Title: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: Goat_Herder on November 29, 2010, 11:46:38 PM For the past 2 years, it has been a blast on my Duc. The bike is beautiful and I feel like a million bucks whenever I sit on it. I have been cafeful and used my best judgement while riding. I don't speed much, almost always within speed limit+10. I ride defensively. I constantly scan the road for hazzard. I stay out of people's blind spots. I proceed causously in unfamiliar corners. There have been a number hairy situations but I handled them well and came out unharmed - rode thru oil spill, sand, water puddles in turns and saved myself from lowsiding.
And then it happened without warning 3 months ago. I guess it took this long for me to come to term with it and be able to talk about it publicly. So here it goes: August 24th was a hot summer morning. I warmed up the bike on the driveway as usual. As I put on my helmet and gloves, getting ready to go to work, the engine just died. That was the first time it had ever happened. These unusual/abnormalities tend to catch my attention. I remember thinking to myself "this is strange". Is it a sign? Hopped on the bike and went on my way. About a mile down the road, I came to a busy intersection. With the green right turn arrow, I made the right onto the right lane in a 5 lane road (2 each way and 1 center turn lane). Quickly got up to 35-40mph and looked to the left and then right to scan for side street traffic. In a spidey sense kind of way, I got the urge to look left, . Turned my head and caught a glimse of an image that has burned in to my mind. I remember looking just above my left hand and saw the hood of a car. The front bumper was just below my left elbow. Everything was standing still... Then it went dark and I heard a loud crunch. In a dream like state, I remember thinking to myself "no way... not like this". I didn't want it to end like this. I am not ready. After what felt like 5 seconds, I started dreaming about being crushed under a big wave and my body just being pushed around by the current. I snapped out of the dream and found myself laying against the curb. Oh and PAIN. Based on statement of witness and all parties involved, the police determined that the driver, coming toward me, made a left turn from the center turn lane and failed to yield to right of way. The car hit me on my left side, impacting the left fork/engine area. The bike went down so hard that the handlebar snapped in half. Frame was twisted and the crankcase broke open. The engine rev'ed for awhile without oil. As for me, I suffered 2 fractured ribs, broken tailbone, and a messed up left ankel. +/- a fraction of a second, it could have very easily been a lot worse for me. Anyway, the Wife was pretty mad at me at first. She wasn't gonna let me get back on the bike. Now she is coming around and open to the idea of me riding again. For me, I don't think I was ever in doubt. I know I will get back on a bike when I am able. The question is what I will be riding? Ride safe and treasure everything/everyone around you. You don't know how quickly and easy it can be taken away from you. :) Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: BK_856er on November 30, 2010, 12:01:04 AM Wow. Glad you are still with us.
When you are ready again, [moto] BK Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: sisca77 on November 30, 2010, 12:22:16 AM Thank you for sharing the story. Glad you made it, and I hope you'll find another Duc (or something else) to ride when the time comes. [moto]
Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: duclvr on November 30, 2010, 02:20:03 AM Glad you to hear you are ok.
Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: jvax on November 30, 2010, 05:21:37 AM Really glad it wasn't worse. Good that you're now able to share the story.
I am a very careful rider and found myself nodding through every sentence you described your carefulness with. I know that no matter how careful one is, when accidents happen they happen and there's no stopping them from happening. Only wish is to come out of them alive with no permanent damage or trauma, and learn from them. I know it will happen to me one day or another, and I try my best to be prepared for it, by continuing to be careful, slow down at the slightest risk, gear up well and pray it doesn't happen this day. Take it easy, get better physically and mentally and give your loved ones time to recover from their scare and regain their confidence in the whole riding idea. Roads will be there when your next bike is ready for you. Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: dennisd on November 30, 2010, 07:24:23 AM I am so glad you are OK, and by that I mean you are able to get your life back on track.
I almost hesitate typing this, maybe I'm a little superstitious; but after hundreds of thousands of miles over the years of riding, I have yet to go down on the street. On dirt, MANY times; that's part of riding dirt. I've had lots of REALLY close calls, the latest just a couple of evenings ago. A deer ran right in front of me. Luckily years of experience helped me and I was able to brake and maneuver around the deer as it slipped and skidded on the pavement trying to gain purchase and run away. At the closest point I could have reached out and petted the deer on the rump. Your story reminds me of how things go through your mind at times like that. I remember hearing the deers hooves clacking on the pavement as it tried to run. Anyway, back to you; hope you get back on 2 wheels soon. Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: fastwin on November 30, 2010, 07:35:48 AM Glad you are OK. That's all that really counts. Did the bozo that hit you have insurance? Hope so. What in the world was their excuse for pulling that lame brained maneuver. What, they didn't see you? Right...
It's OK to expect the SO/spouse to not want you to ride again or even leave the house and go outside. My wife hates motorcycles but I've been riding motorized two wheelers longer than she's been alive. She knew what she was getting into when she said "I do". Still didn't stop her from throwing a damn fit when I broke my neck even though none of it was my fault. It was a screwed up animal attack but the fact I was on a bike when it happened is all she cares about. It was the bike's fault! She got over it but she still has never been the same. If she's not at home and I decide to take the bike on an errand or go for a long ride I have to call her and tell her that's what I am doing. Plus call her every time I'm off the bike. Repeatedly. It's like checking in with a probation officer... hmmmm, that's what she was for 15 years. Guess it makes sense. [laugh] I just deal with it and so does she. She knows she can't stop me from riding and I just placate her fears and anxiety and life goes on. Get well soon. You'll ride again. [thumbsup] [moto] Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: VeryMetal on November 30, 2010, 07:40:49 AM Sorry to hear about that. It's a nasty experience. I had almost the exact same thing happen to me, even the way you went over sounds familiar (plus the messed up left ankle, ribs etc). It took me a year to get back on a bike. In a weird way it was kind of a bonding experience between me and motorcycles. If you can pick yourself up and get back on one that's a pretty amazing thing. Good for you.
Have a speedy recovery! Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: Goat_Herder on December 01, 2010, 08:29:56 PM Thanks for the good wishes. I am back to about 80%. Ankle is still giving a little trouble. Anyway, I can't wait to get back on the saddle again. I guess the silver lining is that I can take this opportunity to start over and find my next bike. The S2R is definitely in consideration but I am going to check out others as well. The new monster is starting to grow on me. The 796 might be a possiblity.
Any suggestions? Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: Triple J on December 01, 2010, 08:49:50 PM That sucks, but glad you're OK! [thumbsup]
Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: rideserotta on December 01, 2010, 09:02:55 PM Glad you're recovering. I hate it happened and reminds me that we are all vulnerable whether we are in a cage or on a bike. The difference being on that on a bike your legs are the crumple zones. When not commuting on my bike (Ducati) I commute on my bike (Serotta bicycle). I actually don't have a car at the moment and haven't for over a year. My wife and kids have cars. I've had a LOT of close calls on the bicycle. I tell my wife I'm safer on the Duc than the Serotta. I don't think either one of us really believes that but it helps with the sanity. She REALLY hates motorcycles.
There are a certain percentage of humans that will be in accidents/crashes. Some will be in cages, some on bikes, some on bicycles, some on foot, etc. I just pray that if/when it happens that it's relatively minor. Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: ab on December 01, 2010, 09:12:27 PM Glad you are alright.
Yep, I realize everytime I get on the bike that my 3rd wreck might be on the way unfortunately (as much as I try to not think about it) It's interesting that in slow motion you feel an out of body experience for what seems like seconds when in reality it is split nano-sec that you are actually going down. Be safe everyone and oh the bicycle riders on the downtown areas with crowded cars - now those dudes are nutz ;) Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: booger on December 01, 2010, 09:23:13 PM I've commuted via bicycle in downtown DC for the last 10 years. Been hit twice by cab drivers, the second time was pretty bad- put me in the hospital for a spell. Yep, it's super dangerous out there. However, I've never really suffered PTS over it. I love me some two-wheeled transportation.
Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: RC Fan on December 02, 2010, 01:53:17 AM Glad to hear you are OK and on the mend!
Since you asked for suggestions, how about the M1100 EVO? Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: Monsterlover on December 02, 2010, 04:42:52 AM It's interesting that in slow motion you feel an out of body experience for what seems like seconds when in reality it is split nano-sec... In times of extreme stress or danger our bodies will push aside all senses but sight. The brain hyper focuses and causes a perceptual slow down of time. It allows us "more time" to react and thus increases the chance we'll survive the event. Glad you ok Goat. Gladder that you want back on the horse [thumbsup] Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: Polpetta on December 02, 2010, 08:34:18 AM I am sorry and wish you well in your recovery :)
Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: Goat_Herder on December 02, 2010, 08:50:06 AM In times of extreme stress or danger our bodies will push aside all senses but sight. The brain hyper focuses and causes a perceptual slow down of time. I know... Thinking thru the whole event as a observer, it would probably last 2 seconds (from impact to me coming to a stop). But recalling what I was experiencing, it felt more like 10 seconds. Part of that was me floating around in darkness with just thoughts in my head. That experience was so unusually that I kept on thinking back to it in the days following the accident. It made me think about the movie "Jacob's Ladder" and what the charactor went thru in a dream like state. Maybe I was high on pain killer, at times, I was a little freaked out that the "reality" I was experiencing may not be real... I was afraid that I would "wake up" again some day and still be laying on the side of the street...It allows us "more time" to react and thus increases the chance we'll survive the event. Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: Greg on December 02, 2010, 10:55:26 AM Glad to hear you are OK. Maybe I missed it in the story, but did the person that hit you have insurance, and did they stick around?
Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: Goat_Herder on December 02, 2010, 11:22:05 AM Yah, she stuck around and is insured. Thank goodness. Impact was big enough that it set off the air bag. Her insurance company cut me a check last month for the bike + tax, etc. All I can say was they gave me a very fair market value for my S2R, which was in very good shape. (I miss my bike) I would have bought it back if not for the frame is all twisted up.
Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: Greg on December 02, 2010, 11:48:32 AM Glad to hear that, too often they either run, do not have insurance, or both
Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: bishop on December 02, 2010, 12:06:55 PM Glad your back to good heath. I crashed on halloween, bike is destroyed and i ended up with a broken wrist. The wifey is ok about me riding again, she's a rider to, but the family and the extended family is are really pissed and don't want me even near a bike. They haven't told my wifey to get rid of her bike but have hinted to me, they also even want me to sell the bike I am restoring. There is no doubt I will ride again, just need to find the right time to do it.
Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: Slide Panda on December 02, 2010, 12:11:31 PM Glad to hear you're doing well.
If you have not already, don't let her insurance off the hook yet. Not until you're sure you're all ship-shape. I got hit (while on foot) by a car who's driver wasn't playing attention. Though it seemed pretty minor at the time it was 6 months and a surgery until I was better'ish and I still have some minor issues with the ankle where they had to operate 6 years later. It sucks, and you just want to get past these things, but a lot of the time they are mroe complex and long lived than we realize. But, not matter what - good to know you're on the mend Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: Chucko9-696 on December 02, 2010, 02:06:54 PM Dude sorry to hear that, just glad your still here!
Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: Cloner on December 03, 2010, 08:07:01 AM Glad your back to good heath. I crashed on halloween, bike is destroyed and i ended up with a broken wrist. The wifey is ok about me riding again, she's a rider to, but the family and the extended family is are really pissed and don't want me even near a bike. They haven't told my wifey to get rid of her bike but have hinted to me, they also even want me to sell the bike I am restoring. There is no doubt I will ride again, just need to find the right time to do it. Tell these morons (ALL family members are morons, after all ;D) that if they'll give up whatever it is that they love you'll do likewise. That should shut them up. If not, a blatant "fuque you" should suffice. It's your life, not theirs. [moto] makes life bearable! [thumbsup] Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: Veloce-Fino on December 03, 2010, 10:24:12 AM Tell these morons (ALL family members are morons, after all ;D) that if they'll give up whatever it is that they love you'll do likewise. That should shut them up. If not, a blatant "fuque you" should suffice. It's your life, not theirs. [moto] makes life bearable! [thumbsup] +1 Screw them. Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: Doctor Woodrow on December 03, 2010, 11:28:36 AM The other day I told someone about my collision a few years ago, they asked me "so what's it gonna take?" I said, what is what going to take? They asked if it would take brain damage to stop me riding. I kindly told them my grandfather rode until he was 75 and decided himself that his responses were too slow (also after he wrecked his truck, twice), and then he had to stop riding. My father is still riding at 60 years old, and bought a brand-new bike last year (first ever brandnew bike for him) and he plans to ride as long as he can. I then told them that I always wear full gear and do my best to keep myself safe, never relying on other drivers to do anything intelligent b/c they won't.
When asked if I have kids or a wife, I say something like 'yeah, my 2-year old loves sitting on my bike anytime he is near the garage he begs to go in and sit on it.' They didn't have much of a response after that, maybe they realized they weren't going to 'save me from myself' that day. The Doc Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: koko64 on December 12, 2010, 04:59:36 PM Get well and glad you survived!
Been there and understand. Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: DoubleEagle on December 13, 2010, 10:34:59 PM Glad you weren't hurt worse Goat.
As an rider who has experienced to very violent crashes , ( either one could have killed me ,) many, many broken Bones, torn Tendons, Sprained Joints, Whip Lash, Crushed body parts, and lots of soft Tissue damage, I never did not want or fear getting back on a bike. 1st crash -3 months of recovery , 2nd crash-over a year ago and I still have Ribs that will not mend and a bum Shoulder. I rode harder than ever this past Oct.- Nov.and riding scared is no way to ride. I push the envelope right up to the edge but it's an edge I feel comfortable with. Most wouldnt. At anytime a Deer could walk out of the woods that I mostly ride through and at the speeds I ride it will be hit or miss. Probably serious injury if not death if i hit the Deer. Everyday we are faced with danger. I would no more commute in LA traffic than walk blindfolded across an interstate , both directions. I attack roads ! I'd like to think that puts me more in control of what happens for the most part. I used to ride scared....scared of the next tight corner. Now I respect the corners and welcome them ......but you can't just go blindly rushing into a corner and then clamp on the brakes . I learned that the hard way.. Took me 2 years of practice doing corners at faster and faster speeds until I got to where I no longer ride in fear. Good luck w, your recovery. Ribs take 12 weeks to be fully healed if they are aligned. Dolph :) Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: DoubleEagle on December 13, 2010, 11:38:49 PM You might even get hurt too Dolph ;) I wasn't referring to the Deer getting seriously injured or dead !Dolph Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: DoubleEagle on December 14, 2010, 01:03:13 AM Yeah I get that. Be careful. I lost a cousin to a deer. I'm blazing hot careful .I know....sounds like an oxymoron but it can be done.....to a point. Dolph Title: you were right :( Post by: matt922 on December 22, 2010, 07:38:41 AM 3-4 months into riding and an old lady pulled right in front of me and i flew about 20-25 feet. I was just released from the hospital after having a rod to put my broken femur(thightbone) back in place.
still undecided about riding again... Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: fastwin on December 22, 2010, 07:58:20 AM Jeez, sorry to hear that. That crap can happen whether you've been riding 3-4 months or 30-40 years. The roads are filled with bad drivers, distracted drivers, careless drivers, old/blind/deaf drivers... the list goes on. Then there's weather and road conditions and your skills or lack there of. It's a lot to process and think about before you decide to get back up on two wheels again. This has been discussed here ad nauseum (OK maybe not that much! [laugh]) but you will do whatever you feel right about doing. If that scares you off from riding again then so be it. Either way, you will be called something by everyone. Smart, brave, chicken, stupid, etc. Who cares? Do what's right for you. After all it's your head, your life and your broken femur.
Just glad you are OK and on the mend. [thumbsup] That's all that really counts. Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: Preisker on December 23, 2010, 07:20:26 AM The last time I hit the pavement (knock on wood), was in '79. A bit of road rash on my arm where my sleeve rolled up. Rode the bike home.
I agree with Dolph, you can't ride scared, it screws your riding up. Coming up on 40 years on 2 wheels. I practice, more or less, every day. I ride my dirtbike as much as I can, but not enough, actually. Also, as with Dolph, I attack the road, riding really agressively, never just "putting around". I think your focus is the main thing that keeps you alive and upright. If I'm not focused, I go home and park it. Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: fastwin on December 23, 2010, 08:33:23 AM +1!
Title: Re: you were right :( Post by: Goat_Herder on December 25, 2010, 12:01:51 AM 3-4 months into riding and an old lady pulled right in front of me and i flew about 20-25 feet. I was just released from the hospital after having a rod to put my broken femur(thightbone) back in place. I am glad you are ok. Having just went thru an freak accident like this, I totally understand what must be going thru your mind about riding. I agree with oldfastwin on doing the right thing for yourself. It's your decision and you must do what feels right for you. There are going to be alot of people telling you what to do and react differently to what you say. It's funny that, after laying in bed for a week, I was feeling pretty down. All I could think of at that time was how great it would be to get back on the bike and go for a ride. I knew then that I will be back when I am well. I am sure you will come to a conclusion at one point and it will be the RIGHT decision for yourself.still undecided about riding again... When people ask me about riding again, my answer has been "definitely yes". For those who doesn't know me well, they would look at me like I am an idiot and would try to talk me out of it. The conversation would usually end of them shaking their heads... My boss (rides a GS and a K bike) is glad that I will be back in the saddle. He even predicted that I will be back on a Ducati. Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: DesmoLu on December 31, 2010, 04:42:35 AM glad to hear you're okay. I've found that the general crash is a good analogy for life in general - there are those who've crashed and then there are those who don't know shit about life at all.
this world is a pretty crazy track. I've always had a hard time explaining it to the people in my life that I need to live mine at all full lean, but just make sure that how ever you decide to ride it that it is YOUR decision! Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: Speedbag on December 31, 2010, 05:02:24 AM Yeah I get that. Be careful. I lost a cousin to a deer. make the beast with two backsing deer. >:( (been a while since I used my catch phrase) Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: hillbillypolack on January 18, 2011, 06:32:21 AM Happy that you're okay. It's true though. Sooner or later you're gonna take a tumble, whether its by your own hand or someone elses. Not fun to see me typing that, but it is true.
That reason right there is why I rarely commute on a cycle. People texting, coffee in hand, talking on cell phones while behind a wheel isn't the crowd I'd choose to ride through. Weekends or an occasional Friday to and from work are my preferences. Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who wi Post by: iRam on January 19, 2011, 04:38:21 PM Nice to know you guys are relatively alright.
No matter how safe we ride, we cant control what the irresponsible drivers out there are doing. So Be extra vigilant, ride smart and hope for the best. Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: scduc on January 20, 2011, 05:39:20 PM I used to think getting on the road before the cager's was the smart thing to do. I've seen a couple of prancers along side the road just waiting to jump out in front of me. I think your better off with cars, because you do not expect them to pull stupid stunts. Deer, you can almost guarantee they'll jump out in front of you. To all that have been down---glad your ok. To those on the waiting list---do not ride like you're planning on going down. Fear is your worst enemy.
Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: fastwin on January 20, 2011, 06:26:11 PM Damn turkeys! [bang] [laugh]
Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: Jarvicious on January 21, 2011, 06:32:26 AM A turkey was almost my first wreck. The back way down to the Duc shop is a pretty good road and just as I was zipping across a bridge over a creek a turkey came flying out of the creek bed. I had to duck under him, otherwise he would have made direct contact with my face bone. Scary stuff.
Title: Re: So there are 2 kind of riders... one who has been in a wreck and one who will Post by: jerryz on January 21, 2011, 06:36:55 AM I am 54 now and been riding since I was 14 ,, i have had 8 minor accidents 4 of which were my fault due to speed ,lack of concentration, experience and dope. And i have had 1 very serios Accident where i was clinicaly dead on the table 3 times ,then a year in hospital and another in a wheelchair but I still ride all the time ...you gotta die sometime might as well be doing something i love preferably sex with a beautiful woman but bikes come second.