Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: suzyj on September 02, 2010, 03:20:34 PM

Title: Removing sensor bracket and rubber instrument mounts
Post by: suzyj on September 02, 2010, 03:20:34 PM
I got sick of staring at the sensor bracket, so pulled it off last night.  I flipped the sensor sideways and mounted it via one of the rubber isolating thingies to the U frame.

While I was at it, I dropped my instruments 12mm, by omitting the rubber isolating thingies they mount via, and instead just putting a length of M4 threaded rod in the triple.

My reasoning for removing the rubber isolation mounts is that surely they were there to protect filament lighting in the instruments.  Now that the instruments are lit via LEDs, surely they don't need the floppy mounting.  I guess time will tell whether I'm right or wrong.

Has anyone else done similar?  I searched, and the more common option is to shorten the U frame and mount the instruments under the triple (which would cause interference with my brake and clutch banjoes, in my case).

Title: Re: Removing sensor bracket and rubber instrument mounts
Post by: DarkStaR on September 02, 2010, 03:39:37 PM
I've lowered a few gauges, and although routing the lines is a PITA, I have not had a problem with the banjos that was not easily remedied.

Got a pic of your set up?

I like to isolate the gauges regardless due to cost of replacement.  Cheap insurance that "might" work.

I use 4 well nuts (2 on top, & 2 on bottom) with the nut removed and the small end inserted in the gauge holes to "try" to isolate the gauges from vibration.

Title: Re: Removing sensor bracket and rubber instrument mounts
Post by: BK_856er on September 02, 2010, 08:20:44 PM
I don't know if it's a valid concern or not, but after rigging up a video camera I was pretty amazed at how much the wind buffeting caused the cluster to move around at speed (90-130mph, no fairing).  Hopefully, with rigid mounting, the plastic cluster attachment points can take the stresses and not crack over time.


Title: Re: Removing sensor bracket and rubber instrument mounts
Post by: suzyj on September 03, 2010, 07:17:51 PM
As requested, some pics.


Firstly from the front - this shows the clearance between the banjo bolt for the brake line and the gauge cluster.  My clipons (Woodcraft) move the controls inboard quite a lot, as well as forward and down.  If I want to move my instruments further, I'll have to move my controls further out.


Here's from the other side - not a lot of spare room.

Title: Re: Removing sensor bracket and rubber instrument mounts
Post by: Speeddog on September 03, 2010, 07:33:34 PM
Not sure how vulnerable the instrument cluster is to vibration.
They've got a pretty big circuit board in them.

As motorcycles go, the Ducs are pretty low vibration.

Title: Re: Removing sensor bracket and rubber instrument mounts
Post by: DarkStaR on September 04, 2010, 05:17:17 AM
I searched, and the more common option is to shorten the U frame and mount the instruments under the triple (which would cause interference with my brake and clutch banjoes, in my case).

I see now.  With the clip-ons above the triple, you probably can't lower the gauges.


If you were willing to mount the clip-ons below the triple, it looks possible to lower the gauges.  The gauge to masters clearance will be about the same, just lower.

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