Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => NMMR => Topic started by: Duck-Stew on November 09, 2010, 11:15:14 AM

Title: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Duck-Stew on November 09, 2010, 11:15:14 AM
Anyone up for a Duc-centric Thanksgiving potluck event?  Perhaps we could give thanks for Desmo valves, trellis frames and ...well... if we have to... all the good things that have happened this year.

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR Thanksgiving potluck
Post by: dusty on November 09, 2010, 11:40:27 AM
You know I'm in!  :)

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR Thanksgiving potluck
Post by: Duck-Stew on November 09, 2010, 12:22:27 PM
Awesome Baby!  :D

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR Thanksgiving potluck
Post by: Ratfink749 on November 09, 2010, 12:50:33 PM
Sounds like it could be fun..   Depending on the when and where (and all the other happenin' things going on at the end of the month) I/we'll definitely try to make it! (I say we, because if its PotLuck, you'd all Definitely prefer Keri's cooking to mine!) 

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR Thanksgiving potluck
Post by: Cloner on November 11, 2010, 07:56:57 AM
We have plans around lunchtime.  When are you thinking about getting together?

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR Thanksgiving potluck
Post by: dusty on November 11, 2010, 02:28:04 PM
Awesome Baby!  :D :D

Wouldn't miss it Sweetie!!   [beer]  :-*

Lots to be thankful for this year and I look forward to seeing you all.

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR Thanksgiving potluck
Post by: Duc L'Smart on November 11, 2010, 05:08:27 PM
Wish I could make it, but 1 of us is geographically undesirable...

With any luck, Taos Ski Valley will be open  ;D

Enjoy [thumbsup]

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR Thanksgiving potluck
Post by: kingbaby on November 11, 2010, 08:15:05 PM
Wish I could make it, but 1 of us is geographically undesirable...

With any luck, Taos Ski Valley will be open  ;D

Enjoy [thumbsup]

That's where I will be. Or San Diego. What a contrast, right?
One will pay, the other for play.  I've proven I've got the ski part down.
Work... Still tryin to proove that one.

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR Thanksgiving potluck
Post by: Duck-Stew on November 16, 2010, 08:34:22 PM
What's everyone's schedule for the holiday weekend?



What days?

Maybe we ought to move this sucker to mid-December and just dub it a 'Holiday Potluck'?

Lemme know...   ;D

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR Thanksgiving potluck
Post by: NFJ79 on November 16, 2010, 11:48:01 PM
Mmmmm  Turkey!!!

I'm free Sat and Sun of Thanksgiving weekend.  I might go join the crowds for Black Friday shopping.  I need some new toys.

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR Thanksgiving potluck
Post by: Ratfink749 on November 17, 2010, 06:39:37 AM
Mmmmm  Turkey!!!

I'm free Sat and Sun of Thanksgiving weekend.  I might go join the crowds for Black Friday shopping.  I need some new toys.

I second this.. except the black friday part.  I'll be at work.   :'(

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck
Post by: Duck-Stew on November 24, 2010, 07:39:44 AM
Looks like the Thanksgiving idea isn't going to happen...

How about a Holiday Potluck?  How's everyones schedules for the following weekends?

December 4th
December 18th

(I'm out of town on the 11th)

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Duck-Stew on November 29, 2010, 08:57:43 AM
We've set a date for the 18th.  Would be great if we could get everyone out for a holiday get-together!  [thumbsup]

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Cloner on November 29, 2010, 09:39:42 AM
We'll gladly volunteer our humble abode for such a gathering.  We'll make a pot of chile (Texas type....with meat and such) and others can bring whatever they'd like to go with it.  Chile Fixin's (cheese, onions, sour cream, hot sauce, tortilla chips, etc.).  Beer (bring your own beer, we never keep any....except for a bottle of two of Guiness for stews and such).  Chicken Enchiladas (hint, hint).  Whatever you think is suitably festive for a holiday get together to celebrate the founding of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.  8)

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Ratfink749 on November 29, 2010, 09:44:26 AM
I'll ask and see what's happening with Keri's holiday performance schedule. She sings with the NM Civic Chorus and has a crap load of performances in DEC. (And is like 9 months prego...) I'll get back to you.

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: nicrosato on November 30, 2010, 06:11:08 AM
I am really sorry I'm going to miss this.

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Ratfink749 on November 30, 2010, 06:50:23 AM
We've set a date for the 18th.  Would be great if we could get everyone out for a holiday get-together!  [thumbsup]
.. Approximate time?  (Found out there's another Non-Duc related gathering that day were trying to setup a schedule)   [thumbsup]
Decembers a busy month!

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Cloner on November 30, 2010, 10:48:35 AM
Let's shoot for 6:00 pm until.........

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Zaster on November 30, 2010, 07:24:16 PM
Pam and I would like to participate. I'm working that Saturday and possibly Sunday but still hope to join a hooligan holiday bash.
Pam is happily anticipating what she could make ....any requests? Just trust me she can do it [thumbsup]

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Cloner on December 01, 2010, 11:28:13 AM
Pam and I would like to participate. I'm working that Saturday and possibly Sunday but still hope to join a hooligan holiday bash.
Pam is happily anticipating what she could make ....any requests? Just trust me she can do it [thumbsup]

Does Pam have any specialties that we should consider?  Italian Cream Cake?  Crepes?  I'm just wondering?

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Zaster on December 02, 2010, 07:01:52 PM
Here is what Pam considers her specialties:

Indian fried bread
Puff pastery pin wheels w/bacon, spinach, asiago and artichoke hearts
Chicos and beans
Aunt Hope's famous buttermilk fudge
Any flavor of quiche
Egg rolls with shrimp, cheese and green chile
I was told that if there are any baked goods involved I'm it.
Could reproduce a German black forest choclate/cherry cake
I made at a get together at Larry's w/Ducati logo.

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Ratfink749 on December 02, 2010, 07:11:58 PM
Talked with Mrs. Keri and She'd be willing to make up a pan full of Sour Cream Green Chili Enchilada's.  Due to distance, they may require some warming when we get there. (we'll need some directions as well)  No clue how hot the chili will be when all is said and done.  The sour cream seems to mellow out the heat every time we make them.  Flavor is TIP TOP.   [drool] 

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Cloner on December 02, 2010, 11:11:30 PM
Well, Karl, I loves me some quiche as long as there's nothing green in there (except maybe some green chile), and how can ya go wrong with fried bread?!?

And green chile sour cream enchiladas sound like the STUFF in my book, Wayne. 

Bring whatever you like, of course, and whatever you'd like to drink.  We'll have hard liquors, but not much else.

Wayne, holler at me for directions.  It's pretty easy to find, but it's way the hell out on the northwest side.

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: crat996 on December 03, 2010, 06:54:14 PM

Could reproduce a German black forest choclate/cherry cake
I made at a get together at Larry's w/Ducati logo.

Um, that's my favorite cake in the world. I think our work holiday party is that night. I'll have to double check that. If it's not, count me in.

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Zaster on December 03, 2010, 07:36:20 PM
Um, that's my favorite cake in the world. I think our work holiday party is that night. I'll have to double check that. If it's not, count me in.
Ooops, forgot to mention that I can make anyone's favorite German dish upon request.
We'll make sure there are some cake leftovers in case you can't make it.

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Cloner on December 04, 2010, 10:14:37 AM
Ashley says she'd love to have some Indian Fried Bread, Karl.  She also loved the pinwheels, so if Pam would rather do those than egg-pie ('cause real men don't eat quiche), then that'd be cool!

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Zaster on December 04, 2010, 06:44:22 PM
Ashley says she'd love to have some Indian Fried Bread, Karl.  She also loved the pinwheels, so if Pam would rather do those than egg-pie ('cause real men don't eat quiche), then that'd be cool!
Can do....got to exclude me from the real man club since I ate quiche before and I will eat it again ;D [clap]

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: ms. mel on December 05, 2010, 11:14:29 AM
Ahoy !

I'm hoping that I don't have to work because I'd really like to go - I'm back from the dead (?)

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Cloner on December 06, 2010, 07:40:08 AM
Ahoy !

I'm hoping that I don't have to work because I'd really like to go - I'm back from the dead (?)

That'd be great, MM.  Call or PM for directions if you think you can make it!

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: ducducgooseme on December 06, 2010, 02:03:51 PM
OMG Pam's chicos.....    [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup]  and quiche!!!!

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: kingbaby on December 06, 2010, 03:33:43 PM
OMG Pam's chicos.....    [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup]  and quiche!!!!

OMG & Quiche in the same sentence.  Damn! I knew I loved ya'  but didn't know why... 'til now.

Remember that prison joke I told you?   New guy shows up, his cell mate says "You wanna be the husband or the wife?"  new guy says "THE HUSBAND!"    Cell mate says "Good, come here & suck your wifes ____.

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: crat996 on December 07, 2010, 08:44:54 AM
WTF?^^^ LOL. Btw, I'll be able to make it. My party for work is friday night:) What do I need to bring?

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Cloner on December 07, 2010, 10:06:37 AM
WTF?^^^ LOL. Btw, I'll be able to make it. My party for work is friday night:) What do I need to bring?

Something to eat....dummy.   [roll]   ;D

Chips and salsa?  Nobody's mentioned bringing those.  Heck, almost anything that folks will eat is good!

Don't forget to bring whatever you'd like to drink, too.

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Ratfink749 on December 07, 2010, 10:47:19 AM
If I remember I'll bring a Still-Boxed bottle of Crown Royal Black to donate to the cause.  It'll sit in the garage and collect dust if I dont.  Hopefully someone'll enjoy it  ;D 

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Zaster on December 09, 2010, 09:04:19 PM
OMG Pam's chicos.....    [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup]  and quiche!!!!
Anytime you need a fix we can send you some...unless you happen to be in the neigborhood  [thumbsup]

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: JJ on December 10, 2010, 08:11:17 AM
We will figure something useful to all as well...Should be a fun gathering. Thanks!  [thumbsup]

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Cloner on December 10, 2010, 10:05:43 AM
We will figure something useful to all as well...Should be a fun gathering. Thanks!  [thumbsup]

It'll be good to see you and Molly (and everybody else)!  I wish Nic and Barb could be here.   :( 

Just a reminder to anyone who needs directions, PM me and I'll hook you up with direction and phone numbers.

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: crat996 on December 17, 2010, 10:56:01 AM
This is still on, right? 6:00 at scott's house? I'm there if so.

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Cloner on December 17, 2010, 12:19:48 PM
It's on!  Come on out. 

Just a reminder, if you'd like any beer or sodas, please bring them with you.  We'll have "harder" beverages available.

I'm making chili (Texas type....with meat and beans.....get it?), Ash is doing her sausage cream cheese squares, I think. Karl and Pam are bringing Indian fried bread and quiche.  One of Ashley's friends if bringing cheese and sour cream to doctor the chili.  Wayne and Keri are bringing sour cream green chile enchiladas.

I'm not sure what others are bringing, but I'm sure it'll be good!

6:00 until....

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: JJ on December 18, 2010, 08:11:20 AM
Scott, I'm really sorry, we won't be able to make it today. I was on sick leave all this week with a terrible flu...and since yesterday when i started feeling good, Molly went down ill! We will spare you all from the deadly virus. Darn, I was really looking forward to this party.

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Duck-Stew on December 18, 2010, 10:01:21 AM
So sorry to hear it JJ...  I hope the two of you return to good health quickly!

Safe travels back east later this month...

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Zaster on December 18, 2010, 10:43:20 PM
Ashley and Scott,
Thank you for hosting a great event and for having us [thumbsup]
Was good to see lots of fellow NMMR hooligans enjoying themselves.

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: crat996 on December 19, 2010, 10:30:54 AM
Ashley and Scott,
Thank you for hosting a great event and for having us [thumbsup]
Was good to see lots of fellow NMMR hooligans enjoying themselves.

+1 on that. Thanks for having everyone out. It was fun and the food was great.

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Ratfink749 on December 20, 2010, 06:43:40 AM
Keri and I had a great time.  Thank you everybody, and Thank you again Scott and Ashley for having us all out!  I must now concentrate on acquiring myself a copy of this Faster movie!  [thumbsup]

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Cloner on December 20, 2010, 08:59:36 AM
I hope everyone who attended enjoyed themselves as much as I did.  Great food.  Excellent company.  Good times.

The whole "potluck" theme worked out well and there was something to eat for everyone (and enough left over to feed half the Army!!).

Did anyone send Bacon Junkie pictures of the sausages wrapped in  [bacon] [bacon] [bacon]?

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: nicrosato on December 21, 2010, 06:44:43 AM
Barb and I are truly sorry we missed this soiree. Sounds like it had my favorite ingredients- good people and good food.

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Cloner on December 21, 2010, 07:52:18 AM
When will  you be back in our AO, Nic?

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: dusty on December 22, 2010, 09:41:36 AM
Well, better late than never...

Thank you so much Cloner!  And to Ashley as well for putting up with us Saturday evening!  It was a great time and wonderful to see all who could make it out.   [beer]

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: nicrosato on December 23, 2010, 11:09:39 AM
In a few months. No exact dates yet. Barb is liking Florida because it's warm here and both NY and ABQ are cold. We need to get a lot of stuff done to make out condo inhabitable. I'm cruising around on my Harley-Dogidson.

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Cloner on December 24, 2010, 06:45:52 AM
Well, have fun in warmer climes, then!  You are correct that it is cold in ABQ, though Stuart did ride to work yesterday......and then he rode home in the rain.  Blech.

Ashley was hoping to get the recipe for Pam's pinwheels.  Any way you can talk her into posting it, Karl?

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Zaster on December 24, 2010, 08:28:41 AM

Ashley was hoping to get the recipe for Pam's pinwheels.  Any way you can talk her into posting it, Karl?

Just sent you an email with the scanned recipe attached.

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Cloner on December 25, 2010, 07:18:09 AM
Thanks, Karl!  Thank Pam for us, too, please.

Krystle....you left your cake plate here.  Wanna meet somewhere to facilitate its return?   ???

Title: Re: 1st Annual NMMR HOLIDAY potluck 12/18!!! Post up your RSVP!
Post by: Duc L'Smart on December 26, 2010, 05:52:24 PM
Sure wish I could have made this... Maybe next time.

Hope all y'all are enjoying the Holidays!

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