Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Tech => Topic started by: jerryz on November 20, 2010, 08:33:04 AM

Title: pressure switch
Post by: jerryz on November 20, 2010, 08:33:04 AM
The pressure switch on my S4 has sheared at the bolt ,damn thing was only hand tight when it bust , I have temporary fitted an old spark plug in the hole as its same thread so i can use the bike , seems Ducati Thailand dont stock it so i will order one from UK which will take a month to get here if not stolen in the post but are there any cars that use it so i might try some local parts store GM, FIAT etc or the generic make of the switch ..also i may try repair with steel epoxy but not holding my breath

Title: Re: pressure switch
Post by: Speeddog on November 20, 2010, 10:12:18 AM
The oil pressure switch is an M10x1 thread.

IIRC the same switch is used on some Fiats.

The "Alternatives to expensive Ducati parts" thread here:
http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=698.0 (http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=698.0)
May have the info.

Title: Re: pressure switch
Post by: Howie on November 20, 2010, 11:04:26 AM
VW has switches that will fit also, but the connector is different.  Most car switches are set at a lower pressure.

Title: Re: pressure switch
Post by: jerryz on November 20, 2010, 08:58:00 PM
Yeah I have been looking thru old threads , plenty of info and possible options , i need 10mm fine thread and 0.3-0.6 bar or as near as .
will look tommorow there a chinese car parts lady who can usually get anything I will ask her

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