Title: Casio Elixm 721C Phone? Post by: the_Journeyman on October 04, 2010, 05:47:07 PM Anybody have one?
5.1MP camera w/ 3x optical zoom + ruggedized construction makes me consider it. Local Verizon store doesn't have one on the shelf, and I want some FHE. Reviews are so widely spaced on the web I can't make good use of them. JM Title: Re: Casio Elixm 721C Phone? Post by: zooom on October 04, 2010, 06:28:27 PM I have a Casio Gz'One S type that I have completely submerged in beer and other liquids and have dropped at 30mph and thrown at walls and various other things that would ordinarily kill a phone...this thing acts like a good ole Timex watch and takes a licking and keeps on ticking...I want to upgrade to a phone with a full board, but don't want to lose my indestructability...so I am looking at the Casio Brigade...I know this doesn't help you with the Elixm model...but this is a general vote of confidence for a Casio phone product....but for some more info...look at phonearena.com and phonescoop.com as well as Casio's website for some other detailing...
Title: Re: Casio Elixm 721C Phone? Post by: Slow Guy on October 04, 2010, 07:16:20 PM I have the Casio Brigade and I freakin lovvvvvvvvvvvve it!!!!! I have an amazing talent to break shit that shouldn't break. I think I could break air (not wind in this case) if given half a chance. I throw it. I drop it. Put it in a sink full of water and called it. Even bruised my friends head with it when i threw it at him. The camera works pretty damn good to. Any phone that is Nate proof is one make the beast with two backsing tough damn phone!!!
that is all nothing follows Title: Re: Casio Elixm 721C Phone? Post by: the_Journeyman on October 05, 2010, 04:43:46 PM Thanks for the info on Casio in general. This one meets the same specs the G'zone and Brigade as far as toughness goes. As soon as Verizon gets the damn thing back in stock I may order it for my upgrade since I can get it free. I considered the Brigade, but it'll cost me $50.
JM |