Title: Sept. 26th Viva Italia - Group Ride and Car/Motorcycle Show Post by: Artful on September 20, 2010, 03:46:57 AM On Sunday Baltimore Area Ducati is organizing a group ride to coincide with the Viva Italia show. I mapped the route and it's a great combination of tight back roads, sweeping country byways, and plenty of great views. It's a ~200 mile route, so probably 4 hours of ride time. Pace will be sporting, but I'm leading so I'll be the limiting factor.
Here is the route: Viva Italia Long Route (http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=118255314039202370207.000490b74c929eb92308b&ll=39.545353,-76.414375&spn=0.197498,0.308647&z=12) Meeting at 8 Kickstands up at 8:30 Event info here: http://www.childrensguild.org/SpecialEvents/VIVAITALIACarShow.aspx (http://www.childrensguild.org/SpecialEvents/VIVAITALIACarShow.aspx) It's for a good cause, admission is free, and last year there were a lot of gorgeous bikes and cars. Post here or PM me if you are interested. Hope to see you out there. Title: Re: Sept. 26th Viva Italia - Group Ride and Car/Motorcycle Show Post by: The Mad King Pepe' on September 20, 2010, 07:31:55 AM It's Shepherdstown or bust for me. I wish these events were planned a little better tho, no need to have similar ones on the same weekend. :-\
Title: Re: Sept. 26th Viva Italia - Group Ride and Car/Motorcycle Show Post by: Meerkat on September 20, 2010, 07:39:04 AM What she said! [evil]
Title: Re: Sept. 26th Viva Italia - Group Ride and Car/Motorcycle Show Post by: Artful on September 20, 2010, 07:55:44 AM It's Shepherdstown or bust for me. I wish these events were planned a little better tho, no need to have similar ones on the same weekend. :-\ No kidding. It's going to split attendance pretty substantially. If anyone wants to go on a ride one night this week I'm going to be shaking this route down if you're in the northern Baltimore area. Title: Re: Sept. 26th Viva Italia - Group Ride and Car/Motorcycle Show Post by: Lars D on September 20, 2010, 09:37:57 AM I am there.
Title: Re: Sept. 26th Viva Italia - Group Ride and Car/Motorcycle Show Post by: Artful on September 20, 2010, 09:41:35 AM I am there. Fantastic. Looks like the current plan is to meet at the Pasadena Double T Diner around 8, kickstands up at 8:30. That may change though, so keep an eye out here, and I'll text you if anything big changes. Title: Re: Sept. 26th Viva Italia - Group Ride and Car/Motorcycle Show Post by: Lars D on September 20, 2010, 09:45:38 AM Cool.
Title: Re: Sept. 26th Viva Italia - Group Ride and Car/Motorcycle Show Post by: TitanMonsterS4R on September 20, 2010, 11:10:01 AM On Sunday Baltimore Area Ducati is organizing a group ride to coincide with the Viva Italia show. We're still nailing down if it will be before or after the show, but it should be between 5 and 10 bikes. I mapped the route and it's a great combination of tight back roads, sweeping country byways, and plenty of great views. It's a 170 mile route, so probably 3-4 hours of ride time. Pace will be sporting, but I'm leading so I'll be the limiting factor. Event info here: http://www.childrensguild.org/SpecialEvents/VIVAITALIACarShow.aspx (http://www.childrensguild.org/SpecialEvents/VIVAITALIACarShow.aspx) It's for a good cause, admission is free, and last year there a lot of gorgeous bikes and cars. Post here or PM me if you are interested. Hope to see you out there. Hey Artful - Definitely down for attending the event but not sure about a ride if it's post event, so please keep me posted on the details. On another note, am off for the entire week and didn't know if you were up for helping me add some red to my tires. Can come to Baltimore at almost any point. Title: Re: Sept. 26th Viva Italia - Group Ride and Car/Motorcycle Show Post by: Artful on September 20, 2010, 11:44:32 AM The ride is going to be pre-event it looks like. There is a long and short option that we are currently deciding on.
You have a PM about the wheel stripes. Title: Re: Sept. 26th Viva Italia - Group Ride and Car/Motorcycle Show Post by: Artful on September 24, 2010, 03:03:07 AM Le Bump
I test rode the route last night... Holy hell it's amazing. Title: Re: Sept. 26th Viva Italia - Group Ride and Car/Motorcycle Show Post by: askene on September 24, 2010, 08:01:14 AM I like the sound of this!
Just to be sure, you're meeting here at 8 tomorrow? http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Double+T+Diner+Co,+Pasadena,+MD&sll=39.089301,-76.565094&sspn=0.244357,0.306931&ie=UTF8&hq=Double+T+Diner+Co,&hnear=Pasadena,+Anne+Arundel,+Maryland&z=13&iwloc=A (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Double+T+Diner+Co,+Pasadena,+MD&sll=39.089301,-76.565094&sspn=0.244357,0.306931&ie=UTF8&hq=Double+T+Diner+Co,&hnear=Pasadena,+Anne+Arundel,+Maryland&z=13&iwloc=A) Title: Re: Sept. 26th Viva Italia - Group Ride and Car/Motorcycle Show Post by: Artful on September 24, 2010, 08:18:33 AM That is where we are meeting, but Sunday, not tomorrow. Sounds like we have 5 or 6 folks ready to ride.
Title: Re: Sept. 26th Viva Italia - Group Ride and Car/Motorcycle Show Post by: desmo_drum on September 24, 2010, 09:00:01 AM Northern route? any chance of joining mid ride? I'm in Westminster.
Title: Re: Sept. 26th Viva Italia - Group Ride and Car/Motorcycle Show Post by: Artful on September 24, 2010, 09:20:35 AM Definitely, the route is in the first post, and again here: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=118255314039202370207.000490b74c929eb92308b&ll=39.279889,-76.605971&spn=0.012391,0.01929&z=16 (http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=118255314039202370207.000490b74c929eb92308b&ll=39.279889,-76.605971&spn=0.012391,0.01929&z=16)
The problem is going to be where/when to meet and how we're going to get in touch... I have very little idea how long this ride is going to take just because of how long the route is and how much traffic could affect it. If you can find a place on the route that is best for you let me know, preferably a fuel stop. Title: Re: Sept. 26th Viva Italia - Group Ride and Car/Motorcycle Show Post by: Lars D on September 24, 2010, 10:34:39 AM Ted,
I have analyzed the route and have come to the conclusion the you have found a new way to put the reeeeeeeeeeeee in tarded. [bow_down] [bow_down] [bow_down] [clap] I cannot wait for sunday, god bless. Title: Re: Sept. 26th Viva Italia - Group Ride and Car/Motorcycle Show Post by: Artful on September 24, 2010, 11:01:08 AM Lol it's a long one, but Matt and I agreed that there were too many great roads on it to shorten it up. Wait until we get to Loch Raven Dr [laugh]
It'll be pretty epic if I can simply remember all the damn turns, so expect some ad libbing ;) Title: Re: Sept. 26th Viva Italia - Group Ride and Car/Motorcycle Show Post by: zooom on September 24, 2010, 11:01:49 AM Ted, and Lars goes REEEE REEEE REEEEE all the way home!I have analyzed the route and have come to the conclusion the you have found a new way to put the reeeeeeeeeeeee in tarded. [bow_down] [bow_down] [bow_down] [clap] I cannot wait for sunday, god bless. Title: Re: Sept. 26th Viva Italia - Group Ride and Car/Motorcycle Show Post by: desmo_drum on September 25, 2010, 07:49:40 AM I can meet at the corner of 23 and 165 jerretsville. I'll be there around 9:45 ish, I'll PM my cell and you can text if anything happens.
Title: Re: Sept. 26th Viva Italia - Group Ride and Car/Motorcycle Show Post by: DRKWNG on September 25, 2010, 10:46:52 AM Ted, I have analyzed the route and have come to the conclusion the you have found a new way to put the reeeeeeeeeeeee in tarded. [bow_down] [bow_down] [bow_down] [clap] Sounds like you'll be needing a SuperDuke for that ride. [evil] Title: Re: Sept. 26th Viva Italia - Group Ride and Car/Motorcycle Show Post by: TitanMonsterS4R on September 25, 2010, 04:32:17 PM I'll miss the morning ride as I have a date with God tomorrow morning. Will try to meet up with everyone after I get out and get my Duc up to Baltimore.
Title: Re: Sept. 26th Viva Italia - Group Ride and Car/Motorcycle Show Post by: Lars D on September 26, 2010, 12:18:38 AM Sounds like you'll be needing a SuperDuke for that ride. [evil] No Superduculousness necessary ,I will be on my best behavior, representing the southern contingent.Title: Re: Sept. 26th Viva Italia - Group Ride and Car/Motorcycle Show Post by: The Mad King Pepe' on September 26, 2010, 01:10:59 AM No Superduculousness necessary ,I will be on my best behavior, representing the southern contingent. Does that mean you'll ride in on your Buell with a confederate flag as a cape? [laugh]Title: Re: Sept. 26th Viva Italia - Group Ride and Car/Motorcycle Show Post by: Lars D on September 26, 2010, 01:15:06 AM Does that mean you'll ride in on your Buell with a confederate flag as a cape? [laugh] Yes unfortunately ,I have no choice to ride the ITALIAN framed X1, didn't know you were close enogh to see the cape though :)Title: Re: Sept. 26th Viva Italia - Group Ride and Car/Motorcycle Show Post by: askene on September 26, 2010, 04:50:37 AM Apparently Viva Italia is rain or shine :) There's a decent number of Ferraris there and a few other soggy bikers hanging out. I just took a quick look as I rode by but didn't actually stop in. I might wander over in a little while once I've dried out.