and........I just contune on, picking up the pace a little, because I know he can't hang in the twisties. [popcorn] Yeah. Probably a guilty pleasure. [bacon] Winner! [laugh] [laugh] Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: NoisyDante on September 17, 2010, 04:48:24 PM Apart from riding ridiculously fast and lane splitting/weaving between cars as I'm going to work in the mornings, I like casually observing the throngs of people who stop and stare when I park in a crowded area. It's fun to act like you're oblivious as to what's going on, but I know everyone is staring at the bike, all the guys make their girlfriends stop walking for a moment, it's awesome. Very nice self esteem boost.
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: speedknot on September 17, 2010, 04:58:23 PM Good thread.
I love lighting up the back tire while at a busy intersection and gassing everyone out. Burnouts always put a smile on my face. Since I got my DP Conti's, my bike is loud as hell and I'm having fun with it. I love goosing it under bridges and tunnels. I'm also enjoying pulling up at the light next to the Escalade driving soccer moms on their cell phones and letting the Monster pipes roar. [evil] Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Le Pirate on September 21, 2010, 09:21:25 AM I think my favorite has to be this:
I love pulling out of my driveway, and pinning the throttle back on the highway. Red lining each gear until I get to the top of the shifter, then holding it at the throttle lock. FULL freakin' BLAST all the way down the hill side until I get I cross the river and start climbing out of the valley. A few miles of full throttle fun in the middle of no where. Every now and then living out here (where civilization doesn't exist) has it's perks. Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Speedbag on September 21, 2010, 11:43:15 AM Not wearing pants.
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: CTKurt on September 22, 2010, 10:24:31 AM I jump manhole covers when they are repaving and they are ground down to little ramps. i got pulled over for it and the officer kicked me out of town for the day. [thumbsup]
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: zenjim on September 23, 2010, 05:03:18 AM Lately I'm enjoying getting some air Isle of Mann style on a freeway overpass bump thingee. Keep in mind if traffic allows me to get to 90 we're talking maybe an inch on the front wheel. But in my head McGuiness is worried about the yank behind him making the pass.
While lane-splitting sometimes looking into an approaching rear-view mirror will reveal a bonny young lass who looks a mite bored. I will often slow down to gaze down into the loveliness and nod or give a slight wave. Mmmm...bonny young lass. Sometimes the response is a coquettish smile or a wave... sometimes they get freaked out and turn into you. Either way makes for an exciting ride. I'll admit that nothing is more satisfying than giving the cell phone talkers an earful of Motocreations finest boomtube symphony. No one deserves it more. But lane-splitting on the 405 for 30 miles every day each way, if I took the time to do that to everyone, my commute would take longer than driving a car. These days I'm saving myself for that extraordinary asshat. Someone on the phone and drifting out of the lane for example. I did this to some twat who had drifted at least 2 feet over the double yellow into the carpool lane more than once as I approached. As I (carefully) made a pass and gave him some throttle he jumped off his seat, scared shitless and actually looked like I woke him up. He was sharing his phone texts with his passenger. At times like these I often wonder if hurling corpses laden with the bubonic plague is achievable from a motorbike. Going medieval so to speak... Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: okpanic on September 27, 2010, 09:17:42 AM letting the dry clutch rattle force yuppies to roll up their windows at stop lights. Even if I roll up to a light that i know will be empty except for me and the car in the next lane, I will hug that center line just to make it louder for them...
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: bishop on September 28, 2010, 07:11:23 AM letting the dry clutch rattle force yuppies to roll up their windows at stop lights. Even if I roll up to a light that i know will be empty except for me and the car in the next lane, I will hug that center line just to make it louder for them... hahaha, I do that sometime. Don't have a dry clutch, damn 696 but loud exhaust that sets off alarms - yes. Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Veloce-Fino on September 28, 2010, 08:49:23 AM My guilty riding pleasure is not so deviant. When I get that sudden animal rage or a cager pisses me off I will yell incredibly loud inside my helmet and hammer the throttle.
I'm pretty sure people can hear me because I have gotten scared looks from bystanders. Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Richie#20 on September 28, 2010, 09:44:12 AM Although I like to ride in a crowd of friends, I also like to ride for my own some times. I put a gum in my mouth, just to watch if I´m relaxed. No one to wait for, no looks into the mirrors. After a while I get into a flow and I´m thinking about nothing. Just ridin´ on a perfect bike, on a winding road with fine weather. Seems to be the best thing what I can do.
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Slow Guy on September 28, 2010, 11:26:08 AM Every Saturday there is a car/motorcycle show here in town. And every time there is some ass hat in a little F&Fr car with a coffee can exhaust that wants to race up the on ramp to the freeway...and every time they freakin lose. These are the same d-bags that 20 minutes before were bragging up how fast their car is, revving the piss outta the engine, and looking over at the bikes with this smug little grin like we should all be standing in our own pee. See ya on the road scag!!! [evil]
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Monsterlover on September 28, 2010, 12:19:49 PM ^
Epic description right there [laugh] Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: zarn02 on September 28, 2010, 09:18:12 PM I put a gum in my mouth, just to watch if I´m relaxed. That's a pretty cool idea, right there. Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: brimo on September 30, 2010, 12:45:44 AM Two feet on one peg and crouched down behind the bike as I go past a group of sunday boy racers on the side of the road.
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Monsterlover on September 30, 2010, 03:14:21 AM Gonna need to see pictures...
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: brimo on September 30, 2010, 07:09:59 PM Gonna need to see pictures... Not me in this one but it's my bro on his darmah some time back.And yes for any melbounites out there that is the Kew Boulevard. (http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm259/andrewb172/misc%20pics/dave.jpg) And another one of our faves, same corner. (http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm259/andrewb172/misc%20pics/dave2.jpg) Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Blackout on September 30, 2010, 07:47:56 PM Most of the above and
Parking my bike near the door of most places I go to. Riding way tooo fast through way too many cars. Sometimes it has been like playing a video game. My favorite act of 2-wheeled deviance has to be the clutch up wheelie on my SpeedTriple. My taint quivers with electricity as I shift it up into 3rd and ride it out til the speedo shows 112. I also enjoy riding drunk and running over small animals. [drink] Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Mojo S2R on September 30, 2010, 11:33:08 PM Lot of good ones on here. I guess my most deviant pleasures would be revving while under a bridge or in a tunnel, setting off car alarms, and revving to scare inattentive drivers though I have recently replaced the OEM roadrunner horn with a Hella Supertone kit and enjoyed blaring the hell out of that when I first got it.
Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: Slow Guy on October 01, 2010, 12:37:57 AM Lot of good ones on here. I guess my most deviant pleasures would be revving while under a bridge or in a tunnel, There are few things nicer than fitting a new exhaust and "testing" it while riding through a tunnel. One of my favorites is one leaving Little Italy in San Diego...short but glorious!!!!!! Title: Re: What is your most deviant riding guilty pleasure? Post by: The Bacon Junkie on October 02, 2010, 04:14:34 PM I like chasing behind guys who have twice (or more) horsepower than my little 7 fiddy.
It's fun seeing the look on their faces at a rest point going through the twisties, wondering why the Hell they couldn't shake a little air cooled bike with only 62hp! [laugh] It's even more fun when they try to go faster, but park it in a corner and leave me juuust enough room... Bye Bye time... [evil] |