Title: Had an Acco Post by: FIFO on September 12, 2010, 12:52:30 AM On the old road today. looks like i missed a few of the ozmo's
Any way heading home going south up the twistys just before Pie in the sky i was following this guy on a Kawasaki doing the speed i was happy with the speed limit ,i was in lane one the lane closest to the kerb so if any one wanted to pass. And the Kawasaki in lane two centre lane just ahead. All of Sudden he hit the ankors and turned into my lane to turn of the road in to the car park bay thingy,regulars will know were it is. And i clipped the back of his bike and flipped it i was luck enough to stay up and continue a bit and turn around hoping i didn't kill him. Turn around and he was on his feet :o He said he wanted to stop and look at the view and have a smoke [roll] His bike was totaled and he had a few bruises ,wearing full leather. I was pissed well pissed off new tank and respray less than 2 months old, dented, smashed headlight, front guard trashed and a few love rubs here and there but luckily i held it up, came so close to T Boning him And some bark of my left shin and fingers the cf gloves saved my fingers, lots of green paint on the gloves . And he has no insurance [roll] It will cost him big time. Just be down to file a police report as they weren't called to the scene. Even though i clipped him i belive he was in the wrong. :-\ And the the lecture im getting from the missus is more painfull than smashing the bike [bow_down] [bow_down] (http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t70/robert3520/DSC02751.jpg?t=1284287955) (http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t70/robert3520/DSC02752.jpg?t=1284288017) (http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t70/robert3520/DSC02753.jpg?t=1284288072) Cable tied to get home all keep them handy (http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t70/robert3520/DSC02754.jpg?t=1284288131) (http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t70/robert3520/DSC02755.jpg?t=1284288176) Offending bike all smashed he had to get pcked up. (http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t70/robert3520/Image013.jpg?t=1284288227) Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: Spider on September 12, 2010, 01:07:38 AM lack of indication will have him, you're insurer will chase him down, that's why you pay em!
No insurance......idiot! Hope the bike gets better, I think I've got a spare black front fender if your insurance causes you problems! frickin frick! Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: Mr.S2R on September 12, 2010, 01:11:04 AM wow man that is a lucky escape! glad you're ok! [thumbsup]
+1 with Spider - if he cut across you without warning from another lane... Hope your ride is fixed quick! Insurance should be a must nowadays... Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: Spider on September 12, 2010, 01:18:28 AM I actually thought that 3rd party (not comprehensive) was a legal requirement.
couple months ago I denied a home loan to a man who was paying QBE for driving uninsured, my argument was lack of character (that's work talk for F#ckwit) and lack of foresight could cause financial issues. Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: FIFO on September 12, 2010, 01:28:54 AM Thanks for offer of the guard Spider. Yeah here in NSW 3rd party property damage is not compulsory And i suppose people think they wont do to much or cause to much damage on a bike, well they should think again he could have totaled my bike, then it will cost big time :o Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: Andy55 on September 12, 2010, 01:53:33 AM Hey Rob
Glad to hear that you are ok , thats the main thing. Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: signora monster on September 12, 2010, 02:24:16 AM OMG Rob ! I'm sorry to hear that this happened to you . I'm so glad you're ok though.
Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: koko64 on September 12, 2010, 02:27:07 AM glad you're ok. Shit.
Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: braando on September 12, 2010, 02:35:10 AM Really sorry to hear that Rob......love that road, but hate the traffic........specially when their mates are perched on the rocks videoing them.... is why i love it mid week......on a lighter note......how did the heated grips survive the ordeal...? ;D The bike can be repaired easily mate..easier than us.........
Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: Monstar_100 on September 12, 2010, 02:43:28 AM Such a luck boy Rob, Could have been worse...
Glad you are ok. The subject sounded worse... If you want i will have my headlight for sale. Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: heatherp on September 12, 2010, 03:31:05 AM Bugger.
Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: Wells on September 12, 2010, 05:22:11 AM Buy a lottery ticket Rob.. Glad to hear you're okay mate.
As they say, any acco you can walk away from.... (Old mate on the kwaka sounds like a lucky SOB.) Hope the lectures stop soon too mate.. The ringing in the ear can last for weeks after an accident like this. Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: mostro900 on September 12, 2010, 02:38:37 PM Sorry to hear that Rob. As others, very glad to hear that you are OK. It could have been a whole lot worse.
Sounds like the bike is bruised, but not out, so that's a positive as well(small one, but hey...). Hope you're feeling better soon - when the "ringing in the ears" settles down! Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: cakeman on September 12, 2010, 02:42:00 PM Sorry to hear that! Glad your ok though
Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: dragonworld. on September 12, 2010, 03:11:37 PM Good to hear all is ok! [thumbsup]
There is a big difference between "Car Drivers That ride Bikes" [roll] and "Bike Riders That Drive Cars" [clap] Car drivers that ride bikes will use the bike with the same gay abandon to signaling, observation and skills that is used in the tin top. [bang] Seems like the Kwaka rider is more a car driver after a stunt like that!? [roll] Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: ozducati on September 12, 2010, 05:26:25 PM Hey Rob, good to hear you're OK, is unfortunate that people cannot be bothered to check their mirrors or a headcheck before swinging across a lane like that... lucky you stayed up, and lucky for him you weren't a truck...
Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: markmon on September 12, 2010, 08:22:54 PM Sorry to here mate, that would have shaken me up for sure.
Good to see you're okay and as for the cluster on the K, I reckon we should start a poster wall in the cafe to put up photos of all the foolish ones for all to see.... might make them think twice in future. Can you also let me know where you are getting the bike fixed and who is doing the painting? Hope your riding again this side of October. Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: Jukie on September 12, 2010, 09:27:46 PM Ohhh RobS I'm sending you lots of hugs and kisses :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: Betty on September 12, 2010, 10:41:17 PM Rob, sorry to hear about what happened. But I am curious, how the hell did you manage to stay up?
Sounds like you gave him the 'big don't argue' and sat him on his arse. I hope you are doin' alright and everything is back to normal soon ... and next time, ride with fellow Ozmos ;) Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: FIFO on September 13, 2010, 12:21:08 AM Thanks every one for the moral support. :-* Not having any sort of road acco for 30 years plus. well not with out trying [roll] It is all very stressfull to say the least, you think you are geared up to take evasive action in the event to avoid an acco, But in real life it is over before you blink. :o Just keeps going through my head, this bike appears right in front of me, and then hard on anchors , no time to swerve and then it felt like i cut it in two or just went over it. As for staying on Betty well luck :-\ or sheer skill I thought I'm going to die if i hit the armco or that will be very painfull. Went up to the old road today in the cage ,just to check out the scene, a bout half way up the twistys just afew turns after were they are stabilizing the road ie road works, i left a good skid about 4mts long ,i think i did wash of a bit of speed. It is only a small straight section after a sweeping left not a good place to decide to pull of the road from the centre lane in a last minute slow down and hook to left with out looking who's coming up you arse at a steady rate of knots :o :-\ How ever i do feel for the guy fellow biker he just finished rebuilding the Kawasaki, shit happens and i am known for doing the odd stupid thing :( Will make me pull my head in a bit on the bike in future. Precious is insured with insure my ride and will be of to collidascope for repairs. [thumbsup] And i had her looking so good for the concourse i guess i will hand it to Jukie on a plate now [cheeky] The scene hit the other bike in the centre of the left lane, at the distance from the reflector on the road on left, he ended up near the armco (http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t70/robert3520/Image003.jpg?t=1284369637) Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: suzyj on September 13, 2010, 12:52:14 AM Main thing is you're okay, and Jukie's cunning plan for winning the concourse worked.
Hope your bike is up and running again soon! Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: DUCMONROB on September 13, 2010, 01:06:41 AM Shit Rob glad your OK. A bike is always replacable.
Rob Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: goldFiSh on September 13, 2010, 02:10:59 AM Rob, glad to hear you're ok.
I thought the rules were that if a vehicle cannot be driven away, the the cops should attend. Hope he admitted liability at the scene and there was someone who saw it. Sounds like perhaps not. Anyway, like ducmonron said, bikes can be replaced. Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: Betty on September 13, 2010, 11:13:41 AM I thought the rules were that if a vehicle cannot be driven away, the the cops should attend. According to my resident expert ... you are correct. If a vehicle needs to be towed the police should attend ... but they obviously need to be informed for that to happen. The fact that Rob has made a police report should see them take further action (make contact with the other rider). As for the Concours ... I think she had already conceeded Rob. Now she might have some cleaning to do. Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: FIFO on September 13, 2010, 09:05:19 PM Rob, glad to hear you're ok. I thought the rules were that if a vehicle cannot be driven away, the the cops should attend. Hope he admitted liability at the scene and there was someone who saw it. Sounds like perhaps not. Anyway, like ducmonron said, bikes can be replaced. I Copied and pasted below this from the NSW Road users hand book. And the way i read it is unless you injure or kill some one the police don't need to be called. As long as you report it within 24 hours :) And Goldie there were no witness's and he didn't admit fault. But that goes for anything even if you are in the wrong don't admit it. :-X But buy the way he has not pursued me, is a pretty clear he was at fault. And i won't go into to much more detail on a public forum :-X Talking to the guys at collidascope today as they See all the damage, and they said what happend to me on the old pac was more common than not. What to do after a crash If you are involved in a crash you must stop immediately and give as much help as possible to anyone else involved in the crash. If anyone is injured or killed, you should call the Police and Ambulance – dial 000. You should protect the area to make sure that another crash does not occur. You must remove anything that falls or escapes from crashed vehicles and which is likely to endanger the safety of others (for example, debris or broken glass). However, if you need to clear debris from the road, it is important that you ensure your personal safety at all times. Following a crash: • Switch off the ignition of the immobilised vehicle to reduce the risk of fire. • Switch on hazard warning lights The Police may attend and investigate crashes where: • A person is killed or injured. • A vehicle needs to be towed away. • There is damage to property or animals. • A person fails to stop or exchange information. • A driver is believed to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If police do not attend the crash scene, you must report the crash as soon as possible within 24 hours (unless in exceptional circumstances) where: • You are in a crash and either your vehicle or another vehicle needs to be towed away. • There is damage to property or injured animals. • You are unable to provide particulars to the owner. You must always provide Police attending the crash scene with details of the crash, vehicles involved, your name, address and, if known, information about any witnesses or the drivers of other vehicles involved. You must always show Police your driver licence. Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: Mr.S2R on September 13, 2010, 10:12:45 PM looks like the keyword there is "may" - to me that reads unless you are a high profile politician, celeb, or outlaw biker on said motorcycle, then police "may" attend [laugh]
At the end of the day Rob s has ticked all the boxes: -didn't punch the other guy out - bravo for level headedness [clap] (me I would of been mushroom-cloud-layin' motherf&*%$#@! [cheeky] ) -reported it to police within 24 hours -is fully insured. Most of all - not seriously injured! [thumbsup] Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: mattyvas on September 14, 2010, 12:01:47 AM Rob that's rotten news.
Glad you're okay, especially where the acco happened, I know it can be a pretty fast place on the road. I do hope it all comes together for you and you manage to $$$ out of the Mo-F who caused this. I must say if it was me, I might well have exploded the second I knew both riders were okay. Any help as always just sing out. Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: Nickati on September 14, 2010, 01:05:10 AM Geez Rob I'm also glad that you are OK, it just goes to show it doesn't matter how good & safe you are some other make the beast with two backser will ruin your day.
Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: Dannog on September 14, 2010, 09:37:14 PM Ditto everyones comments. It is impressive that you managed to slow down enough to avoid coming to grief in a T-bone.
Sometime you are so busy watching other out for cages you can forget about bikes. I don't understand how he could have just passed you only to decide to change lanes AND exit the road without looking for you. What a goose! Hope the repairs don't take too long Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: monstermick58 on September 15, 2010, 02:13:52 AM Thanks every one for the moral support. :-* Precious is insured with insure my ride and will be of to collidascope for repairs. [thumbsup] And i had her looking so good for the concourse i guess i will hand it to Jukie on a plate now [cheeky] Good to hear that you are OK, I too was insured with the same company and when my bike fell down through an intersetion it was carted off to Collide-a-scope and I was very, very happy with the repair, and I would suspect that you too will be happy with the result when you get the bike back. So sit back and relax and [coffee] [drink] until you are back with your bike Mmick Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: Two dogs on September 25, 2010, 09:14:41 PM Oh Rob I just got back from my travels to read about your incident :o
I don't like to call them accidents as usually it is someones negligence that could be avoided. Fantastic you stayed up right that is great riding skill [thumbsup] not so about your new tank [bang] Mind you a Monster with a little fella like you riding would have quite a lot of kinetic energy ;D Sounds like you kept your head ,I would of had trouble not using my carbon gloves on his stupid melon. I'm so glad you were not hurt , Ill drop by your house to say Gday if you are around on Sunday Dez Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: FIFO on September 25, 2010, 09:51:40 PM Hey Dez You can call buy work if your going buy [thumbsup] How about putting up some surfing photos from indo on another thread if you got any. ;) Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: FIFO on November 02, 2010, 09:28:05 PM Well after patiently waiting, as the repairers had something like 90 bikes to fix. Finally got Precious back after 7+ weeks . >:( And well guess what its going straight back. >:( I don't believe how they could get it that wrong. :-\ It's COMPLETE ABORTION >:( 1. the Ducati Decals on the tank are no were in the right place. 2. crappy milky old second hand head light replacement. 3. reused old broken front guard clamps. 4. instrument vibration dampers broken and bent not fixed and replaced so easy to see with the head light out 5. alternator case resprayed silver no were near a match to the clutch case side. 6. cf bellypan was gloss now matte finish looks weird Dose any one want a cheap project Bike all offers considered Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: mattyvas on November 02, 2010, 10:36:31 PM That's pretty rank!
If it's going back that means you've taken it home and they think you've accepted the job. Or did you just look at it in the shop and say nup job sucks do it properly. Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: cakeman on November 02, 2010, 10:39:59 PM where did u get it done at?
Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: FIFO on November 02, 2010, 11:05:14 PM Matty They pick up and deliver using a contractor, which is good service. Cakeman The same place you got your wheels painted and i got my tank respray previous. Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: mattyvas on November 02, 2010, 11:09:35 PM Ah I see.
Then I might not be getting my bike painted there. Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: J5 on November 02, 2010, 11:17:43 PM Ah I see. Then I might not be getting my bike painted there. why does your bike need some paint ? , i thought it was all happy Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: monstermick58 on November 02, 2010, 11:33:24 PM Struth!
And they did such a top job on my bike. Mmick Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: cakeman on November 03, 2010, 12:49:12 AM That's a weird one, they did a great job for me and I've only heard good things about them. Sorry to hear that Rob.... Hope it gets sorted out soon..... 7+ weeks with out your baby is a looooong time!
Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: FIFO on November 03, 2010, 12:52:03 AM The actual spray painting on the tank , front guard ,bug screen is first class, and they spayed blended small scratches on the trellis as well looks perfect. And i was very happy with the paint job on the tank , front guard ,bug screen seat cowl 3 months ago ;D The painter is good. But who ever placed the decals, colour matched the crank case had an off day. this time, probably the same guy :-\ but trying to pass of a dodgy head light and a few small parts readily available no excuse. Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: DUCMONROB on November 03, 2010, 01:58:53 AM Rob the issue of the dodgy headlight and side cover paint job may not have been the decision of the repairer. This sound like the work of the insurance company paying for the work being tight.
Rob Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: Betty on November 03, 2010, 09:23:30 AM This sound like the work of the insurance company paying for the work being tight. Rob I agree to an extent. As the bike is not a current model I am pretty sure your insurance contract will say they can use second hand parts in the repair reflective of the age of the vehicle (or some such bullshit). Note: I think it will say 'age' and not 'condition'. The question is how selective were these guys in procuring said second hand parts ... from the previous reports on here I would have thought they had a reputation to uphold. The pressures of the insurance company shouldn't matter if it risks your business reputation - I mean it can't be that hard to find a decent headlight can it? Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: goldFiSh on November 03, 2010, 01:07:09 PM I mean it can't be that hard to find a decent headlight can it? No, but perhaps it might be hard to procure one at the price that an insurance company's written down value of it. Given the timeframe and the resultant finish level, a few scenarios come to mind - they are very busy - the economics of business dictates that they need to at least cover costs, and hopefully make a profit. This is directly attributable to the cost of the part and the cost of the labour searching for the part. Time is money, of course! - perhaps some or all of the above It sounds like the repairer is known as a reputable business... every business has bad deals / jobs / projects etc, even the very best of them. Perhaps your job was one of these.... What counts is how they conduct themselves to make good. That's what you'll take away from it, after the annoyance factor fades into memory... Hope it all works out Rob. Let us know the outcome. Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: J5 on November 03, 2010, 07:50:53 PM I mean it can't be that hard to find a decent headlight can it? where do 2nd hand headlights come from ? from the wreckers off bikes that have been written off headlights are a highly likely damaged item as a result there wont be many around and as mentioned insurance value of said item Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: Betty on November 03, 2010, 08:24:56 PM I think this is getting a little off track, the headlight was meant to be a simple example of how (I think) they may have been able to do better ... of course Rob should be extremely happy he has got a headlight at all.
Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: FIFO on November 03, 2010, 09:20:42 PM I think this is getting a little off track, the headlight was meant to be a simple example of how (I think) they may have been able to do better ... Hey Betty you are so good at reading between the lines go to the top of the class. [cheeky] And word for word from insure my ride policy. We can replace damaged parts with new or second hand parts providing they are a similar condition to those being replaced. And i don't have any problem at all with second parts. But as my headlight was totally wiped out it could be a dispute to say how good it was pre acco. I know the head light was very new as the bike has been repaired before i had it. And a quick eBay comes up with a 07 headlight in Aus for $249. And a brand new one in Italy genuine $238 +post from the same dude i got the new fuel tank from. Haven't priced one from Ducati spares here. And i am now quite happy to just go and buy the headlight and the other small parts ,just to get it up and away. and end the grief for a few hundred bucks. But it is the placement of two Ducati Decals on the tank that stick out like Dogs Balls that irritate me the most i just can't look at it. :'( Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: mattyvas on November 03, 2010, 09:38:30 PM If you have the bike with you Rob and you can bear it snap a pic so we can see what you're talking about.
But really I don't you have to go and spend $$ on a headlight that's what your insurance is for. They should be able to see that the quality of the light is below par. Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: FIFO on November 03, 2010, 11:07:59 PM Matty just took a few snaps and makes it all look a million bucks very hard to get somthing to compare. Some of the guys will wonder what i am on about, best to view it in the flesh. Dez has seen it and did pick up on a few things. And putting a tape mesure on the decals compared to my old tank they are 45mm toward the back. you could live with it. But to me you can allways pick a repaired bike or car very quick if these things aren't in the right place if you are in the know. Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: heatherp on November 03, 2010, 11:21:11 PM Rob, last time I priced a headlight from Ducati spares (?2 years ago) it was +$600 for the whole unit. :o Which is why I replaced my cracked lens with a $100 BMW spare (same BOSCH part number) [thumbsup]
Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: FIFO on November 03, 2010, 11:42:15 PM Thanks Heather Well i don't think i will be buying a oem head light here :o will go the BMW part if needs be, thanks for the reminder on that as well ,i do remember reading about that some time ago ;) :) Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: DUCMONROB on November 04, 2010, 01:01:24 AM Rob, last time I priced a headlight from Ducati spares (?2 years ago) it was +$600 for the whole unit. :o Which is why I replaced my cracked lens with a $100 BMW spare (same BOSCH part number) [thumbsup] Heather was the price without the bucket? I repaired a Buell about 5 years ago and they use the same unit. Ducati was $900 Buell was $1100. Thankfully found a second hand unit. Back to topic, Rob get on the phone to your insurer and complain and if there is no resoloution complain again but this time mention the insurance council will be involved. That usually gets them acting quite quickly. Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: heatherp on November 04, 2010, 03:11:17 AM Not sure Rob - they (Ducati Melbourne) said 'complete unit', I didn't go into details as I just needed a new lens and Ducati spares wouldn't supply just the lens whereas BMW would - go figure.
Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: FIFO on November 25, 2010, 01:25:19 AM Hope it all works out Rob. Let us know the outcome. Well after 2 months 1 week and 4 days i got precious back today with all issues resolved. [moto] I will have to put the trainer wheels back on :P Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: mattyvas on November 25, 2010, 03:58:33 AM That's great news Rob, happy it's all sorted out and you can get back to riding just as the sky is starting to clear.
Title: Re: Had an Acco Post by: Jukie on November 25, 2010, 12:48:14 PM You'll be right I'll look after you robs