Title: New rider...came over from the other site Post by: robartlum on June 09, 2008, 10:54:44 PM Hi DMF!
My name is Rob, I live in GA and am 20 years old. The first time I saw a ducati, I fell in love with them. Ive been riding for a few months now. I bought a 1999 m900 back in Febuary and love it completly. I quickly became introduced to the DML and all you great people before everything happened. You guys always gave me great advice and helped out with some starting problems! I really am glad to know of a great great Ducati message board filled with guys who really know motorcycles. I'm a newbie and will be asking a lot of questions that might seem dumb. :-\ ....future mods coming up... I recently had my first fall and had little injury to myself and the duc. Happy to get that out of the way. [bang] Glad to be here! Title: Re: New rider...came over from the other site Post by: Jarvicious on June 10, 2008, 05:34:12 AM I recently had my first fall and had little injury to myself and the duc. Happy to get that out of the way. [bang] Glad to be here! Happy to get it out of the way? I hope I never have to get it out of the way! Who am I kidding, I spun the back tire in my friggin driveway yesterday due to the rain. On a good note, I made it all way the way up north (in the rain) to the shop where I have a guy building up a set of custom pipes for me *grins like an idiot*. Look at the bright side, since you need a new clutch lever, this is the perfect time to go aftermarket ;D. Good luck and don't forget to keep that pesky rubber side down. Title: Re: New rider...came over from the other site Post by: somegirl on June 10, 2008, 08:30:50 PM Welcome Rob, glad you found your way over here. ;D
I really am glad to know of a great great Ducati message board filled with guys who really know motorcycles. I'm a newbie and will be asking a lot of questions that might seem dumb. :-\ ....future mods coming up... You're in the right place, lots of experts here. [thumbsup] I recently had my first fall and had little injury to myself and the duc. Happy to get that out of the way. [bang] Sorry to hear that, you're in good company (http://ducatimonsterworldwide.org/index.php?topic=3151.0) though. :) Hope the injury is not too bad and you heal up quickly. Post up if you need any advice on fixing your bike. Title: Re: New rider...came over from the other site Post by: Ducatista on June 12, 2008, 09:24:06 AM Ive been riding for a few months now. I bought a 1999 m900 back in Febuary and love it completly. YAY CARBIE 900's! I love my bike, too. Just a little helpful hint. The electrical system on the bike is a bit leaky, so if you're not going to be riding for 2 weeks, it's best just to throw the battery on a tender to be on the safe side. Welcome! [moto] Title: Re: New rider...came over from the other site Post by: Mumbles on June 13, 2008, 02:55:35 PM Welcome....I haven't had a fall yet and hope I don't but boy it seems to come up a lot. :-\
Title: Re: New rider...came over from the other site Post by: Got Duc on June 14, 2008, 04:37:26 AM Welcome
Glad you found us! |