Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => Ducati MOB => Topic started by: CharliesAngel on June 09, 2008, 12:34:20 PM

Title: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: CharliesAngel on June 09, 2008, 12:34:20 PM
So I went on my first overnight ride to Napa, Calistoga, Mendocino, Skaggs, Jenner and Petaluma this weekend - 500 miles of awesomeness, I'm a bit sore but a much happier and slightly more experienced rider after this weekend!   ;D [thumbsup] [moto]

At a little breakfast joint in Mendocino yesterday, I sat down next to some Harley riders.  I had on my new Duc t-shirt and so one of the Harley riders asked if I rode a Ducati.  I pointed to my SS which was parked next to one of their bikes and we made some small talk about which routes we respectively took to get there (they rode from SF as well).  I said that I really enjoyed parts of Hwy 128 - that the curvy roads really allowed me to go a bit faster than the usual twisties that I take in Marin.  Then one of the 3 riders asked if I had on my "training wheels"...  :o >:(  My friend who I rode up there with quickly made some smart come-back (I am the world's terrible come-back person, I usually think of a something to say 2 weeks after the fact  [laugh]) about him needing training wheels more...we stopped talking to each other at that point...

So my question is - what is the deal between Harley riders and the rest of us?  And why don't we all wave at each other - why is it that Harley riders (and other riders that ride that genre of bikes) don't really acknowledge us on the roads?

Of course, on the ride out , we passed these guys and they waved us to go past.  Incensed me nearly low-sides going into a turn to quickly in trying to blow past one of them...that would have been really embarassing after the training wheel comment... and I know...really stupid of me!  :-[

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: ROBsS4R on June 09, 2008, 12:46:17 PM

I am not sure what the deal is but I don't think it is US Ducati riders.

#1 least waved back to is Motorcycle cops.
#2 Least waved back is Harley's

#1 most A hole related Maneuvers Harley's

I wave to anything on 2 wheels with an engine. Okay I wold wave at Paula if I saw her on her bicycle but that's where it ends =)

Just the other day I was buzzed by a Harley guy wearing a Half Helmet and no gear. I was splitting lanes at a safe speed. He decided to splits lanes at at least twice if note 3 times the speed limit.

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: Kaveh on June 09, 2008, 12:50:09 PM
*my* experience is that the "trendy fair weather" harley riders are teh ones with the 'tude problem.  The gritty. salty hardcore Harley riders are motorcycle people first and foremost and they rather see someone one 2 wheels over 4 any day, much like us.  You should ask them how many miles they put on in a year, that'll usually shut them up.  If they actually give a number out, ask what percentage of that is on trips?  What I'm getting at is these garage queen harleys only get out once in awhile and 95% of their milage is done in big bursts.

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: CharliesAngel on June 09, 2008, 12:50:45 PM
Just the other day I was buzzed by a Harley guy wearing a Half Helmet and no gear. I was splitting lanes at a safe speed. He decided to splits lanes at at least twice if note 3 times the speed limit.

Well, between your Harley guy and *that* Harley guy that made that comment deserves all the big/gooey bugs that he can get splattered on his half helmetted face!

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: Jaman on June 09, 2008, 12:51:53 PM
Congrats on the ride, those are some great roads, and what a beautiful weekend to be doing them!!  [thumbsup]  

Hopefully, the traffic wasn't too bad...  [moto]

My take on the deal with the majority of HD guys is this:  

We ride because we love motorcycles, and for me, it doesn't matter (too much) WHAT kind of bike I'm riding, I will have fun & enjoy it.

My impression of HD guys is that they are more about image, and comraderie within their group, with the fun/thrill of being on a bike being a little further down the list.  Those not on HDs are just not quite "cool" enough, we just don't "get it".  As Ducati riders, we rate just slightly above all other makes outside of HD universe, due to the non-Japanese twin factor.

I still wave.

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: CharliesAngel on June 09, 2008, 01:01:59 PM
Congrats on the ride, those are some great roads, and what a beautiful weekend to be doing them!!  [thumbsup]  

Hopefully, the traffic wasn't too bad...  [moto]
It was HOT - 94 degrees inland and then 60-70 degrees by the coast.  Just bought a three-layer Rev-It leather/textile jacket and it handled the multitude of weather perfectly!  ;D
Although I did see a gal riding cupcake and she had really short shorts on = no gear whastoever!  :o
The traffic wasn't bad at all!

I still wave.

A very close friend rides a Harley, he's a great guy.  Therefore I will still wave.  I hate to attribute it to this factor...but maybe...just a small maybe...it's the girl factor riding the Duc...

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: duckwrench13 on June 09, 2008, 01:27:33 PM
Q: What do dogs and Harleys have in common?

A: They both love riding in the back of a truck. ;D

Q: What's the difference between a vacuum cleaner and a Harley?

A: The way the dirt bag is mounted! [laugh]

Q: What do vacuums and Harleys have in common?

A: They both require a dirt bag to operate! [laugh] [laugh]

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: Desmostro on June 09, 2008, 02:14:25 PM

I’ve been impressed with Hardley riders in SF. They usually wave back – some even initiate.
However, I've gotten the worst attitude from Hardley riders most consistently. Their behavior is usually demonstrative of one who’s desperate to prove something. Leaning on brand association for support they tend to tout that their brand is the best without any particular supportive argument what-so ever. What-ever. The brand identity seems to be "fat bone head." To each his own.

Squid on hog.
This weekend I was riding I 50 and ran into a big group of Hardley's from Oakland. They seemed rather banal. So I cruzed with them for a while. They road in a tight staggered line until one of them started doing giant weaves with in his lane. Everyone kind of gave him a bunch of room. Then he road within a couple of feet of a concrete construction barricade and put his hand out to brush it but couldn’t maneuver close enough. So he streeeeeeetched further out his hand and missed it. I wonder how many tenths of seconds it would have taken to grind through his thin gloves down through his skin at 70MPH.

I waved adieu and bolted ahead for lack of any reason to stick around.

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: Jaman on June 09, 2008, 02:47:59 PM
Q: What do dogs and Harleys have in common?
A: They both love riding in the back of a truck. ;D

Q: What's the difference between a vacuum cleaner and a Harley?
A: The way the dirt bag is mounted! [laugh]

Q: What do vacuums and Harleys have in common?
A: They both require a dirt bag to operate! [laugh] [laugh]
[laugh] reminds me of 2 t-shirts I have somewhere "Hardley Movin Muthaf-ers" over the Harley insignia, and another that says, "if they made a plane, would you fly in it?

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: MendoDave on June 09, 2008, 02:58:17 PM
Where did you eat at in Mendo?

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: johnc on June 09, 2008, 03:15:11 PM
i don't believe the lack of a wave back from most harley riders is due to their attitude ... i believe they are afraid of taking their hand off the handlebar, for fear of crashing ... and most of them could not lift a downed bike (and certainly NOT a hog) by their lonesome self.

seriously ... most harley riders today are RUBs ... they have not been riding long, and most likely don't know to wave back.

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: MendoDave on June 09, 2008, 03:18:49 PM
I had one Harley rider almost become  a hood ornament on the Chrysler.

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: ROBsS4R on June 09, 2008, 05:11:08 PM
I got an initiated wave by a Harley rider today. Made me feel all warm and IZ_ inside  ;D [thumbsup]

Or maybe he was just gesturing to change lanes  :-\

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: enzo on June 09, 2008, 05:36:17 PM
Ya know, it doesn't matter what people ride, blah blah blah.  There are just as many noobs and douche's riding Ducs and Honduh's...


I was riding up 88 a couple of years ago, just like Desmostro did this weekend, and got stuck behind two cruuuusin' Harley's.  No biggie.  We all ride our ride, there wasn't a safe place to pass, and they were making no efforts.  I just waited for the next passing lane, 'cept when it came, they each took a lane and cruised it like Ponch and John in their later years.  Didn't leave me with many options for the pass, so I had no problem splitting them with as loud a roar as possible, only wishing I could do a highway speed one handed stand up wheelie so I could give them the finger with style.  Apparently one of them swerved like crazy when I sped by, so mission accomplished: sportbikers are immature hotheads and Harley riders are geriatric blockheads.

Yeah, not sure why some Harleys dislike sportbikes.

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: somegirl on June 09, 2008, 05:51:32 PM
I wave to them all anyway, some wave back, and the others I just figure it's a bad moment for them to let go with one hand.

The Harley riders in CA seem to be more friendly than the ones I saw in Germany. [thumbsup]

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: Popeye the Sailor on June 09, 2008, 05:53:28 PM
Then one of the 3 riders asked if I had on my "training wheels"...  :o >:

Just innocently tell him no, you left your Harley at home.....

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: rgramjet on June 09, 2008, 06:13:51 PM
I used to love pulling up behind Harley riders when I had baffle-less Frescos.  Watching them turn around to hear what was drowning out THEIR bikes brought me much pleasure.  They'd hear the noise, see the chrome tank and not know how to react.  Awesome! 

Now Im older, deafer and with baffles.....Oh well at least its fun to buzz vespas....

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: mstevens on June 09, 2008, 06:47:54 PM
they have not been riding long, and most likely don't know to wave back.

I don't buy it.

I started riding on a modern Vespa December 2006. I knew about the wave before I picked it up. These guys certainly know how to wave back.

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: Kaveh on June 09, 2008, 07:21:02 PM
i don't believe the lack of a wave back from most harley riders is due to their attitude ... i believe they are afraid of taking their hand off the handlebar, for fear of crashing ... and most of them could not lift a downed bike (and certainly NOT a hog) by their lonesome self.

seriously ... most harley riders today are RUBs ... they have not been riding long, and most likely don't know to wave back.

I'll bite, what's a RUBs?

ps.  I know that you know that I'm a bitter ;D

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: somegirl on June 09, 2008, 07:31:38 PM
I'll bite, what's a RUBs?

I think it is Rich Urban Biker.

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: jimboecv on June 09, 2008, 07:39:46 PM
If you're on the road, h-d guys wave because they think you're on a buell-shaker.

The two worst passing moments I've ever had were getting around harley-clones.  Both were ass-idiots.  This spring a make the beast with two backs-stick with a pillion, no less, tries to out brake me and runs off the road.  make the beast with two backs-tard got what he deserved. 
Can you figure what I think of MOST clones?
When you're out in the middle of no where and you pass'em, they wave; mutual.  Road trip respect from me everytime.  But, and this is coming from a guy who sold Harleys folks, most of the 'loud' guys are cling-on, 'bucks hopping, 'I'll take a #5' tattoo please, ass-chaped cube-dwellers who take orders from someone else all day.  They're dying for a set of balls but can't find them in the accessory catalog.  Horrah for the H-D/Sears Catalog of individuality! These guys throw down there bonus check on boob jobs and vests while there kids teeth rot.

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: x136 on June 09, 2008, 07:52:07 PM
They're dying for a set of balls but can't find them in the accessory catalog.

They can't have looked very hard. Two seconds of Googling found this:



Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: johnc on June 09, 2008, 09:36:44 PM
I think it is Rich Urban Biker.

si ...

misincredible scores three points ... kaveh, zero.   

now on the the lightning round, where points are doubled  [thumbsup]

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: CharliesAngel on June 09, 2008, 09:45:49 PM
Where did you eat at in Mendo?
Are you from Mendocino? Duh, should have guessed from your handle!  ;D
Dinner - Mendocino Hotel's bar - they had an awesome view of the ocean
Breakfast - Bay View Cafe, a few buildings down from Mendocino Hotel, towards the Chevron gas station

Just innocently tell him no, you left your Harley at home.....

That's awesome!  [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: mostrobelle on June 09, 2008, 11:00:31 PM
I think HD's and Ducatis are really cut from the same cloth... both are very much about an image.  Didn't Harley or some subsidiary of it own Ducati for a bit? (The irony is/would be funny.) I honestly don't get the whole "I ride a spr0tbile you ride a cr00zer" bit.  I couldn't give two poops what people kind of car a person drives, and I think most people are the same...yet as soon as we see someone throw a leg over a two-wheeler we start to put our gray matter to work wondering why they chose to ride that

I'm pretty much blind to what people motor on these days.  I'm generally still excited just to see another bike out on the road.  If it's a cruiser, that generally equates to being a little easier to pass--but not all the time!   [laugh]  Every now and then you'll catch a guy who knows how to make one of those things move, and that's some pretty good stuff.   [moto]

...and just to round out my stream-of-consciousness observations, I think location really affects attitudes when it comes to bike brands.  I ride in the city everyday and will maybe get a passing glance or a comment from a tourist.  Yet one time I rode up to Mt. Diablo (it's just East Bay) and I had people staring at me when I got off the bike as if I'd just landed in a flyer saucer.  Had one guy come up to me and say, "Wow!  Never seen a woman on a Ducati!"  The Harley guys were all givin' me the hairy eyeball, too, like I was on their turf.  It was weird.   I try to stay on my side of the hills now.   

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: ROBsS4R on June 10, 2008, 01:33:01 AM
I think it is Rich Urban Biker.

Oh so like Road Hogs.... Very BAD movie btw

Hey wait a minute. I am a Poor Urban Biker... does that make me a PUB or maybe a Fat Urban Biker FUB ???

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: Kaveh on June 10, 2008, 02:13:26 AM
If you're on the road, h-d guys wave because they think you're on a buell-shaker.

The two worst passing moments I've ever had were getting around harley-clones.  Both were ass-idiots.  This spring a make the beast with two backs-stick with a pillion, no less, tries to out brake me and runs off the road.  make the beast with two backs-tard got what he deserved. 
Can you figure what I think of MOST clones?
When you're out in the middle of no where and you pass'em, they wave; mutual.  Road trip respect from me everytime.  But, and this is coming from a guy who sold Harleys folks, most of the 'loud' guys are cling-on, 'bucks hopping, 'I'll take a #5' tattoo please, ass-chaped cube-dwellers who take orders from someone else all day.  They're dying for a set of balls but can't find them in the accessory catalog.  Horrah for the H-D/Sears Catalog of individuality! These guys throw down there bonus check on boob jobs and vests while there kids teeth rot.

quit sugar coating it, Jim, tell us how you really feel! [laugh]

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: jimboecv on June 10, 2008, 07:20:09 AM
OK I will.  You're handsome for a hairy man but I liked your old hair cut better.

I fell better, thank you.

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: jimboecv on June 10, 2008, 07:26:31 AM
They can't have looked very hard. Two seconds of Googling found this:



Ahh, but that's not from the 5-lbs of factory catalog, that's aftermarket. 

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: Desmostro on June 10, 2008, 10:09:26 AM
HD riders are simply miss-understood. Most individuals can be quite competitive.
We tend to think the one who goes fastest is the winner.

What we don’t get is that Hardleys don’t race, they “cruise.” Its a whole different “sport.” Its about looking cool.
Whoever has the most cool points is the winner.
So you have to pose.
Ride chin out, look only forward and ignore the world as if you were the last man on Earth. Stick your chest out, or simply hunch forward in some impossibly uncomfortable position that says,
“I don’t even care about posture! I’m so cool.” 
You have to invent your own cool to be the winner.

Don’t forget to hit the gas and lurch forward for no apparent reason. Taking turns with a friend in intervals, is even more impressive.
You can also make your bike really shiny with chrome and lights.
You just have to make everyone look at you so you can ignore them.
When this happens, you are the winner.

Taken from the book:
Yanomami Indians, The Fierce People; Celtics and Etruscans, and Harley posers.
Understanding Tribes 101
An Anthropologists field guide.

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: Kaveh on June 10, 2008, 11:19:49 AM
OK I will.  You're handsome for a hairy man but I liked your old hair cut better.

I fell better, thank you.


I just got a haircut on Friday, I chopped about 4 inches off  :-[ 

Your post was a good read  [thumbsup]

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: Bornick on June 10, 2008, 02:40:18 PM
Ha, I found this and wondered what side of the argument the creator would stand on:


It brings a new meaning to "grey area"


Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: MendoDave on June 10, 2008, 04:56:47 PM
Are you from Mendocino? Duh, should have guessed from your handle!  ;D
Dinner - Mendocino Hotel's bar - they had an awesome view of the ocean
Breakfast - Bay View Cafe, a few buildings down from Mendocino Hotel, towards the Chevron gas station

Its hard to go wrong for eats in Mendocino. I like the eggs benny at the Bayview Cafe. The hotel is good. You can order from the Hotel at "Dicks place" the Dive Bar right next door, They also have a 11ty billion dollar view of the ocean to go with PBR and pretzels...

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: hypurone on June 11, 2008, 08:30:37 AM
If it's a cruiser, that generally equates to being a little easier to pass--but not all the time!   [laugh]  Every now and then you'll catch a guy who knows how to make one of those things move, and that's some pretty good stuff.   [moto]

Guilty as charged. Where did you see me?!!  [evil] [moto]

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: BikerGoddess on June 12, 2008, 08:28:08 AM
Two words: HARDLEY ABLESON. DQ and I were riding with another Monster down some SoMa street a while back, and these three Hardleys were trying to keep up with us. They would catch up with us at every red light, but we'd dust them when the light changed. ;D

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: mbalmer on June 12, 2008, 10:13:53 AM
I'm going on a two day ride with some Harleys and Goldwings. There will even be a couple of trikes. I'll be the lowly Duc. Does this make me a nerd?

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: TCK! on June 12, 2008, 10:33:33 AM
Don't worry the Harley's will become our Italian brethren soon enough:


Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: tangueroHondo on June 12, 2008, 10:48:50 AM
I ride my S2R with my neighbor, Big Jerry and his completely tricked-out Road King.  People never think we are together and seem to figure there's a fight brewing when we get off our bikes and stand there talking to each other.  Big Jer has been riding HD for 25yrs.  He couldn't care less and we both wave at everyone.  Stereotypes = problem.

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: Ontario_Monster on June 12, 2008, 11:18:57 AM
My fav line for anyone driving a Harley .... Ducati is Italian for better than a Harley.  Best friend has a dyna in Paris and a piglette in Montreal, though he has to admit there is just something so sexy about a Ducati ... he'll come around one of these days.

  [beer] [drink]

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: Desmostro on June 12, 2008, 11:39:22 AM
He couldn't care less and we both wave at everyone.  Stereotypes = problem.

I most respect those who can get over the Stereotypes.  [thumbsup] That's why it's so much fun to make fun of those who can't.  [popcorn]

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: CharliesAngel on June 12, 2008, 04:11:27 PM
I ride my S2R with my neighbor, Big Jerry and his completely tricked-out Road King.  People never think we are together and seem to figure there's a fight brewing when we get off our bikes and stand there talking to each other.  Big Jer has been riding HD for 25yrs.  He couldn't care less and we both wave at everyone.  Stereotypes = problem.

I think that if a person is a Dick wad, that person will always be a Dick wad.  No matter what bike they ride, n'est-ce pas?  ;)

...(ummm, hope it was okay that I used those words on this Forum?)....

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: TCK! on June 12, 2008, 04:30:59 PM
I think that if a person is a Dick wad, that person will always be a Dick wad.  No matter what bike they ride, n'est-ce pas?  ;)

...(ummm, hope it was okay that I used those words on this Forum?)....

I'm extremely offending and can't believe you'd use such words...

Post Reported.

Oh yeah I have no idea what you just said, but I'm pretty sure I should be offended somehow. So I'm going to work on it and get back to exactly how I was offended.

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: stillhogkrazy on June 12, 2008, 05:38:22 PM
I think that if a person is a Dick wad, that person will always be a Dick wad.  No matter what bike they ride, n'est-ce pas?  ;)

Pretty much sums up how i feel. Truth be told there are more new riders or "bikers" on harleys than on any other bike out there. Alot of them buy into the weekend warrior bad ass mentality. they pay good money to look like bikers and make their bike pretty.  Most of them lower the bikes not caring about the ride and cornering ability, add go fast stuff but never do anything  about improved braking. Well they happen to be idiots.
Now there are alot of harley guys like myself that do care about suspension, brakes and being able to ride the wheels off the bike.People that have a real passion about riding and not hanging out posing . Most of my Harley riding friends have been doing it for well over 20 years and they apreciate my monster. Hell a couple of them have gone out and bought sportier bikes because they want something to tear it up on sometimes but still primarily ride the harley most of the time. Now my long winded rant has a point..........
there are posers on harleys and posers on duc's ,serious riders on ducati's and serious bikers. You just have to look past the stereotypes..... if you can.

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: Blake on June 12, 2008, 10:25:10 PM
Rode from East Bay to Jamestown last Sat. w/ two Harley guys.  One is a friend, the other a new acquaintance, both really cool.  No shortage of good vibes from everyone out last weekend.  When we got up to Jamestown we found out that there was a huge Harley contingent coming in from Modesto, something like 1800 bikes for an MDA ride.....  Needless to say, at that point I wanted to get outta there before the Duc became engulfed in a sea of Hogs.  It was fun riding w/ them and I didn't feel like the type of bike caused anyone to be less stoked w/ being out and riding. 
   We did get buzzed by some goon on an apehangered chopper who must've thought it'd be cool to change lanes at 90mph while cutting through our group in the process.    [clap]    What a bonehead. 

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: CharliesAngel on June 13, 2008, 07:49:58 AM
I'm extremely offending and can't believe you'd use such words...

Post Reported.

Oh yeah I have no idea what you just said, but I'm pretty sure I should be offended somehow. So I'm going to work on it and get back to exactly how I was offended.

LOL.  Not all of us are blessed with your wittiness!  :-* 

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: mostrobelle on June 13, 2008, 08:48:27 AM
I'm extremely offending and can't believe you'd use such words...

Post Reported.

Oh yeah I have no idea what you just said, but I'm pretty sure I should be offended somehow. So I'm going to work on it and get back to exactly how I was offended.

I'm offended that you're offended and have reported your actions to the appropriate authorities as "offensive."   [roll]

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: ptam on June 14, 2008, 09:06:00 AM
I think it is hit or miss when I wave at a Hardley rider if they wave back... mostly a miss though.  Harley seems to do a great job of marketing, so as you put it, you get a lot of the folks who are just trying to be "cool" ... I saw a HD accessories booth at the Denver airport.

Here's the Harley / Buell / Ducati Dealer in Missoula, MT.  It's a lot nicer than Monroe Motors...

If they can be under one roof ...


Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: TCK! on June 14, 2008, 09:16:25 AM
Modesto Ducati is owned by the Mitchell Harley Davidson which is right down the street. They used to sell Buell's as well. :D

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: duckwrench13 on June 14, 2008, 10:01:35 AM
Don't worry the Harley's will become our Italian brethren soon enough:


I know that you kids don't really need your 401K's... Could always cash 'em in and buy a controlling share in MV. [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: Vindingo on June 14, 2008, 12:10:22 PM

If they can be under one roof ...

so is there a reason they keep the HDs in the barn?   [laugh]

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: Popeye the Sailor on June 14, 2008, 08:19:24 PM
so is there a reason they keep the HDs in the barn?   [laugh]

Where else does one keep pigs?

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: desmogirl on June 15, 2008, 07:10:44 PM
I mostly get waved at by Harleys,and I mostly get ignored by other Ducati riders.How s that one for you?
But its okay cause it don t matter to me anyways.

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: Desmostro on June 16, 2008, 07:54:19 PM
I mostly get waved at by Harleys,and I mostly get ignored by other Ducati riders.How s that one for you?
But its okay cause it don t matter to me anyways.

Where you riding? that's odd.

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: jimboecv on June 16, 2008, 08:47:51 PM
When I dirt biked alot, every one of the guys who I off roaded with -who had a street bike- had a HD.  One of the guys turned into a clone (dream catcher tat and all).  Doesn't ride to work, a hundred miles or so on the weekends when he gets out.  Does Laughlin, etc., on the superslab the whole way 'to save time'.  For him, it's about dressing up with his wife, checking out bikes, etc.  He goes with two of his brother in laws and a few guys he works with.  He has a good time and he's a good guy.  He doesn't understand my street bikes at all.  He rode my RC51 once and almost looped it.  He doesn't wave.
My other dirt bike buddy had a Honda Pacific Coast and loved it.  We went to Hawaii, rented Harleys and bought the one he rode (a few of you have seen me on it).  He did one big trip to Reno the first year, a weekend trip the next year and I probibily rode it as much as him the last two before he sold it.  The novelty had gone.  He waved to everyone, even -gasp- scooters.

The first guy sold ALL of his bikes but the Harley.  The second guy has four bikes and want's to get another Harley.  Both are big gear heads.  Both are Clampers, too.

I actually like Harleys.  I think the brakes s u c k and the suspension is budget.  They're expensive.  The hold value.  They're easy to ride up to a point, then they turn into big springs once you hit the twisties hard.
Whatever.  The new six speeds are way better then any privious bike from HD.  Ride one, ride it for what it is.  They're big and slow and don't stop easy and don't corner hard.  Ride an FXD.  It's the most basic model and it's the best bike they make, by far.  Dealers have demos.  I like Harleys, I just don't like alot of the people.
"Eat my make the beast with two backs, I'm from 'frisco"
Lee Ving

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: jimboecv on June 16, 2008, 09:46:57 PM

Here's where, according to The Motor Company, you can discover what owning a Harley is all about.

Try not to laugh.

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: Vindingo on June 16, 2008, 10:03:02 PM
"we believe in t-shirts with no sleeves..."

so where do I put down my depoit?

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: Jaman on June 17, 2008, 06:42:54 AM

"Eat my make the beast with two backs, I'm from 'frisco"
Lee Ving

"Well then, go back to 'Frisco!"
"F&%ck You!"
"Go piss up a rope!"

"IIIIIIIIIII Lllllllooooooove livin' in the city!"
see 4:00 in...   Nice reference, Jimbo!

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: jimboecv on June 17, 2008, 08:58:19 PM
O' now you're showing your age.

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: ptam on June 17, 2008, 09:57:05 PM
Where else does one keep pigs?


Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: duqette on June 23, 2008, 10:57:58 AM
I still don't know what the deal with Harley/Ducati riders is, but I got a good laugh out of it yesterday.

On the way home from my mom's in Oakland, I stopped at the Arco station for gas for the duqette. So, I put cash in the machine, pump my gas, then I have to go inside for my change. It's a slightly sketchy area, so I chose a pump that was close to the cashier. I'm in there, all helmeted up, waiting in line, when this HUGE guy behind me asks if I'm riding a "Hog." I say no, and he says that's what he rides. OK, that's cool, I say that I date one of those (Harley rider), and he's slightly more impressed with me.  [roll]  So, what do I ride? (It's a long line.) I say, that Ducati right over there. He says (clearly no idea what or who a Ducati is), oh, that's a little thing, a girl bike. (!)  I say, well, it's kinda medium sized, it's a 750, and that I know several guys who ride bikes like that who might be a tad offended at his categorization. He pats me on the shoulder all condescending-like, and tells me when I get up to 1000 cc's I'll be cool. By now my eyeballs are so far back in my head it's amazing I'm still standing. I say something about not needing to go that fast, get my change, and get the hell outa there!

 [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] I laughed all the home, especially when I passed a couple Harley riders on 880....

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: Desmostro on June 23, 2008, 12:01:56 PM
 Yesterday coming into Point Reyes Station, a group of us saw up ahead a very large passel of pigs on hogs making the turn we were about to. Oooooooo-nooooo. Seemed to be the general feeling.
We road behind them a bit to see if they were going to turn off – they didn’t. They were going about 20MPH around LUCAS valley road. That’s unbearable.  A few of us started passing them. As we got into the group when they started giving us attitude. While some simply scoot over and let us in, I notice it was the chicks on the backseat not the oinkers driving, sticking their legs out to the sides, flipping the finger at us, yelling “A-HOLES,” and all that. Pretty much only the chicks on the back seats.

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: duckwrench13 on June 23, 2008, 03:43:09 PM
Yesterday coming into Point Reyes Station, a group of us saw up ahead a very large passel of pigs on hogs making the turn we were about to. Oooooooo-nooooo. Seemed to be the general feeling.
We road behind them a bit to see if they were going to turn off – they didn’t. They were going about 20MPH around LUCAS valley road. That’s unbearable.  A few of us started passing them. As we got into the group when they started giving us attitude. While some simply scoot over and let us in, I notice it was the chicks on the backseat not the oinkers driving, sticking their legs out to the sides, flipping the finger at us, yelling “A-HOLES,” and all that. Pretty much only the chicks on the back seats.

I think the passengers saw how much fun we were having, and were calling their riders "A-holes" for owning big slow behemoth machines.

 I had so much fun getting "passing practice" that it's inspired me to write a poem.

 Ducatis are red,  Ducatis are blue,
 Ducatis are light and agile too. [moto]
 Harleys suck. The end. [cheeky]

 Of course you guys know I'm kidding on the "Harleys suck"comment. Ride what makes you happiest, pure and simple.

 And for the record, all my passes were as clean as possible. Last thing I wanted to do was to take someone out through my own stupidity. DQ was behind me all the way through, and he can confirm that. [thumbsup]

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: Desmostro on June 23, 2008, 11:17:37 PM
I think the passengers saw how much fun we were having, and were calling their riders "A-holes" for owning big slow behemoth machines.

 I had so much fun getting "passing practice" that it's inspired me to write a poem.

 Ducatis are red,  Ducatis are blue,
 Ducatis are light and agile too. [moto]
 Harleys suck. The end. [cheeky]

 Of course you guys know I'm kidding on the "Harleys suck"comment. Ride what makes you happiest, pure and simple.

 And for the record, all my passes were as clean as possible. Last thing I wanted to do was to take someone out through my own stupidity. DQ was behind me all the way through, and he can confirm that. [thumbsup]


Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: 707soldier on June 24, 2008, 05:46:50 AM
I think the passengers saw how much fun we were having, and were calling their riders "A-holes" for owning big slow behemoth machines.

 I had so much fun getting "passing practice" that it's inspired me to write a poem.

 Ducatis are red,  Ducatis are blue,
 Ducatis are light and agile too. [moto]
 Harleys suck. The end. [cheeky]

 Of course you guys know I'm kidding on the "Harleys suck"comment. Ride what makes you happiest, pure and simple.

 And for the record, all my passes were as clean as possible. Last thing I wanted to do was to take someone out through my own stupidity. DQ was behind me all the way through, and he can confirm that. [thumbsup]

Is that why Harley riders don't wear proper gear?
I  always see them with half helmet and t-shirt.. :(
I guess you don't need gear if you are doing under 30mph most of the time. ;D

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: Drunken Monkey on June 24, 2008, 08:36:53 AM
I guess you think you don't need gear if you are doing under 30mph most of the time. ;D

Fixed it for you :)

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: desmoquattro on June 24, 2008, 11:18:44 AM
They can't have looked very hard. Two seconds of Googling found this:



(http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3162/2608545836_a218cb9d7c_m.jpg) :)

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: desmoquattro on June 24, 2008, 11:25:28 AM
I'm going on a two day ride with some Harleys and Goldwings. There will even be a couple of trikes. I'll be the lowly Duc. Does this make me a nerd?

No, it makes you the coolest kid on the block...and the fastest on the ride ;D

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: MendoDave on June 24, 2008, 11:51:48 AM
(http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3162/2608545836_a218cb9d7c_m.jpg) :)

Those are so unclassy, I dont know how you could be more unclassy.

Maybe by wearing your pants down so low your whole underwear is exposed [Cant run from the cops Gangsta style]? But not wear any underwear...

[Its called getting caught with your pants down]

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: desmoquattro on June 24, 2008, 11:53:05 AM
Those are so unclassy, I dont know how you could be more unclassy.

Maybe by wearing your pants down so low your whole underwear is exposed [Cant run from the cops Gangsta style]? But not wear any underwear...

[Its called getting caught with your pants down]

Hey, I did it because Mostrobelle said I wouldn't  ;D

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: MendoDave on June 24, 2008, 12:03:16 PM
Well now that you have.....

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: duckwrench13 on June 24, 2008, 12:20:30 PM
[Its called getting caught with your pants down]

Yeah, but for that to be truly unclassy, he'd need to be a politician. [laugh]

Yes DQ, I just put that one on a silver platter for you. Enjoy! [thumbsup]

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: MendoDave on June 24, 2008, 12:28:50 PM
Yeah, but for that to be truly unclassy, he'd need to be a politician. [laugh]


Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: desmoquattro on June 24, 2008, 12:29:27 PM
Yeah, but for that to be truly unclassy, he'd need to be a politician. [laugh]

Yes DQ, I just put that one on a silver platter for you. Enjoy! [thumbsup]

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: mbalmer on June 25, 2008, 06:59:14 AM
Those are so unclassy, I dont know how you could be more unclassy.

Maybe by wearing your pants down so low your whole underwear is exposed [Cant run from the cops Gangsta style]? But not wear any underwear...

[Its called getting caught with your pants down]

Just wear chaps with nothing underneath. That might win for "more unclassy."

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: desmoquattro on June 25, 2008, 07:00:31 AM
Just wear chaps with nothing underneath. That might win for "more unclassy."

...not at the Folsom St Fair. That's just be called "an outfit"  ;D

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: The Don on June 05, 2009, 08:52:12 PM
If you're on the road, h-d guys wave because they think you're on a buell-shaker.

The two worst passing moments I've ever had were getting around harley-clones.  Both were ass-idiots.  This spring a make the beast with two backs-stick with a pillion, no less, tries to out brake me and runs off the road.  make the beast with two backs-tard got what he deserved. 
Can you figure what I think of MOST clones?
When you're out in the middle of no where and you pass'em, they wave; mutual.  Road trip respect from me everytime.  But, and this is coming from a guy who sold Harleys folks, most of the 'loud' guys are cling-on, 'bucks hopping, 'I'll take a #5' tattoo please, ass-chaped cube-dwellers who take orders from someone else all day.  They're dying for a set of balls but can't find them in the accessory catalog.  Horrah for the H-D/Sears Catalog of individuality! These guys throw down there bonus check on boob jobs and vests while there kids teeth rot.
This is a sensational read, nearly pissed myself i was laughing so hard, if you don't mind I'm going to send this to my father in-law who is a four foot Harley head.

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: CharliesAngel on June 06, 2009, 06:24:57 AM
This is a sensational read, nearly pissed myself i was laughing so hard, if you don't mind I'm going to send this to my father in-law who is a four foot Harley head.

Hi Don! Great to see the "cultural exchange" has shown that there are more similarities than differences!  [laugh]
Had a good laugh as well - glad that this thread has resurfaced - the MOB has some great riders (who are very funny).  Heart you guys!

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: Princess on June 06, 2009, 12:13:20 PM
... never seen a female HD rider NOT wave to me .... it's a case of machismo... they like to ride slow and enjoy the ride (like the rest of us)... but you know the rider in front of you who likes to ride slow around corners and fast down the straights... backs up the whole group... but if he has an attitude problem he won't want to let anyone in front of him. It's a competition thing. Nevermind I made it a gender issue. It's just some anecdotal evidence that I've gathered. No scientific research project to figure out if sex comes into play with riding attitude (unless of course you include dinner, dancing and drinking).

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: ROBsS4R on June 07, 2009, 12:43:42 AM

I personally wave to almost everyone.

In this order I normally get the least waves back.

CHP - Never ever got a wave.... EVER. I don't stop trying though

Scooters - maybe about 25% success. I think they are surprised that I am acknowledging them? anyone on two wheels are my brothers and sisters  [thumbsup]  [moto]

Harley's - I have about a 50% or success rate. The more Tats and less gear normally equals a reduction in wave success.

Sports Bikes - unless they don't see me I get a wave almost every single time.

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: Princess on June 07, 2009, 12:54:02 AM
Waves per demographic group:

Cages (when they ride on the shoulder to let me lane split): 0%
Scooters: 0%
Standard motorcycles: 5%
Sport bikes: 90%
Dirt bikes: 80%
HDs: 45%
Stationwagon motorcycles (e.g. Goldwings): 100%
Ducatis: 100%
Naked motorcycles: 100%

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: ducnymph on June 11, 2009, 10:24:46 AM
I try to wave to all riders I see and get mixed results usually with HD riders waving maybe half the time or so. My feeling is that no matter what or how you ride as long as your enjoying yourself and riding safely that's all that matters!

I've gotten some 'tude from HD riders in different instances. For example, like Duqette said they'll look at you funny if you riding on something other than a Harley. There's like this whole ethnocentric HD mentality. Whatevs. I don't want everybody to ride a Ducati. I like being a unique member of a group  ;D  My second beef and then I'll stop with the criticism: How come they don't incorporate safety into their brand image? I know Harley guys will make fun of eachother for wearing a full face... I think that's lame. For a company that has such brand loyalty they could probably influence people to ride safer. I went on a group ride recently and one of the guys was on a matte black v-rod. He was wearing a matching black full face, leather jacket, and he looked damn sexy! I think having your face after a crash is sexy. End of rant.

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: Princess on June 11, 2009, 10:36:35 AM
I think having your face after a crash is sexy. End of rant.

I concur! I don't have the money for plastic surgery for facial reconstruction anyways.

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: sally101 on June 11, 2009, 10:55:06 AM
I went on a group ride recently and one of the guys was on a matte black v-rod. He was wearing a matching black full face, leather jacket, and he looked damn sexy! I think having your face after a crash is sexy. End of rant.

Meh, depends on the face...  [evil]


Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: jimboecv on June 11, 2009, 11:29:44 AM
HD's don't waive unless noobs.
Metric cruisers waive because they're not hung up.
Squids - mixed bag.
Scooterist's almost always waive because they're so happy no to be driving.
Seriously, that happened to me at motogp last year.

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: remy on June 11, 2009, 04:13:35 PM
I've found the reason I get less waves from dirtbike riders is because they're usually too busy wheeling at the sight of another rider that they forget to take a hand off.     

Title: Re: So..what is the deal b/w Harley v. Ducati riders?
Post by: jimboecv on June 11, 2009, 04:33:33 PM

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