Ok... I'm reading up on the immobilizer and have a couple of questions. I've read that if you turn the key to the on position and do not start the bike for 15 secs then the immobilizer activates. When it activates are you screwed? I'm one of those with two black keys and no red key.
I think I should pay the $275 to have Ducati Depot disable the immobilizer. They said I can then buy their blanks and have a key maker clone keys. Does this sound right?
I just don't want to deal with an immobilizer kicking in and ruining my day.
You're screwed, unless you turn the key off and back on again.
Ok... so I'm only immobilized for as long as it takes me to turn the key off and on again. And as long as I keep the two keys, or at least one, the immobilizer won't impact me. Sounds like it's all about not losing the original black keys. Is that right?
That would be my recommendation - don't loose the keys.
fwiw, I'm without my code card (assume you are without it as well)
+1 on turning key off and back on. Happens all the time when farting around especially when doing wiring stuff.
On one occasion, I tucked my 12V plug (aux power) cord up near the ignition thru my tank bag straps and tripped the immobilizer, 130mi from home.
After restarting my heart, I move the cord a little, and she fired fine.
So far so good but I understand the desire to loose this 'feature'.