Title: 900m just out of hibernation knocking at idle with clutch out. Post by: notreallyamoron on June 09, 2008, 01:28:21 PM I have a 94 M900 that has been in storage for about 18 months. I went through the typical proceedures at startup. ( changed fuel and filter, oil and filter, plugs, carb cleaning) It's up and running now, my problem is I have a pretty loud rattle at idle. It goes away when it's in gear and also when the clutch is engaged. I found a similar thread on here about the dry clutch, but this seems to be very loud, almost a knocking from the rear left side of the motor. Thanks in advance for any help.
Title: Re: 900m just out of hibernation knocking at idle with clutch out. Post by: printman on June 09, 2008, 03:17:31 PM With the clutch cover off....
With the clutch engaged neutral, it sounds like a knock in 1st clutch pulled in, it sounds like the high hat cymbal. tsss tssss tssss ;D Title: Re: 900m just out of hibernation knocking at idle with clutch out. Post by: ScottRNelson on June 10, 2008, 08:54:13 AM That's how my ST2 normally sounds. If the sound goes away when you pull in the clutch, it's the clutch making the noise and nothing to worry about.
You might want to get a 5mm allen wrench and remove the four screws holding the clutch cover on and have a good look at what's in there. You can clean out the clutch dust while you're looking at it. Be sure to start the engine and see what it does with the clutch engaged and disengaged. Title: Re: 900m just out of hibernation knocking at idle with clutch out. Post by: notreallyamoron on June 13, 2008, 11:26:21 AM Thanks for the help guys, it really is just a noisy clutch. With this being my first Ducati and it just coming off a pretty exteded storage time I guess I was just a little scared.