Ducati Monster Forum

Kitchen Sink => No Moto Content => Topic started by: avizpls on November 11, 2010, 08:46:01 AM

Title: Who said I'm not trying to hit someone?
Post by: avizpls on November 11, 2010, 08:46:01 AM

So who else here has had to actually make physical contact with a vehicle with some part of their body to get the drivers attention?

Ive had people merging in on me where I had no where to go at 70MPH. A good boot to the door saves my life and and I turn around and politely gesture for him to pull over. I about killed the dude. His door was all bashed in. It turns out he was a city firefighter and I knew his lieutenant.

A friend of mine took a mirror off a car that was merging in on him.

My wife and I missed a really good opportunity. On a 3 lane road, one in each direction and a  shared turning lane in the center, some one pulls out in front of me. I swerve into the turning lane and end up next to them (on thier left). The driver is some damn chick on her phone with her friends all in the car. NO ONE notices us. So I rode next to her until I startled her when she DID see me (literally RIGHT NEXT to her window.)  Well, I didnt realize it but my wife was reaching to grab her cell phone out of her hands. Had I known this, I would have moved closer, let her get it, throw it at the pregnant dog and drove off.

anyone else?

Title: Re: Who said I'm not trying to hit someone?
Post by: Grampa on November 11, 2010, 08:58:36 AM
I dislocated a mirror once.

Title: Re: Who said I'm not trying to hit someone?
Post by: mattc7 on November 11, 2010, 09:09:43 AM
I dislocated a mirror once.

I cannot admit or deny that.

I have knocked on a window twice.

I have kicked at a door.

Title: Re: Who said I'm not trying to hit someone?
Post by: El Matador on November 11, 2010, 09:15:23 AM
I cannot admit or deny that.

I have knocked on a window twice.

I have kicked at a door.

Last time I knocked on a window, I got a gun pulled on me. It's preferable to remove mirrors and run.

Title: Re: Who said I'm not trying to hit someone?
Post by: YellowDuck on November 11, 2010, 10:02:47 AM
I was stopped at a red light and got rear ended by some dumb pregnant dog. I inverted the grill of her Camry with a swift kick.

Title: Re: Who said I'm not trying to hit someone?
Post by: SacDuc on November 11, 2010, 10:57:15 AM

My favorite car kicking story of all time was from Grio (member on the old DML). She was riding a through a small town in Italy during the Moto Giro. She was trying to get by a car in congested traffic but the guy kept pinching her off. Finally she gets along side him and kicks the guys door. Not too hard just enough to let him know she was there. Well at the next stop the guy catches up with her and starts reading her the riot act. She was finally able to deduce that the he was screaming "You hit me! You hit me!" She made it abundantly clear to him that she did not hit him but rather KICKED him. Once he understood he was even more pissed off. Unfortunately this guy turned out to be the chief of police of the little town. Oops. Squad cars came. She was put in hand cuffs. Luckily nothing really ever came of it because no damage was done.

There have only been two times I've touch a another vehicle. Once I punched the mirror of some jackass who was trying to kill me. The other time I was riding in LA on the 405 after doing about 400 miles that day (Sacramento, over Mines Road into Monterey then down the PCH). Tons of traffic and I was right along side a guy in a huge maroon Yukon. He never saw me because he never looked. he just started coming right into my lane. Cars on all sides of me and no time to think. I whacked open the throttle and scooted between the two cars in front of me the insinuated my self into the far left lane. Which is where I should have been in the first place. Why I was in the lane I was I will never know. So I must have stuck might right leg out as a defensive reflex or something because it definitely touch the truck. He got that friggin close! I got off a couple of exits later to calm down and check my shorts.


Title: Re: Who said I'm not trying to hit someone?
Post by: evocarti on November 11, 2010, 11:12:05 AM
I haven't made physical contact with a car, but I've made sonic contact

Heading southbound on the turnpike, I'm in the rightmost lane, about to exit. Before the exit is a merge and traffic tends to get really congested around this area.

A lady is blindly following the person in front of her, never noticed me alongside... ya know... merging. I see her window is down and gun my engine. 9k rpm's and un-db-killed termi's will get some attention. I swear she jumped a foot out of her seat  [evil]

Title: Re: Who said I'm not trying to hit someone?
Post by: avizpls on November 11, 2010, 11:57:56 AM
^I do the same. I have my rev lmiter set to 8K. and its a slow rev limiter too. It waits for revs to drop to 7500 before revving back up again. It sounds like a semi on full jake brake

Title: Re: Who said I'm not trying to hit someone?
Post by: ZLTFUL on November 11, 2010, 12:21:30 PM
A glass Lipton tea bottle tossed over my shoulder into the front of some doucher in a Chevy Blazer that tried to cut me off not once but 3 times who ended up eventually getting pulled over and arrested by state troopers for aggressive driving.

And a kicked in rear quarter panel on a Jeep Cherokee to remind the driver to pay attention to those around her when changing lanes.

Title: Re: Who said I'm not trying to hit someone?
Post by: Artful on November 11, 2010, 12:23:36 PM
Only ever punched a car HARD once, have definitely tapped on a trunk lid or two. It was totally reflex when they went to squeeze by me in a parking lot. Caught them in the corner of my eye, I quit goat thinkin' and hammer fisted their mirror clean off. They were pissed but after realizing they had almost killed me they were surprisingly understanding.

Best physical contact with vehicle story involves a truck full of rednecks, high speeds, and a pocketful of nickels. Long story.

Title: Re: Who said I'm not trying to hit someone?
Post by: ducpainter on November 11, 2010, 12:30:29 PM

Best physical contact with vehicle story involves a truck full of rednecks, high speeds, and a pocketful of nickels. Long story.
A pocketful of 1/2" or larger steel balls are extremely useful in situations like that...

as are piston pins.

Title: Re: Who said I'm not trying to hit someone?
Post by: Artful on November 11, 2010, 12:33:58 PM
A pocketful of 1/2" or larger steel balls are extremely useful in situations like that...

as are piston pins.

But also far harder to explain when the cops ask why you had a pocketful of ball bearings. "I was just going to do my laundry" works every time.

Title: Re: Who said I'm not trying to hit someone?
Post by: Heath on November 12, 2010, 12:20:42 AM

My favorite car kicking story of all time was from Grio (member on the old DML). <snip>
What happened to her? She was on here but stopped coming around.

Going to my old work there was a spot where people would stop to do a illegal U turn. It was 4 lanes plus a middle lane.  They would get in the middle but always leave their ass out in the lane so you had to swerve around them.  So this one time this car slams on its brakes to do a U turn, I must of been zoning out cause I wasn't expecting it.  So I swerved and as I went by I slapped their trunk really hard with my hand to get their attention but kept going.  Well they honked and honked, but were already turned to do the U turn so they couldn't follow me.

Another one, same spot going the other direction.  Guy on a cell phone does a U turn in front of me. So I almost hit his right side of his stupid Scion TC.  I pull next to him start telling him to watch where he is going and get off the cell phone.  He tells me to make the beast with two backs off he can do a U turn where ever he wants and keeps talking on his phone.  So I sit there holding 5k rpm making him roll his window up and then hang up his call.  Then folded his mirror forward and just took off after that.

Knocked on a could windows too with my carbon fiber knuckles on the gloves.  I guess that is a scary sound because people always jump.

Title: Re: Who said I'm not trying to hit someone?
Post by: Rameses on November 12, 2010, 03:06:39 AM

ITT: internet cowboys

Title: Re: Who said I'm not trying to hit someone?
Post by: avizpls on November 12, 2010, 05:01:13 AM


more  :-X less  [puke]

Title: Re: Who said I'm not trying to hit someone?
Post by: zooom on November 12, 2010, 07:44:29 AM
thus far...I have taken off 3 mirrors, dented 1 quarter panel, and 1 fender and of course knocked on several windows and turned a few mirrors...

the most memorablefor me was a misty rainy day and there was a guy on his Blackberry in his Suburban who pulled out across 3 lanes of traffic from his fast food restaraunt stop to right in front of me, nearly clipping off my front wheel....I brake hard (luckily without slipping and sliding) and then swooped around him flipping him off and signalling for him to look next time...a quarter mile up the road, he moved over to the right 1 lane and pulled up next to me to yell at me as to what my problem was ( while he was still on the phone) and I yelled back at him (so that the other person on the phone could hear it too) in many expletives for him to get off the damn phone and look before he pulls out onto a road unlike what he did pulling out back where and how he did as he almost killed me and drove me off he side of the road to which he responded with hostility back at me and then decided that he wanted to do something about it and opened his door and got out and finally put his phone down on his seat...he came over to me within hand to hand distance and asked what I was gonna do and I then I responded with " I ain't gonna start it, but I'll certainly finish this, because I ain't taking shit off " and showed him my road warrior-esque Icon Ti-Max gloves in a fist....he thought about it for a minute and then the light turned green...I spun up road spray on his slacks as I decided to move with traffic leaving him standing there...

Title: Re: Who said I'm not trying to hit someone?
Post by: Grampa on November 12, 2010, 07:46:47 AM

My favorite car kicking story of all time was from Grio (member on the old DML). She was riding a through a small town in Italy during the Moto Giro. She was trying to get by a car in congested traffic but the guy kept pinching her off. Finally she gets along side him and kicks the guys door. Not too hard just enough to let him know she was there. Well at the next stop the guy catches up with her and starts reading her the riot act. She was finally able to deduce that the he was screaming "You hit me! You hit me!" She made it abundantly clear to him that she did not hit him but rather KICKED him. Once he understood he was even more pissed off. Unfortunately this guy turned out to be the chief of police of the little town. Oops. Squad cars came. She was put in hand cuffs. Luckily nothing really ever came of it because no damage was done.



Title: Re: Who said I'm not trying to hit someone?
Post by: LMT on November 12, 2010, 08:18:37 AM
On the bike I have only kicked a few doors.  As a pedestrian, I am a destroyer.

I walk a lot.  Drivers do not look left or right, don't stop at cross walks, and pull way out into the cross walk.

I hit hoods, trunks, and smack side view mirrors.  Some friends will not walk with me.  I also have tossed the pedestrian rules flyer (yep, I have a stack in my bag) from the county into open car windows..

Just yesterday, at a marked cross walk, a car zipped around a stopped car from lane 2 to lane 1 and almost hit me.  I broke the driver side mirror. The guy in lane 3 was laughing so hard he spewed coffee on his dash.

Title: Re: Who said I'm not trying to hit someone?
Post by: SacDuc on November 12, 2010, 06:47:04 PM


I miss my riding buddy. Now I'm stuck riding with Bacon Junkie. He doesn't have nearly the head of hair Grio does.


Title: Re: Who said I'm not trying to hit someone?
Post by: The Bacon Junkie on November 12, 2010, 08:58:50 PM


I miss my riding buddy. Now I'm stuck riding with behind Bacon Junkie.
He doesn't have nearly the head of hair Grio does.


Fixed that first line for ya, but as my 999 isn't here yet, and you just sold your bike, neither of us will be doing much riding anytime soon..   :P

And no, I don't have the luxurious locks that Grio does...  I probably don't look as good in leathers either... [roll]  ;D


Title: Re: Who said I'm not trying to hit someone?
Post by: KnightofNi on November 13, 2010, 06:31:53 AM
i was much more aggressive as a bike messenger, but yes, i have smacked cars before.

a few mirrors have been hit, a door has been kicked and the rear qtr panel of a new pickup was dented.

most often i just yell and keep moving though. it's just not worth it.

Title: Re: Who said I'm not trying to hit someone?
Post by: He Man on November 20, 2010, 02:53:51 PM
im crossing 34th street midtown Manhattan trying to go from west to east side. Lights go green, i take off pretty hard, and this lady RUNS across the street, across 2 the parking lane, the first lane and right into my lane. WHILE shes doing this, shes turning her head AWAY from traffic looking back and talking to someone and running at an angle TOWARDS traffic...

meanwhile im already doing 35mph by the time she bolts out, i lay my hand on the horn ( i wish i still had my stebel) and she just doesnt notice, i end up panic braking, but i realized im going to hit the pregnant dog cause shes actually running towards me, so i completely swerve out of her way into the double yellow, but the pregnant dog is actually RUNNING that way too and when she FINNALY make the beast with two backsing notices, she turns her head, and she screams into my helmet and she was litteraly INCHES from me. I stopped turned around to look for her so i could give her the finger but shes gone, and a cop pulls up next to me and just shakes his head...

And im suprised the guy she was talking to didnt tell her to turn the make the beast with two backs around. I swear, thank god for MSF (and the numerous times where ive actually used this skill) cause i was not thinking about swerving, i just did it.

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