Title: ECS Open House: Sunday 26th Post by: Grrrly on September 25, 2010, 05:45:24 PM (http://www.europeancycleservices.com/files/special_front_pages/openhse.jpg)
see ya there Title: Re: ECS Open House: Sunday 26th Post by: Howie on September 27, 2010, 12:41:28 PM The ECS open house was fantabulous!! Walt Siegl http://www.waltsiegl.com (http://www.waltsiegl.com) was there with tow Ducs and the Cafe Racer Harley he built. Our very own humerless dp has done the paint work on some of Walt's creations.
http://bikerscafeblog.com/2010/09/24/walt-siegl-ducati-art/ (http://bikerscafeblog.com/2010/09/24/walt-siegl-ducati-art/) http://www.knucklebusterinc.com/features/2010/05/24/walt-siegl-motobee (http://www.knucklebusterinc.com/features/2010/05/24/walt-siegl-motobee) and a crappy cell phone pic from a show in Brooklyn (http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm276/hlep2890/IMAG0009.jpg) |