Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => OZ monsters => Topic started by: goldFiSh on October 16, 2010, 04:18:29 PM

Title: Some modifications I've been planning for a while....
Post by: goldFiSh on October 16, 2010, 04:18:29 PM
So I've been collecting bits for a while. Yesterday it all got put together, following similar mod routes by Suzy and Dez.
Big thanks to Dockstrada for doing most of the work, and to Mattyvas for his ever helpful assistance as well...

mods done:
- SBK forks - from a 999.
- new rotor spacers, front fender, top triple and the like to suit (axle was already drilled!)
- Apex riser clipons
- new master cylinders off S2R1000
- new Rizoma reservoirs
- new ASV shortly bling levers
- lowered the gauges and headlight about 40mm
- headlight ring linished back to get rid of the chrome look
- replaced brake pads and fluids whilst we were there
- preliminary suspension setup

still to do:
- a bit of clean up on the cable routing
- replace the brake light switch - difference switch setup on the coffins..
- when I'm happy with the setup finish the top triple (perhaps mill and fill the handlebar locations)
- fit and tune the power commander
- 80% certain on the tail chop

Matty has more pics, which no doubt he will add in time.

it's a new bike! Most more weight over the front, and the clip ons have me tucking the ebows in. Clipons are above the triple, and to do so, I've lost 5mm of fork length, so turn in is faster - we'll see how that goes with more spirited riding... I've set the clip ons to the lowest position to see how bad it might be on the wrists, and so far so good... I'll reserve judgement until I do a 600km day though!

Some pics for you all..





Title: Re: Some modifications I've been planning for a while....
Post by: Two dogs on October 16, 2010, 05:44:59 PM
 [thumbsup]  [thumbsup]  [thumbsup] [beer] [clap]

Title: Re: Some modifications I've been planning for a while....
Post by: suzyj on October 16, 2010, 08:30:06 PM
Very nice.  [thumbsup] I'll bet it feels really good too.


Title: Re: Some modifications I've been planning for a while....
Post by: koko64 on October 17, 2010, 01:34:59 AM
Looks great with the front guard and all.

Title: Re: Some modifications I've been planning for a while....
Post by: goldFiSh on October 17, 2010, 12:58:21 PM

It does feel really good too - it's completely transformed the feel of the bike. I've got room to move with the riser clip ons, so I may bring them back up 20mm or so. But it looks heaps better low, just gotta see what my lower back and wrists have too say about it.

I've only had some relative short and docile trips on the bike so far. I'll report back more once I've had a day on it through twisties..

Title: Re: Some modifications I've been planning for a while....
Post by: Six95 on October 17, 2010, 01:19:49 PM
Nice one Nick.
The master cylinder swap over - was that straight forward?

Title: Re: Some modifications I've been planning for a while....
Post by: goldFiSh on October 17, 2010, 01:39:46 PM
mostly.... here's the differences

- levers, you need the small pivot for anything other than coffins
- switches, they're different on the coffin, so make sure you've got that covered (which I did not!)

You'll note from the pics that the lines' ends and length make the lines stick up infront of the new lowered cluster. not a big deal, and with a bit more time to tweak, maybe I'll find another way to do it... if not, the only way to fix is to get new lines with different ends that angle the lines differently... I'm not sure this would be an issue with std height gauges..

Title: Re: Some modifications I've been planning for a while....
Post by: Dannog on October 17, 2010, 03:03:19 PM
Way to go Nick. She looks great  [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Some modifications I've been planning for a while....
Post by: Betty on October 19, 2010, 11:18:23 PM
Well done Goldie. How do you find the forks?

Having recently been playing around with some different ergos myself ... I didn't find that much trouble with the wrist and back - I have struggled with the clutch action though (assuming that is not related). If you use the bike as a commuter or travel at constant slow speeds ... I can foresee a few problems. If not, then you shouldn't have too many problems for 'spirited' riding - speed helps to support your upper body and cornering adds variety to keep your bit moving.

For 600+ days you would probably be feeling it anyway [cheeky]


Title: Re: Some modifications I've been planning for a while....
Post by: goldFiSh on October 20, 2010, 01:58:41 AM
Forks are great..... Well, heavier springs are great and the ability to set thrum up is great. The bike is due for a service soon, where I will get the fork old replaced (we ran out of time / forgot to do it) and I need to really ride it other than around the city to really check it out.

Same goes for the ergonomics.... I do have the option to take the clipons up 20mm if I want, and I agree with your comments on the spirited riding and that the clipons will have a positive effect in that area. 

Title: Re: Some modifications I've been planning for a while....
Post by: monstermick58 on December 26, 2010, 02:57:14 AM
Nick, thought you might have given us an update.

Did you make any adjustments to the front end?

What about the clipons, do they feel ok?

I heard you talking about some adjustments that you were going to make when we got back from the run to Jenolan Caves.

Keep us updated on your developments


Title: Re: Some modifications I've been planning for a while....
Post by: goldFiSh on December 26, 2010, 09:32:07 PM
Thanks for the prompting mmick....

Yep, there a couple of things to do. Firstly I need to reduce the amount of sweep on the clipons. After about 4 hours of riding, the throttle wrist was very sore - not from putting weight on them but due to the angle of my wrist.

The second thing I need to do is soften things up a bit. During the ride I felt the front end skating during bumpy corners and I lost a fair bit of confidence in my front end.

In all reality, I need to get my suspension properly sorted. A parting from getting the settings right, my gut feel is that the rear spring needs to be heavier and we never swapped the fork out out when we did the front end, so that's where I will start..

Once I have the cash, I'll simply take it to one of the suspension guys for setting up.. What's your experiences people in Sydney? I know people who have used Zeno, Tecknic and Terry Hay. Are there any others?

Title: Re: Some modifications I've been planning for a while....
Post by: Roaduser on January 02, 2011, 05:28:20 AM
mostly.... here's the differences

- levers, you need the small pivot for anything other than coffins
- switches, they're different on the coffin, so make sure you've got that covered (which I did not!)

You'll note from the pics that the lines' ends and length make the lines stick up infront of the new lowered cluster. not a big deal, and with a bit more time to tweak, maybe I'll find another way to do it... if not, the only way to fix is to get new lines with different ends that angle the lines differently... I'm not sure this would be an issue with std height gauges..

can u please tell me what is different with the switches and what i need to have it covered? im looking at a set of the same masters and would love to know what im in for while i await the post man.

Cheers Clint.

Title: Re: Some modifications I've been planning for a while....
Post by: Roaduser on January 02, 2011, 05:54:48 AM
Another question, did u need to add rotor spacers to do the sbk conversion or was there another reason for them. reason i ask is in suzyj's thread they say there was no need for spacers. u used 999 and they 998 but i thought they were the same except for the tini depending on the version.

"I also swapped to 320mm rotors and four pot calipers, but my standard 695 brakes also fit with no hassles.  Indeed everything at the wheel end just works - no spacers or mucking about.  Even the fender bolts up perfectly."
http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=41414.msg740226#msg740226 (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=41414.msg740226#msg740226)

it appears u already had the 320 rotors and 4 spot callipers as do i.

Thanx for your help here. saves me a lot in the trial fitting stages if i know what im looking for.
Cheers Clint

Title: Re: Some modifications I've been planning for a while....
Post by: goldFiSh on January 02, 2011, 02:29:48 PM
Hi Clint,

Regarding the switches, the issue is the brake light switch, and specifically the way it mounts. Basically, the coffin master one will not work. Hopefully get one with your new master cylinder, or you can also use a banjo bolt pressure switch (a brake light switch that is built into the brake lines banjo bolt - can be had for about $20 USD as opposed to $80 for a ducati switch from frasers)

You will definately need the spacers with the stock 320 rotors and gold line calipers and 999 forks - I got mine from "somedude" on the forum in the states, who is a machinist and made some sets up. They cost a bit to get here, but worth it. Dannog also told me (when (I bought the forks from him) that he investigated using 5mm individual spaces, available from a bicycle shop.

The key is that std monster forks / goldline 4 pots / 320mm rotors use a 10mm offset - changing to the 999 sbk forks increased this to 15mm. Perhaps Suzy can chime in with what she found with the 998 forks, or perhaps it was the rotors she used?

She's right about the fender - the 999 / 749 uses the front and back mounts, whereas the ealier sbks used the std monster mounts. Anyone looking for a used red sbk fender to bolt onto most monsters 9eexcpet the s4rs?

Hope this helps.

Title: Re: Some modifications I've been planning for a while....
Post by: Roaduser on January 02, 2011, 06:37:55 PM
your a legend! thanks for the info. ill talk to the local motorcycle engineer tmr, chances are he'll knock up some spacers for me no worries when he machines my triple.

i have a 916 front wheel to go on at the same time so ill take that to him for a template to knock up two 5mm spacers.

Cheers Clint

Title: Re: Some modifications I've been planning for a while....
Post by: Dannog on January 04, 2011, 04:16:55 AM
Quote from: Roaduser link=topic=43509.msg820856#msg820856
i have a 916 front wheel to go on at the same time so ill take that to him for a template to knock up two 5mm spacers.

I'd take the rotors as well and not just the wheel. You want to get the the advantage of making sure that the spaces bear on the wheel / rotor properly and are machined to the optimum inner and outer diameter.

Title: Re: Some modifications I've been planning for a while....
Post by: mostro900 on January 04, 2011, 03:30:17 PM
nice work Nick! looks like a different bike!

Title: Re: Some modifications I've been planning for a while....
Post by: goldFiSh on January 05, 2011, 03:11:31 AM
Thanks mostro. Good to hear from you. We should catch up soon. Been a while.

Title: Re: Some modifications I've been planning for a while....
Post by: mostro900 on January 05, 2011, 01:44:12 PM
Thanks mostro. Good to hear from you. We should catch up soon. Been a while.
too long! if you are around next week, it would be great to catch up

Title: Re: Some modifications I've been planning for a while....
Post by: Roaduser on January 05, 2011, 11:36:34 PM
I'd take the rotors as well and not just the wheel. You want to get the the advantage of making sure that the spaces bear on the wheel / rotor properly and are machined to the optimum inner and outer diameter.
will do, cheers man.

Title: Re: Some modifications I've been planning for a while....
Post by: goldFiSh on January 06, 2011, 12:29:06 AM
too long! if you are around next week, it would be great to catch up

yep, let's make it a thursday night in leichhardt?

Title: Re: Some modifications I've been planning for a while....
Post by: mostro900 on January 10, 2011, 04:35:42 PM
yep, let's make it a thursday night in leichhardt?

I'll see if i can get there this week, otherwise it's Thurs the 3rd of Feb....and I've just booked that into my calendar, so I won't miss that date at least!

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